There are so many reasons why wild raccoons do not make good pets for adults and children alike. A wild animal is a wild animal cannot be domesticated easily. Only trained wildlife professionals and rescue enthusiasts like zookeepers, are the only people that should ever domesticate wild raccoon or any other animal. There are some reasons why raccoons are not good pets even though many people have turned raccoon pets into a trend. This is unfair for wild raccoons because they are meant to be free and in the wild. If you happen to run across the wild raccoon pup, a baby raccoon, you should never touch it or come close to it. There are several reasons for this as well.
Raccoons, or any other wild, can be carriers of dangerous contagious diseases. Rabies is always the first disease that people think about when it comes to wild animal diseases. This is accurate because rabies is a very common disease found in raccoons and other wild animals. On top of rabies, there are other infectious diseases, such as:
• Canine Distemper
• Leptospirosis
• Parvo
• Canine Hepatitis
• And Other Viral in Bacterial Diseases
It doesn’t stop here. There are other reasons why you should never touch or take in a stranded baby raccoon. First of all, the baby raccoon may seem like it is stranded; however, the mother raccoon may be in search of it. Also, there may be a reason my baby raccoon is all by itself. This means it may have been left behind purposely because it’s sick or dying.
Another reason why pet raccoons are problematic is the lack of domestication over the past 20 centuries. Dogs and cats have been domesticated for thousands of years which is why they make great pets. It is ingrained in their natural instincts to be trained to obey and assist their masters. While raccoons on the other hand, will never cease their natural instincts to do what wild animals do. This means they are likely to tear apart pillows and couch cushions to nest and, as well as, use your property as toilet. All of this behavior is likely to be out of your control as well. Raccoon domestication is not recommended by wildlife rescue professionals, as well as, wildlife control specialist. If you ever find a stranded raccoon, the baby or not, contact a professional raccoon removal service immediately. They retain the proper equipment, training, knowledge, and tools to safely inhumanely remove the raccoon and relocated to a safer habitat.
Call Raccoon Removal Louisville at 502-553-7622 for more information about raccoon control services in Kentucky. We are highly trained and DNR licensed to facilitate several raccoon control services; such as raccoon removal, prevention, animal proofing, raccoon cleanup, property inspections, and much more. Contact Raccoon Removal Louisville 502-553-7622 today if you have raccoons in the attic or on your property in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding counties.