Frequently Asked Questions About Raccoons

If you have trees, water, or woods near your home, you most definitely have a nearby raccoon population. Here in Kentucky, raccoons are wide-spread among rural and urban regions and can be found living in all sorts of different habitats and locations. They are an incredibly intelligent and ambitious, giving them have excellent survival skills. If you believe raccoons could be a possible threat to your property, it may help to educate yourself on their species and how to control their nuisance activity.

Continue reading to review some of the most frequently asked questions about raccoons and raccoon control.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

What Does a Raccoon Eat?

Raccoons are omnivores, which means they eat both meat and produce. They also enjoy a diet of berries, acorns, mushrooms, and plant life. They generally dine on fish, small invertebrates, fruits, grubs, insects, vegetables, nuts, grains, and many other foods found in nature. If living nearby water, raccoons will almost always use this as their main source of food. Anything they can grab from the water is a treat, such as salmon, carp, bluegill, frogs, crabs, crayfish, mollusks, worms, and even snakes. They are also known to steal eggs from chicken coups, bird nests, and other hatching grounds.  They can pick their own fruit and vegetables, skim through chicken houses and raid farm crops.  Raccoons will even eat road-kill!

Do Raccoons Hibernate?

During winter in colder regions of the country, some raccoon species will partake in behaviors similar to hibernation, but not hibernation at all. They may take up and stay in their dens for several weeks at a time; sleeping or remaining stagnant, lowering their body temperatures and heart rates too. They may only venture out a few times a week to hunt for food and find water. This behavior is quite similar to an innate habit called torpor, and is what bears essentially do.

Do Raccoons Carry Diseases?

Raccoons are known carriers of several infectious diseases, viruses, and even parasites like lice, fleas, and mites. Not only can these diseases infect people if exposed, they can also threaten the well-being of our pets.  Dogs, cats, and other small animals are at risk of contracted various illnesses and infections from wild raccoons. For this reason, pet vaccinations are vital. Rabies is a common disease contracted and spread by raccoons. Others include canine distemper, roundworm, and leptospirosis.

Will Raccoons Damage My Property?

Raccoons will damage your property, both inside and out depending on how much access they get. An indoor raccoons infestation can breed all sorts of bacteria and unhygienic conditions from leftover urine, droppings, and rotted food. It can also leave behind torn insulation, soiled floorboards, stained ceilings, lingering odors, and much more. Outside is not much different in terms of potential raccoon damage. They like to rip up lawns and garden beds in search of grubs and other invertebrates. They also like to nest under patios and porches, causing the same sort of interior structural damages mentioned before.

Can I Remove Raccoons Myself?

No; and in most states, it is illegal to do so without the proper licenses, permits, and equipment. For this reason, you must never attempt to provoke, touch, catch, trap, harm, or kill a raccoon under any circumstances. It is equally vital to never make a stray baby raccoon your pet. See our blog, “Can I Hunt Wild Raccoons in Kentucky?” to learn about the state laws surrounding raccoon trapping.

How Do I Get Rid of Raccoons in Louisville?

Call 502-553-7622 for safe and humane Louisville raccoon control in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding counties. Our DNR licensed and insured raccoon rescue contractors offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Important Facts About Raccoons and Roundworm

A raccoon could easily be considered one of the most commonly seen species of mammal in Indiana. This is because the state’s raccoon population is on the rise; and has been since the early 1940’s.  Wild raccoons are a vital part of our natural environment and ecosystem; but should be admired from afar.  Apart from their natural instinct to cause trouble and make messes, these mammals are common carriers of contagious diseases and illnesses, like Roundworm. 

Continue reading to learn more about raccoons and roundworm, and how they can also put humans and pets at risk.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Baylisascaris Procyonis

The raccoon roundworm parasite is scientifically known as Baylisascaris Procyonis and is related to the canine roundworm species.  This large-worm parasite is generally found in the small intestines and affects more than half the North American raccoon population.  The mature form of the worm is not harmless to raccoons, but the larval stage can be deadly to humans and other animals.  Once infected, there is no cure; which is why prevention, knowledge, and safety are key factors for protecting your family and pets against deadly parasites like roundworm and more.

A female roundworm can lay hundreds of thousands of eggs inside an adult raccoon per day!  These eggs are subsequently shed in their fecal matter which is where one threat is commonly imposed.  Ingesting this diseased matter can immediately infect a dog, cat, bird, or other small animal.  This is another reason why pet vaccinations are so imperative for dog and cat owners.  On the subject of ingestion, this parasitic infection can also be spread through contaminated soil, water, hands, feet, and even hair.

 If the larva of a raccoon roundworm is ingested, the eggs immediately penetrate the walls of the small intestine, and head straight for the central nervous system.  Depending on the amount of eggs ingested, the severity of the symptoms and condition will differ from case to case. The infection eventually causes blindness, paralysis, and neurological disease.  It is an unforgiving fate for any mammal, including humans.  If the illness is not fatal, it is highly debilitating and devastating.

Raccoon Roundworm Prevention

The best way to prevent the possibility of raccoon roundworm infection is to eliminate any potential raccoon colonies near your home or office.  When it comes to residential neighborhoods, raccoons are attracted to yards with food and water sources.  Things like dog and cat food, water bowls, trash cans, compost bins, kiddie pools, gardens will appeal raccoons on a nightly basis. 

These are intelligent animals and can remember which houses have food and water, and which have shelter and other desirable qualities.  It is recommended to remove trash, garbage cans, pet food, bird feeders, and other food sources from outdoor areas.  Keeping these items behind closed doors will thwart raccoons from entering on your property. 

If you find that you are experiencing a raccoon problem on your property, call your local animal control company for professional assistance.  It is never necessary to kill raccoons, unless for food and hunting purposes.  Be sure to use a trusted company that believes in safe and humane strategies for raccoon control and removal.  Ask for references, licenses, and company background information to get a better idea about the company you intend to hire.

Who to Call for Louisville Raccoon Control

Call us today at 502-553-7622 for professional Louisville raccoon control services today. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

The Urgency of Emergency Raccoon Removal

If you are experiencing raccoon activity around your house, it is important to take action fast before the issue can get out of hand. Continue reading to learn why it is so vital to remedy a nuisance raccoon problem as soon as possible, and how to get started.

Louisville Raccoon Removal
Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Raccoons Remember Everything and Stop at Nothing

As a naturally spirited and determined species, raccoons will stop at nothing to get something they want, including admittance into homes and buildings. Residential and commercial real estate are the most common targets, so if you have already noticed raccoon activity in or around your neighborhood, it is certainly something to be concerned about. You see, raccoons have excellent memory capabilities. This means it is very likely that they will continue to revisit your house night after night, if you have already spotted raccoons sniffing around your property. Until you intervene, nuisance raccoon activity only worsens as time goes on.

Raccoons are highly destruction to all interior and exterior areas of a property, including roofs, siding, decks, porches, garages, sheds, playsets, attics, gardens, lawns, and more. If they get inside, like in the attic, they will soil everything with their droppings, and create huge messes consisting of decaying food, nesting debris, and more. They will damage insulation, floorboards, electrical wiring, and anything else they can get their human-like paws on. Their amazing dexterity allows them to open windows, unlock doors, pry off shingles, and much more. To protect your property from raccoon damage, you must intervene as soon as you notice signs of tampering.

Common Signs of Raccoon Activity:

↬ Raccoon Droppings
↬ Raccoon Prints
↬ Strange Noises (Chatter, Scratching, Purring, Thumping, Etc.)
↬ Structural Damage
↬ Torn Insulation
↬ Stained Ceilings
↬ Rummaged Garbage Cans
↬ Pried Roof Shingles
↬ Disconnected Gutters
↬ Holes around the Exterior of The House
↬ Holes in Roof
↬ Lingering Indoor Odors
↬ Trash and Debris in Unoccupied Areas
↬ Nesting Evidence
↬ Missing or Rifled Pet Food
↬ Tampered Bird and Squirrel Feeder

Health and Safety Concerns

Raccoons are among the most destructive nuisance species around, as they are known to cause an extensive amount of interior and exterior damage. Not only are they unbelievably destructive, they are also known carriers of several infectious diseases, some of which can be fatal to pets, young children, and individuals with suppressed immunity. These diseases can range in severity, from lice and fleas, to Distemper, Roundworm, Leptospirosis, Rabies, and more.

Their potential for disruption, disease, and damage makes raccoons a triple threat to urban and suburban neighborhoods. Be sure to contact a licensed Kentucky raccoon removal and control expert for safe and non-lethal raccoon abatement you can trust. They can implement all sorts of proven strategies to animal-proof your home and surrounding property.

Non-Lethal, Humane Raccoon Control in Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 for safe, non-lethal Louisville raccoon removal in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding counties. Our DNR licensed and insured raccoon rescue contractors offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Why You Need an Annual Raccoon Control Inspection Right Now

This time of year, the weather is changing, and many other aspects of nature are changing along with it. Leaves are turning color and dropping from canopies, bodies of water are getting cooler at pace with the climate, and as expected, animals of all species are preparing their winter homes. But of all the wildlife that burrows or hibernates for the winter season, raccoons are the species to be most concerned about, mostly because they are the most intelligent. That is why you need an annual raccoon control inspection, this very minute.

Continue reading to learn what you need to know about raccoon control and annual inspections.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoons are Too Smart and Too Ambitious

Raccoons are smart, and they have dexterous paws that allow them to pry, grasp, and manipulate the world around them. They are also incredibly motivated and ambitious, partly due to their innate curiosity, but also because of their will to survive. These characteristics and qualities put raccoons at the top of residential and commercial nuisance animal lists.

Right now, raccoons are doing their due diligence to scope and source out food, as well as, locate suitable shelter. One of the most common places raccoons like to take shelter for the winter is our very own homes; attics especially. Roofs, siding, soffits, and more are torn and ripped to gain access to areas of a home. Crawl spaces, garages, porches, and decks are additional areas of interest for raccoons.

Worst of all, raccoons are very destructive and pose several dangers to our health and safety. They will rummage through garbage, dig up lawns, clear out gardens, tear off roof shingles, pry open soffits, rip down attic insulation, soil ceilings and drywall, and much more. And to make matters worse, raccoons are common carriers of several infectious diseases. The extent of damage and danger they can cause is only limited by their ability to access non-permitted areas, like our homes and commercial properties.

Raccoon Control Inspections

These reasons and more are why it is time to have your home inspected for vulnerabilities, openings, and perhaps an existing infestation. A full-service raccoon control inspection will examine all interior and exterior areas of a home, and address any needs for sealing or repair. Furthermore, additional strategies are made to abate nuisance raccoon activity, such as environmental modifications and similar industry-proven strategies.

Raccoon Removal and Control Follow Up

Removing raccoons is the first step, but it is not the last. Once raccoons are gone, there is still a big mess to deal with afterwards. Droppings, urine, breeding fluids, rotted food, torn insulation, and soiled floorboards are common types of destruction leftover from a raccoon infestation. Not only do these damages reduce your property’s value, they also pose serious health and structural safety concerns. For this reason, it is imperative to authorize professional raccoon cleanup and damage repair immediately following extraction to return the inside of your property back into a safe environment.

Louisville Raccoon Control Services

Call 502-553-7622 if you are experiencing raccoon problems in Louisville, Kentucky. We offer residential and commercial raccoon control, as well as, raccoon removal, proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. We may even be able to perform home owners’ insurance claim work. Request a free estimate or advice, anytime. Request a free estimate, anytime.

Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

The Quickest Way to Get Rid of Raccoons

When it comes to raccoon removal, it is crucial to know what you are doing.  That is why it is highly recommended to always hire a professional raccoon control company to get rid of raccoons in your home or property.  This is the quickest, easiest, safest, and most importantly, humanist method of raccoon extraction and exclusion.

Continue reading to learn why you should always enlist the services of a licensed raccoon removal company to abate raccoon activity in or around your home.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

The Importance of PROMPTNESS

As mentioned before, raccoons can be dangerous, which is why A) you should never attempt to touch, trap, harm, or kill a raccoon under any circumstances, and B) always hire a DNR licensed wildlife removal expert for help with nuisance raccoon problems. Safe and humane raccoon removal requires specialized equipment, knowledge, experience, and STATE PERMITS.

Raccoon Behaviors in Residential Settings

Raccoons like to nest in dark areas of a home. Attics, crawl spaces, and garages are common areas where raccoon colonies are found.  Here, they will breed, eat, sleep, and yes, defecate all over the place. Once summer arrives, they often change to a summer location where the environment is much cooler.

Having raccoons in the attic or other area inside your home can lead to a long list of severe damages; all of which require time and money to repair. Raccoons will soil everything in sight with droppings and urine, including floorboards, ceilings, insulation, and more. They are no stranger to chewing through electrical wiring and other attic components as well.

Not only do raccoon colonies have to be removed from homes; but cleanup, repairs and renovations need to be seen through. A person that is not experienced in this type of scene can hurt themselves and their home by attempting this job on their own. 

Professional Raccoon Control

A professional raccoon removal company retains all the latest technologies, and proper equipment to handle raccoon infestation issues.  Not only are they equipped with the right tools; they have years of experience accumulating knowledge in the raccoon removal industry.  A professional can safely and humanely remove raccoons from a property, as well as, repair, renovate, and implement raccoon prevention, all in one service. 

These types of repairs are serious and require the highest level of expertise.  If you get a cheaper company, it may lead to incorrect work and costlier repairs down the road.  Hire a reputable company that has been doing raccoon control for a long time and can provide honest and straightforward answers.

24 Hour Raccoon Removal in Louisville

Call 502-553-7622 if you are experiencing raccoon problems in Louisville, Kentucky. We offer residential and commercial raccoon removal and control, as well as, raccoon proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. We may even be able to perform home owners’ insurance claim work. Request a free estimate or advice, anytime. Request a free estimate, anytime.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Why are Raccoons in Your Garbage?

Are you outside refilling your trashcans because some pesky raccoons pillaged your garbage again last night? Well, there is a very good reason why this continues to happen. In fact, there are several. Read on to learn why you have raccoons in your garbage, and what you can do to put a stop to their nuisance behaviors.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

▷ Raccoons are Omnivorous

Raccoons are omnivores, like us, which means they eat all food groups, including meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy, legumes, and more. Informally, raccoons are what we call “opportunistic feeders”, which means they will basically eat anything, as well as, do whatever it takes to gain access to discovered food sources. This includes your garbage.

▷ Raccoons are Bad at Hunting

Although raccoons are incredibly intelligent mammals with excellent memory, dexterous paws, and excellent climbing abilities, they are actually very bad at hunting. So when they find a worthy and reliable food source, they stick with it for as long as they can, or until it is gone. When raccoons know your garbage cans are a free, nightly buffet, they will remember and revisit for as long as the garbage is there.

▷ Raccoons Can Open Lids

As mentioned, raccoons have dexterous paws and claws, which give them the ability to grasp, pull, and pry. So when you think your trashcans are safe because they have lids, think again. Raccoons can easily climb trashcans, open them up, and pull out as much garbage as they can reach. They can even open latches and locks, untie ropes, and achieve other simple feats that only require a little tampering.

What You Need to Do

All you have to do is stop leaving your garbage cans outside. Furthermore, wait to put your garbage cans at the curb for pickup on the morning of trash collection day. Raccoons are nocturnal, so you are handing over your trash by putting out your garbage the night before. If you must leave your trash receptacles outside, invest in some quality lid locks. You can find these at your local home improvement store or online.

Still Have Raccoon Activity Around the House?

If you are experiencing raccoon problems, let us help. We offer 24 hour raccoon removal, as well as, raccoon proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. We are DNR licensed and insured, and provide both residential and commercial raccoon control services in Louisville, Kentucky and throughout its surrounding areas. Call us directly at 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or advice, today.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

How to Stop Raccoons From Harming Your Property

Wild raccoons can pose a threat to humans and pets if paths are crossed at the wrong times. This is because raccoons, along with other wild animals, can carry infectious diseases. These diseases and infections can be quickly passed along through a possible bite, scratch, or attack. A raccoon will attack out of self-defense or to protect it’s young. Even if raccoon bites and confrontation are avoided, there are other ways raccoons can be dangerous for us and our pets.

You see, raccoon urine and droppings can also carry infections and bacteria that are harmful if accidentally or unknowingly ingested. Dogs and cats are known to track traces of raccoon droppings into the house where it can come in contact with everyone and spread quickly among the family. Illnesses such as roundworm, Rabies, Leptospirosis, and more are commonly spread by raccoons. So how can you protect your home from wild raccoons and avoid potential dangers? 

Continue reading and learn some simple and full-proof methods to protecting your home from raccoons and other wild animals.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Prevention 101

There are several quick tips on how to stop raccoons from entering your property.  Things like everyday chores, pet care routines, and simple handy work can all be a good place to start making changes.  For example, one way to keep raccoons away from your property is to thwart their desire to come in the first place. This means stop doing things that make raccoons interesting in visiting your house.  Don’t leave garbage cans outside and easily accessible to raccoons.  They are scavengers at heart and can smell food scraps from miles away. 

If you are in the habit of taking your garbage out the night before trash day, it is good idea to stop. Raccoons will come and they will remember your home as a dependable source of food; so they will return night after night seeking more opportunities you are giving away.  Leaving pet food dishes outdoors is like feeding raccoons directly, night after night.  Raccoons love the taste of pet food and will come back every night for it.  It is always recommended to leave pet food inside in a secure place.

Another factor that attracts raccoons to residential areas is shelter availability.  Loose shingles in the roof, cracks in the attic window seals, and unlocked sheds or garages become a raccoon colonies dream come true in poor weather.  They will seek out warm shelter anywhere around their food sources.  This means your house.  To prevent raccoons from squeezing their way inside your home, take out the old tool belt and implement a little home maintenance.  Secure locks, seal windows, fix any loose roof shingles, and more.  This can help protect your home and keep raccoons away for good.

The best way to prevent raccoons from entering your property is to make sure they do not already have access inside.  Call a professional raccoon control company to inspect your property for signs of raccoon infestations and damages. The sooner you find raccoon problems, the less expensive and extensive the damages and repairs will be.  A professional can also facilitate proper raccoon-proofing strategies that will eliminate raccoon invasions altogether.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Call 502-553-7622 for safe and humane Louisville raccoon removal and control services you can trust. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Wild Raccoons Aren’t Really Wild Anymore

When you hear the term, “wild raccoons”, you imagine a raccoon in nature, going about their business within their colony. But the truth is, raccoons are not really that wild anymore. In fact, it is less likely to spot a raccoon in the great wide open than in your local community. Nowadays, raccoons are more urban than wild, and there are many reasons why.

Continue reading to learn what has caused the transition of raccoons from wild to urban, and how to protect yourself and your property from nuisance raccoon interference.

Non-Lethal Raccoon Control
Non-Lethal Raccoon Control 502-553-7622

A Fair Warning

Just because raccoons are found more in our local cities and neighborhoods, they are still technically wild animals, and behave as such. For this reason, always avoid raccoon encounters at all costs, and never, under any circumstances, attempt to touch, trap, harm, or kill a raccoon. See our blog, “Can I Hunt Wild Raccoons in Kentucky?” to learn state laws surrounding raccoon tampering.

Raccoon Habitats

Raccoons are generally known to make their homes in hollowed trees, large rock crevices, and similar hidden locations. However, raccoons are more commonly making their homes inside our homes. Common nesting areas in residential and commercial settings include attics, crawl spaces, beneath porches and decks, sheds, barns, tree houses, and much more.

Raccoons are found more in urban settings than in natural settings because they are a very wise species. They are intelligent and have excellent memory capabilities, but they are also incredibly motivated to find food and shelter. With these attributes combined, raccoons know where the best sources for their priorities can be found; and they can all be found in our communities. Raccoons raid dumpsters, trashcans, gardens, garages, bird baths, koi ponds, and more, for anything to eat. They also use their human-like paws to pry open doors and windows, rip off siding and roof shingles, and more, all to access the areas they want.

Another umbrella reason why raccoons are found more in our areas than in nature is due to land over-development. The more we develop land into residential and commercial complexes, the less space and natural habitats raccoons and other nuisance wildlife have to establish and maintain homes for themselves. As a result, wildlife moves in with us.

Non-Lethal, Humane Raccoon Control in Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 for safe, non-lethal Louisville raccoon control in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding counties. Our DNR licensed and insured raccoon rescue contractors offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Where to Get Fast Raccoon Removal Service in Louisville

When you need emergency raccoon removal service at a price that you can afford, there are not many companies to turn to in Louisville. Only our DNR licensed and insured specialists have the knowledge, experience, and resources to safely and humanely remove and abate nuisance raccoons at the most economical price in town.

Continue below to learn what we can do to solve your nuisance raccoon problems, why you should choose us, and how to get started for FREE!

Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Problems are a Thing of the Past

When raccoons become a nuisance, the damages can start to add up. In fact, there could be raccoons in the attic of your home right now causing extensive damage to attic insulation, floorboards, electrical wiring, and more, and you don’t even know it is happening! This is a common situation among commercial and residential property owners. And the only way to avoid this is with preventative maintenance and prompt removal.

Act Fast Before the Consequences Add Up

If you have noticed raccoons on your Louisville property, you can be sure that you’ll continue to have a raccoon problem on your hands until you do something about it. Fortunately for you, our DNR licensed and insured wildlife rescue contractors offer affordable and safe solutions for raccoon problems for both commercial and residential properties.

Safe, Non-Lethal Service You Can Trust

But if you are worried about how the raccoons will be treated, you can finally put your concerns behind you because we strictly adhere to non-lethal raccoon removal and control practices, as well as, operate within all local and federal laws that govern wildlife trapping and relocation. Best of all, our services come at a price you can afford to pay! We serve both residential and commercial properties in Louisville, and throughout its outer areas.

Contact Us Today

We are truly your solution to affordable protection against raccoon trespassing, infestation, and damages. We offer a wide range of services, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. We may even be able to work with your homeowners’ insurance provider for raccoon damage repairs and restorations. To get started, simply contact our office at 502-553-7622 and request a free quote for raccoon removal and control in Louisville, Kentucky.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

What is Digging Up My Mulch at Night?

Mulch is nutrient rich, making it the ideal place for living organisms to thrive, including earthworms, grubs, and larvae. Unfortunately, there are several animals that love to eat these creatures for a mid-night snack. If you have noticed that your freshly-lain mulch is pulverized by morning, then you may very well have an unwanted nocturnal house guest.

Continue reading to learn which species of wildlife are known for this particular foraging behavior, and what you can do to put a stop to your nightly mulch bed pillages.

Raccoons Looking for Food in a Backyard During the Day

Furry, Four-Legged Critters

Chipmunks and squirrels are very adorable, but they are also notorious for digging up mulch and flower beds. What are they looking for? Well, not the juicy grubs and worms mentioned before, but rather, their stashes of nuts and other foraged findings! That’s right; chipmunks and squirrels gather their treasures and then hide them in the ground.

The problem is, they forget where they hide them and dig everything up in site, or, they hide their stuff right in your mulch bed and create a huge mess retrieving them. Either way, it is considered a nuisance. Rabbits, opossum, and mice are three additional types of animals that are known to dig up mulch in search of insects, grubs, and even flower bulbs. Furthermore, dogs are also common culprits.

Nuisance Raccoons

Raccoons are one of the most common culprits behind late-night mulch pillaging. Not only do they have highly dexterous, human-like paws that allow them to easily move around mulch and matter, they also retain excellent memory capacities, which allows them to remember where all the good grub and termite hunting spots are in the neighborhood.

This means that a raccoon problem is typically a persistent one, as they are not likely to stop unless whatever it is that they want is no longer available, or they are incapable of obtaining access. Nuisance raccoons is something that requires professional intervention if you want to put a stop to such activity, safely and humanely.

Safely Repel Raccoons

You can make a homemade repellent to keep nuisance raccoons out of your mulch beds at night. There are many spices and seasonings that wild raccoons do not like. In fact, they hate them so much they will stay far away from any signs of these flavorings we so fondly use. Such spices include cinnamon, cayenne pepper, crushed red pepper, black pepper, and any other spices that are very strong and will irritate a raccoons senses (vision, sinuses, smell, etc.). Use just one, or mixed together a combination of the spices and sprinkle them around the perimeter of your yard. Also sprinkle the mix and areas where you have spotted raccoons. Be sure your cats and dogs do not have access to these areas because the spices will irritate their senses as well.

Who to Call for Louisville Raccoon Control

Call 502-553-7622 for Louisville raccoon removal and control services you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured raccoon removal and control experts with over 25 years of experience in the raccoon industry. We have all the latest technologies and equipment to carry out safe and humane raccoon control and cleanup jobs. Request a free estimate, today.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control