Fall is the perfect time of year to have your home and property inspected for animal invasion, as well as, vulnerable spots that could let animals in for the winter. At this time, many nuisance animals, including raccoons and bats, are looking for warm and safe shelters to hibernate and breed their young through the winter. If your home is located near wooded lots or forested areas, or you frequently spot raccoons and other wild animals around your neighborhood, then animal proofing is an important service to consider. This is because once animals use your property for a home for the winter, you can expect a huge mess to clean up, costly structural damages, and possible health hazards.
Fortunately, Raccoon Removal Louisville offers affordable attic and property inspects, animal-proofing services, and much more for the fall season. You can protect your home and your family from raccoon dangers with one simple phone call to us! You can reach our friendly and knowledgeable company representatives at 502-553-7622 to ask about our raccoon removal and control services we offer in Louisville, Kentucky.
Get Affordable Fall Raccoon Control Deals!
When you call our office, you can expect a warm hello and an abundance of helpful information. Our wildlife technicians are licensed by the Department of Natural Resources, so they are professionally certified and trained. They show up on-time, neatly dressed, and fully-equipped to work. We only use safe and humane, non-lethal methods to extract raccoons and prevent their return. We will also educate you on how to keep raccoons away by changing certain home habits. For example, you should not leave pet food or garbage cans outside, overnight. And consider installing motion sensor lighting to thwart nighttime animal activity around your house.
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control
Stop a raccoon infestation before it can get out of control over the winter. Call Raccoon Removal Louisville at 502-553-7622 for attic inspections and raccoon-proofing services right away. We offer free estimates, as well as, minor attic restorations, minor repairs caused by raccoons, and more. Call 52-553-7622 and talk to a DNR licensed Louisville raccoon removal and control contractor about getting rid of raccoons in the attic this fall.