Educational Facts About the Common Raccoon

Use these fun and interesting facts to educate kids about the most well-known, native raccoon species in North America; the Common Raccoon!

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control Services
Raccoon is a medium-sized mammal native to North America.

Fun Facts About the Procyon Lotor!

The Common Raccoon is scientifically called Procyon Lotor. Other nicknames include the North American Raccoon, Northern Raccoon, or just Coon. They are the largest animal in the Procyonid family.

Raccoon homes are called dens.  Raccoons dwell in their raccoon dens, often times being a hollow log, an empty burrow, or a hole in a tree.  This is where they breed and sleep, as well as hibernate.  Yes, raccoons hibernate during cold seasons.

Raccoons hibernate.  As revealed before, raccoons hibernate in their dens during harsh or cold times.  Their hibernation periods, however, only last a few weeks, rather than the entire season.  Before hibernation periods, raccoons will build up calories and layers of fat to keep them warm and satisfied during hibernating times. 

Raccoons have predators.  Although raccoons are among some of the cleverest creatures in the wild, they still have other animals hunting them and marking them as food.  Such predators are cougars, coyotes, bobcats, and even domesticated dogs.  Most residential raccoons, however, meet their demise on busy roads and highways rather than dogs.

There are 6 Species of Raccoons in the U.S.  Most people are unaware that there are different types of raccoon species.  It is interesting that there are a variety of raccoons specific to their environments.  The six species are the Hilton Head Island raccoon, the Chesapeake Bay Raccoon, the Eastern raccoon, the Florida Raccoon, the Matecumbe Bay Raccoon, and the Alabama Raccoon.  In the world there are millions of raccoon species.

No person has ever been infected with rabies from a raccoon. There is no documented case of anyone ever becoming infected with rabies from a raccoon bite. Stereotypes, movies, and stories about vicious raccoons attacking people while foaming at the mouth has given raccoons a bad reputation.  The truth is, raccoons are not afraid of people, but they do not trust them.  They avoid human contact as much as they can.  If it is provoked, there is a chance a raccoon can attack in attempt to defend themselves or their litters.  It is best not to disturb a raccoon if you ever come across one. 

Raccoons are diurnal. This means they can make their homes above ground, below ground, or in trees.  Raccoons prefer to not dig their own homes if living under ground; instead, they use abandoned burrows that other animals had dug before.

Raccoons are known as pests in neighborhoods and cities. To reduce nuisance raccoon activity, it is strongly encouraged to seek professional assistance from a Kentucky wildlife removal company. Never attempt to tamper with raccoons on your own. See our blog, “Can I Hunt Wild Raccoons in Kentucky?” to learn the laws that govern wildlife trapping in our state.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Call 502-553-7622 for safe and humane Louisville raccoon removal services today. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Will an Outdoor Cat Keep Raccoons Away?

Perhaps you have a barn cat. Or just a pet cat that knows exactly where home is, but wanders around outside exploring as they please. Regardless of your cat situation, if they are an outdoor pet, is it likely that you have seen them catch a few mice or frogs before.

Maybe this pattern has led you to believe that your outdoor cat will also fend off other nuisance pests and wildlife. And although cats can scare away squirrels and rabbits, there are some things in nature cats are not meant to take on, and raccoons are one of them.

Continue reading to learn what you need to know about outdoor cats and wild raccoons.

Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoons are dangerous to pets and people. Cats should never be allowed to attack or fend off raccoons under any circumstances. If you know there is raccoon activity around your property, do not let your cat (or dog) outdoors unsupervised after the sun goes down. Here are the primary dangers of raccoons:

Raccoon Diseases

Raccoons are known carriers of several infectious and highly-contagious diseases. Among these various illnesses, one of the scariest is Rabies. Rabies is a virus that, once infected, is fatal 100% of the time. Other diseases and illnesses include Roundworm, Distemper, Leptospirosis, lice, mites, ticks, fleas, and more. Not only can these diseases and pests be transferred to another animal, such as your pet cat, they can also be transmitted to humans.

Pet Vaccinations

Cats and dogs are common victims of raccoon attacks because they are usually curious and like to sniff. As a result, thousands of pets have contracted Rabies and other infectious diseases from raccoons and other wild animal species. For this reason, it is vital to have your pet (cat or dog) vaccinated annually against Rabies and more. Read our recent blog, “What You Need to Know About Rabies Vaccinations” to learn more.

Louisville Raccoon Control

Louisville Raccoon Removal

If you have a raccoon problem around you property and a pet that likes to be outdoors, you need prompt and professional raccoon abatement that works. Call 502-553-7622 for DNR licensed Louisville raccoon control services that are both safe and humane. We also provide cleanup services and minor attic restorations from raccoon damages. Request a free estimate, today.

What You Need to Know About Rabies Vaccinations

Wild animals are common carriers of the Rabies virus. Many species, especially raccoons, can pass the virus along to other animals and humans through saliva, blood, and other bodily fluids. If you have a curious pet that likes to explore the yard, or you work in a field that may expose you to exotic wildlife like bats and raccoons, it is important to get vaccinated.

Continue reading to learn what you need to know about rabies vaccines, for both people and pets.

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Rabies Vaccines for Pets

The Kentucky Administrative Code statute states that all dogs, cats, and ferrets must be vaccinated at 4 months of age, and then re-vaccinated annually, and then re-vaccinated according to manufacturer’s instructions. Pet vaccinations must be administered by a licensed and accredited veterinarian.

Rabies Vaccines for Humans

All cases of rabies in humans were fatal until the vaccine was invented in the early 1900’s. Now, if a person is ever infected with Rabies, they can go to the emergency room and receive effective treatment to stop the virus from multiplying. Rabies vaccinations for children and adults are inexpensive and can be outsourced at any local clinic or medical office. Families can also contact passport health clinics and speak with health travel medical specialists about receiving vaccinations for the rabies virus. Even after exposure, a rabies vaccination can be given to a human for added assurance and protection.

Oral Rabies Vaccines – ORV’s

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, as well as their Wildlife Services department, have been working together or many years to overcome the rabies epidemics plaguing our pets and animals in our nature’s wildlife. For this reason, over the past few decades many states have utilized oral rabies vaccines (ORV’s) in an attempt to control the spread of the rabies virus among their local wildlife.

Rabies Vaccination Schedules

Pre-Exposure Schedule:

Three Doses Total
2nd Dose Administered 7 Days Following First Dose
3rd Dose Administered 21-28 Days Following First Dose

Post-Exposure Schedule:

Four Doses Total Plus One Additional Shot
2nd Dose Administered 3 Days Following First Dose
3rd Dose Administered 7 Days Following First Dose
4th Dose Administered 14 Days Following First Dose
Additional Shot of Rabies Immune Globulin with First Dose

Post-Exposure Schedule for Someone Previously Vaccinated:

Two Doses Total
2nd Dose Administered 3 Days Following First Dose
Rabies Immune Globulin Dose Not Necessary

How to Protect Yourself

To best avoid potential exposure to the rabies virus, it is important to avoid contact with wild animals. This includes injured or orphaned ones. If you have raccoons on your property, contact a local animal control service to have them safely and humanely removed.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 if you are experiencing raccoon problems in Louisville, Kentucky. We offer residential and commercial raccoon removal and control, as well as, raccoon proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. Request a free estimate, anytime.

How to Keep Raccoons Away From Your House

Due to the overwhelming increase of new housing developments and subdivisions, raccoons have been indirectly forced out of their natural habitat. This causes a higher population of raccoons in residential areas. To make matters more challenging for homeowners, raccoons are very clever and have excellent memory retention, which means they are fully-aware that suburban areas are easy sources for food and shelter.

If you have noticed some increased raccoon activity around your home, now is the time to take action before they can create a habit, or cause any costly damage. Continue reading to learn what you can do to keep raccoons away from your house without harming them in any way.

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

What They Want From You

Raccoons are interested in anything they can get their paws on, literally. They are naturally very curious and clever mammals. So if there is something around your property that will attract wild animals, then you will certainly attract raccoons.

First and foremost, raccoons are looking for food and water. Many homeowners have outdoor storage areas, such as sheds, garages, barns, and similar edifices. And if items like pet food, horse feed, non-perishables, or any other possible food sources, are left in these areas, raccoons will do whatever it takes to access it all.

To thwart raccoon activity altogether, you must remove all food and water sources, including pet bowls, bird baths, and certain plants. If you have a garden, then utilize fences, chicken wire, and even homemade raccoon repellent to prevent raccoons from stealing your crops. Raccoons are also known to dig up lawns in search of grubs, so if you have a grub problem, you might also get a raccoon problem.

Raccoons are also on the lookout for shelter. Things like log piles, playgrounds, dumpsters, hollow trees, voids beneath decks and porches, tree houses, pet houses, and sheds are common target areas for raccoons to shack up. Be sure to address these areas before winter arrives, to stop any infestations from occurring.

Mind Your Garbage

Another common habit that homeowners have is taking out their garbage cans the night before trash pickup day. Although this habit is likely more convenient, it is not worth walking outside to a front yard that has all of last week’s rubbish scattered everywhere.

Raccoons are nocturnal and they go searching for food at night. Unsuspecting garbage cans are often times their favorite targets. So be sure to take your garbage out the morning of your scheduled trash pickup day to prevent scavenging raccoons.

When Nothing Seems to Help

When you just can’t seem to get a nuisance raccoon problem under control, it is time for some professional help. Contact a licensed and insured Louisville raccoon removal and control company for help raccoon-proofing your property. They have the skills, experience, and resources to safely resolve a nuisance raccoon issue at a fair price.

Louisville Raccoon Control Solutions

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 for professional Louisville raccoon removal services today. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

The Cheapest Options for Raccoon Control

When it comes to getting rid of pesky raccoons, most homeowners are looking for an effective, but inexpensive option. Fortunately, this is possible with the right knowledge and materials. Continue reading to learn which options are the cheapest for raccoon control.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Environmental Modifications

The absolute cheapest method of non-professional, do-it-yourself raccoon control is environmental modification and monitoring. This entails nightly observations and daily logs to record when and where the raccoon activity is taking place on your property, followed by making changes to the surrounding environmental to thwart raccoons from returning night after night.

Basically, you must find out what it is that’s attracting nuisance wildlife to your yard, and then eliminate what that may be. Most likely, it is food and water, such as pet bowls, water dishes, bird baths, squirrel feeders, accessible garbage or compose piles, and any other possible forms of food, water, or shelter.

A costlier, but still affordable, method of environmental modification is to install motion-sensing lighting, automatic sound machines, or premise fencing. You can also place a small stereo or radio in the area that has the most activity, and leave it on a talk station, overnight. This can trick raccoons into thinking there are humans around, in which case, they would steer clear.

Homemade Raccoon Repellent

Another highly effective and affordable option is to make your own homemade raccoon repellent spray. You may not even need to buy supplies if you have them at home already. All you need is a plastic spray bottle, some water, and a few household spices or essential oils. Raccoons hate cinnamon, cayenne pepper, black pepper, chili powder, eucalyptus, menthol, spearmint, peppermint, and similar strong scents and spices.

Simply mix these with water and spray the perimeter of your property. Apply your solution more generously in areas where raccoons hang out the most. Just be careful with pets that wander outside since the spray can also irritate their nose, mouths, eyes, and throat.

The Importance of Raccoon Removal

If you have raccoons in the attic or other area within your home, you cannot put a price on safety and comfort. Not only are raccoons incredibly destructive, they are known carriers of several infectious diseases that can be passed onto people and pets. So regardless of how expensive it is to resolve a raccoon infestation, it must be done without questions. The massive mess will only continue to get more expensive as time goes on, so the best route for saving money when it comes to a raccoon infestation is to tackle the problem right away. The longer raccoons are living in your home or building, the more damage will occur, making the restoration project more expensive.

Louisville Raccoon Control

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 for DNR licensed Louisville raccoon control services that are both safe and humane. We never harm or kill raccoons, and neither should you! Instead, enlist the services of our licensed wildlife rescue contractors for non-lethal raccoon exclusion and control. We don’t just get rid of raccoons, we also provide cleanup services and minor attic restorations from raccoon damages. Request a free estimate, today.

How to Solve a Grub Worm Problem

Raccoons are omnivores, meaning they eat everything from fruits and vegetables, to meat, eggs, small animals, and of course, insects. One of the most easily accessible and delicious insects to get ahold of are lawn grubs; and no raccoon can turn down a big, juicy grub worm! For this reason, several property owners have a raccoon problem because they have a lawn grub problem. So it would be wise to get rid of grub worms in order to thwart raccoon activity on your property.

Continue reading to learn what you need to know about solving your grub worm conundrum.

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Regardless if you have raccoons coming around every night or not, grub worms are not something you want in your lawn. In addition to inviting unwanted pests like raccoons to dig up the sod in hunt of them, grub worms do their own kind of aesthetic damage. Mostly, they cause the grass to die, leaving behind unsightly brown lawn patches that peel away like carpet. If you have this problem, it could be grub worms.

Getting Rid of Lawn Grubs

Lawn grubs generally turn into Japanese beetles. These species are known to lay their eggs in the middle of the summer in areas of your lawn that get the most sun, which means the signs become apparent in late summer and early fall. If you peel up a portion of your grass and find more than 5 grubs per quarter square foot, you need treatment.

All you have to do to solve a lawn grub problem is learn how to identify the activity and stop it from spreading. You can do this with a simple over-the-counter grub worm treatment solution available at any local gardening or home improvement store, or you can make your own homemade solution using milky spore, neem oil, or nematodes.

It is best to apply grub worm treatment as soon as you know they are present. In the late summer or early fall is when the worms are still young, small, and close to the surface of the ground. During this time, they are more susceptible to extermination. Do not wait until the following spring to treat a grub infestation, because by that time, they will be very large and more difficult to eliminate.

Louisville Raccoon Control

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 for DNR licensed raccoon control services that are both safe and humane. We never harm or kill raccoons, and neither should you! Instead, enlist the services of our licensed wildlife rescue contractors for non-lethal raccoon exclusion and control. We don’t just get rid of raccoons, we also provide cleanup services and minor attic restorations from raccoon damages. Request a free estimate, today.

How to Fend Off Raccoons Around a Campsite

Camping is a wonderful pastime that anyone can enjoy, regardless of age or gender. But it is hard to enjoy your campfire with family and friends when pesky raccoons are impeding on the fun. Although raccoons are in their own “territory” so-to-speak, they are not safe to have looming around. Not only will they cause a terrible mess and a long list of destruction, they can pose several health and safety risks.

Raccoons are known carriers of several infectious diseases and parasites, and may even attack if ill, provoked, or frightened. Needless to say, if you are planning a camping trip, be sure you know how to fend off nuisance raccoons, safely and humanely. Continue reading to learn some important tips that will help.

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Modify the Environment

Be prepared to make certain changes to your campsite surroundings to ensure raccoons are not attracted to the area. Raccoons will be attracted by food, mostly. You can take the necessary precautions to secure trashcan lids, set up motion detection lighting, protect food reserves, eliminate standing water pools, and securing windows and doors to cabins or tents. Also try to eliminate potential hiding spots for raccoons. If they do not feel like they can go about their business unseen, they are likely to avoid the area altogether.

Use a Homemade Repellent

You can use a simple combination of water and household spices or extracts to create a non-toxic raccoon repellent that is safe for everyone, as well as the environment. Raccoons hate certain scents and sensations, making ingredients like menthol, peppermint, spearmint, cayenne pepper, and eucalyptus, the perfect active ingredient in a safe raccoon repellent. Transfer the solution into a plastic spray bottle so you can spray the perimeter of your campsite. Be careful if you are bringing pets since some of these ingredients (i.e. cayenne pepper) can be bothersome to their eyes, nose, and throat.

Secure Your Pets

If you are planning to take your pets with you, be sure to also plan for their safety. Set up a secure play area for them, as well as, a secured place for them to sleep at night. You do not want your dogs or cats wandering around the woods while you sleep because their curiosity can lead them directly to a wild raccoon. Dogs who like to sniff are more at risk of being attacked because a raccoon may feel threatened. Most importantly, if you are bringing your pets to the great outdoors for a camping trip, be sure they are fully-vaccinated.

Protect the Food

Not only do you need to make the proper preparations to safely and securely store your food, you need to plan for a way to monitor it throughout your camping trip. This does not mean you need to set up supervised shifts throughout the night; it simply means that you need to have a plan for locking up the food while you and your camping companions are occupied or sleeping.

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 for Louisville raccoon abatement services you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured raccoon removal and control experts with over 25 years of experience in the raccoon industry. We have all the latest technologies and equipment to carry out safe and humane raccoon control and cleanup jobs. Request a free estimate, today.

Common Raccoon Entry Points on Roofs

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoons are highly-intelligent mammals with an exceptional ability to climb, grasp, and even solve problems. This makes them the perfect trespasser in urban and suburban localities. Due to land over-development, raccoons are being forced out of their natural habitat, and into our city and housing areas. There, they do whatever it takes to feed themselves and raise their young. And in most cases, our properties are the main target. Raccoons use their nature-given abilities to gain entry into homes and buildings, where they nest, reproduce, feed, sleep, defecate, and more.

This type of raccoon activity has a negative impact on both the structural integrity and safety of a property. The damages caused by raccoons can be extensive and costly, ranging from torn or soiled attic insulation, to ripped floor boards, stained ceilings and walls, chewed electrical wiring, and more. One of the most common areas for raccoons to invade are attics, because they are easily accessible from the roof. Continue reading to learn three of the most common entry points on a roof, and better protect your property from raccoon damages.

Dormer Eaves

Dormer eaves are basically the area of the roof that hangs over the side of the house or building. The opening that is exposed on the side is covered with a soffit of some sort, to keep animals out and for aesthetic purposes. When a rooftop extends a little beyond the side of the property like this, it creates a perfect and highly-appealing cubby hole for raccoons. And since they are clever mammals with extremely dexterous paws, they can easily rip off the soffit and gain entry into this area. Once they are inside the dormer, they can simply tear through the insulation and get inside the attic.

Roof Line Transitions and Roof Vents

Not all properties have dormer eaves, so raccoons use another common roof area to access attics. When roofs are not entirely flat, they have different shapes and heights. In these places, the roof line changes and transitions into another part of the roof. Here at these gaps of roof are where raccoons enter a home or building. Roof vents are a favorite for raccoons because they are just basically holes in a roof. And for raccoons, that means doorways into an attic. They can easily rip off or pry through roof vents and get inside the attic. If you notice signs of damage to your roof vents, it is a sure sign of attempted or successful raccoon entry.


Not all properties have chimneys either; but the ones that do are easy targets for nuisance wildlife, especially raccoons. Chimneys can be a source of easy access for raccoons if the proper preventative measures are not taken. Raccoons can easily climb up and down the flue, so they will almost always try the chimney first for quick entry into a home or property. If you do not keep the flue closed, or invest in a steel chimney cap, you could allow raccoons inside too.

Louisville Raccoon Control You Can Trust

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 if you have raccoon problems, or wish to raccoon-proof your property in Louisville, Kentucky. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control contractors that offer a wide range of raccoon removal and control services for residential and commercial properties. We offer 24 hour emergency service, raccoon cleanup, and minor attic restoration as well. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate, today.

DIY Raccoon Removal Advice

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

If you are experiencing nuisance raccoon activity in your neighborhood, it is wise to start thinking about taking some preventative measures. Otherwise, your home and property, as well as your sanity, may be at risk! Although proper raccoon control and removal is quite complex and requires years of professional experience, there are some simple “do-it-yourself” projects that can be done without professional raccoon control service. If everyone adopts these tips and strategies, it can help thwart raccoon invasion in your neighborhood for good. Continue reading to learn more about getting rid of raccoons, safely and humanely.

Tips for Putting a Stop to Nuisance Raccoons

If you have a known raccoon colony in or around your home, then be sure to never leave your garbage cans outside on the night before trash day. Raccoons are nocturnal, which means they are active in the evenings and sleep during daylight hours. At night, they search for food, and your garbage cans are prime targets. As clever mammals with excellent memories, they will remember that trash cans are sources for food, and will continue to rummage through them night after night until they are no longer viable sources of snacking. If taking your garbage outside on the morning of trash day is not an option, there are alternative solutions you can use to deter raccoons from entering your property.

Send Them a Message They Can Smell

Ammonia is a chemical agent that gives the illusion of urine, for a raccoon. Although we might perceive raccoons to be filthy and unsanitary, in their world, they are the tidy ones. They like to keep their areas and nests very clean, so they wander far from their nests if they need to relieve themselves. If they smell ammonia, they will assume the area has been marked by a predator, and will find other grounds to mark as their territory. You can even purchase coyote urine and other types of urine from common raccoon predators, and use it in place of ammonia.

Spraying or squirting the ammonia around your garbage cans can prevent raccoons from trespassing onto your property. The ammonia solution is also good for indoor use, if you find a raccoon colony in your home. Raccoons also hate peppery spices, menthol, and peppermint. Using these extracts around the perimeter of your home can help keep them away too. Moth balls in a bowl are also effective.

Use Scare Tactics and Other Non-Lethal Strategies

If predator urine is not your thing, you can purchase sound machines that imitate common raccoon predators. This will scare them from coming too close. Similarly, you can install motion lighting that turns on when it senses motion. The sudden jolt of light scares raccoons and makes them very uncomfortable. One or two times of being caught in this bright light will remain in their memory and they will make sure to not come back.

Get Rid of Raccoons in the House

Finding raccoons inside your house is startling. They can be quite messy and the amount of damage can develop quickly. They use insulation as nesting material, chew through electrical wiring, claw at drywall, soil floorboards and drywall with their droppings, and make a huge mess with their food. Furthermore, this damage can generate foul stenches and odors that can carry into the living quarters of your home. Urine and droppings can leak through ceiling panels and down wall seams, resulting in yellow and brown stains.

These are all tedious projects in themselves, but removing the raccoons is the first priority. Calling a professional raccoon removal company is the only way to remove the raccoons safely, without causing more harm to your home or the animals. If you find a raccoon nest in your garage or outdoor shed, then use the ammonia to force them to move out. Using this solution in high traffic areas of a home is not recommended. This includes the attic, garages, driveways, sheds, outdoor storage units, and similar areas are all acceptable.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 for professional raccoon removal service in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding areas. We offer a wide range of residential and commercial raccoon control services at the most affordable prices in town. Our DNR licensed and insured wildlife contractors are happy to answer your questions about raccoon removal and control, anytime. We offer emergency services, free estimates, and more.

Learn Some Common Knowledge About Raccoons and Raccoon Control

If you don’t know anything about raccoons, here is a great place to start! Continue reading to learn some common knowledge about raccoons, raccoon control, and more!

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Baby Raccoons are Called “Kits”

🐾 Raccoon Characteristics

Because of the dark mask over their eyes, and possibly because we usually find them going through our trash cans, raccoons are often called little bandits, and they are closely related to the bear family. The word “raccoon” comes from the Algonquin Indians and means, he scratches with his hands. Raccoons weight averages are around 20 pounds, and their average body sizes are around 38 inches long, but they can get much bigger. In fact, the largest raccoon on record weighed in at 62 pounds!

🐾 Raccoon Diet

The raccoon diet varies from season to season but typically they will eat anything from insects, fruits and nuts to small reptiles, amphibians, birds and other vertebrates. One of the reasons we usually find raccoons going through our trash after dark is because they are nocturnal and sleep during the day. Raccoons are very intelligent, and like humans, have paws with 5 digits. These paws are capable of grasping and prying, just like ours!

🐾 Raccoon Abilities

According to experts, raccoons score extremely high on the mammal IQ test. They are found to be more intelligent than cats, but like cats, Raccoons don’t follow direction well. Raccoons have extremely poor eyesight, however, they do have above average hearing and excellent climbing skills. Like cats they can fall from distances as great as 40 feet without sustaining serious injury. They are also great swimmers and can easily cross rivers, lakes and streams with ease.

Raccoons have a very short lifespan and typically only live two or three years. They do, however, live much longer in captivity and the record for a captive Raccoon is twenty one years. Many are hit by cars, are eaten by other predators or die from disease, which could be a result of all of their dumpster diving.

🐾 Pet Raccoons

Although some people like to keep raccoons as pets, experts advise against it as they can be aggressive and dangerous to humans. In some states, pet raccoons are illegal. At a young age raccoons can be playful and interact well with humans, but as they get older, they become more aggressive, especially during mating season, and attacks become more likely to occur upon provocation.

🐾 Nuisance Raccoons

Raccoons love city living. There could be up to 8000 raccoons lurking about in a big city. Raccoons are able to open many types of doors so if you have a raccoon in your neighborhood keep your doors locked unless you want them going through your pantry. Be careful putting them in a cage because they are excellent escape artists and can use their lightning quick speed to catch fish right out of the water. If you have a vegetable garden at home beware the raccoon. They will eat most everything in your garden, even knocking over cornstalks to get the corn.

🐾 Raccoon Control

Raccoons can cause a lot of problems and be a real annoyance. They do damage to roofs, attics, shingles, and fascia boards as well as fruit trees, gardens, trash containers and lawns. In rural areas they eat crops and raid poultry houses. Because raccoons eat many wild birds and animals, many of which carry a variety of diseases, Raccoons can carry a number of diseases and parasites. Raccoons are known carriers of Rabies, Canine Distemper, Mange, Tuberculosis, Roundworm and many others. They are commonly infested with Fleas, Ticks, Mites and Lice which are known to carry a number of diseases.

If you have raccoons in the area make sure your trash can lids are secure. Don’t leave pet food or water outside in the evening, and Make sure your vents are closed and secured. Put a screen over your chimney and if you have a pet door make sure it is locked at night or you may wind up with unexpected company in the morning. If the problems persist, rather than trying to trap or kill the raccoon yourself, it is best to call an expert who has experience dealing with them.

Louisville Raccoon Control

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-76622 for Louisville raccoon control you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured raccoon removal and control experts with over 20 years of experience in the industry. We have all the latest technologies and equipment to carry out safe and humane raccoon control and cleanup services in a convenient time frame. Call 502-553-7622 to speak with a raccoon control contractor today!