A Quick Review of Some Really Fun Raccoon Facts

Continue reading to catch up on some fun raccoon facts, and perhaps learn something about these interesting, intelligent critters you didn’t already know before! If you are having problems with raccoons on your property or inside your home, it is important to act fast by calling a wildlife rescue and control service to have them safely and humanely removed.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
The North American Raccoon (Procyon lotor)

Raccoons are cute, furry, striped-tailed mammals that roam the lands of the United States, from tip to top, and then some! There are numerous species of raccoon, but the most well-known species is the North American Raccoon, scientifically referred to as Procyon Lotor.

Raccoon Reproduction and Family Life

Unlike some other mammals, raccoons do not form long-term bonds, but rather, only pair up to breed. Breeding season is between December and June, and adult females have a gestation period of around 65 days. They generally give birth to two or three, but as many as 5 or 6 baby raccoons, called kits. Raccoons are wonderful and protective mothers and care for their young in every aspect until they reach sexual maturity.

This happens in the late fall time, at about 6 to 7 months of age when kits turn into adults and leave the colony to go out on their own and start the reproductive cycle all over again! Although raccoons that live in domestication have survived for up to 20 years, in the wild, raccoons generally have an average lifespan of 1 ½ to 3 years as a result of natural predators, hit and runs, inclement weather, hunting, and more.

Raccoon Habitats

Raccoons generally live in deciduous forested and wooded areas since they are rich with sources of food, water, shelter, and protection. But with modern urban expansion and over-development, raccoons are adjusting more and more to living in residential and city areas; using attics, sheds, garages, roofs, and more as shelter, and rummaging trash cans and dumpsters for food.

This behavior and circumstance is what makes raccoons a “nuisance” pest in our neighborhoods. In the wild, raccoons use dens as shelter from weather and predators, as well as, to raise their young. The most popular locations for raccoon dens are inside tree holes, but they also use anything else that resembles a den-like shelter. This include rock beds, holes in the ground, hollow logs, beneath bridges, and more.

Raccoon Intellect

Raccoons have been studied for years because they are so fascinating in terms of intelligence and memory. Scientific studies have proved that raccoons retain a high intelligence quotient and acute memory. This means they remember puzzles, obstacles, places, and dangers. One such study had several raccoons open complex locks and then test if they could remember how to unlock these complex puzzles. The result: 11 out of 13 locks were opened by raccoons, and they were even able to remember how to unlock the puzzle after the locks were rearranged or turned them upside down. This intellect, along with their highly dexterous and sensitive paws, gives raccoons an upper-hand in many areas of their life.

Nuisance Raccoons

If you have a raccoon in the attic, or raccoons on your property that may cause structural damage and disturbance, call a professional wildlife removal company for non-lethal assistance. Raccoons are pesky little critters in terms of our homes and properties, but they are innocent and should never be harmed, trapped, or killed ever. A professional wildlife control service will humanely catch the raccoons and relocate them to a far and safe habitat. If they find raccoon kits, they will transfer them to a faraway rehabilitation center to be raised by trained wildlife rescuers and returned back into the wild when they reach adulthood.

Who to Call for Prompt and Professional Louisville Raccoon Control

Call our licensed pros today at 502-553-7622 for professional Louisville raccoon control services today. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Exotic Raccoon Species Found Around the World

There are various types of raccoons in the world.  Each species is similar to each other, but different in their special ways, as their surrounding environment, climate, and diet influence their unique and identifying qualities. Continue reading to learn about the interesting types of raccoon species found all around the world.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
The Common Raccoon – Procyon Lotor

 The Common Raccoon (Procyon Lotor)

The most common North American raccoon is called the Common Raccoon, or scientifically, Procyon Lotor. North American raccoon colonies are found all throughout Canada and the United States. Their appearance is what most people would consider the typical raccoon stereotype. They have a black mask-like stripe across their eyes and a striped bushy tail. Their coat can vary in color, from fur tones of gray and tan, to dark browns and blacks.

Adults weight an average of 25 to 30 pounds, and grow to a height of 30 to 36 inches. They have black beady eyes, long claws, and dexterous paws. They are excellent climbers that partake in a diet of fruits, berries, small invertebrates, and insects. These raccoons are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and stay active at night. For shelter, raccoons use hollow trees, dens, attics, and any other small available spaces they can find. This is why they can be considered a nuisance in residential and commercial neighborhoods.

The Guadeloupe Raccoon

Another interesting species of raccoon is the Guadeloupe Raccoon. These raccoon colonies are found in small numbers throughout the island of Guadeloupe in the Lesser Antilles. They are smaller than the average raccoon, with dark grey fur. They are an endangered species, and only found on this island.  They live in the rain forests and often hunted by humans as food. Their diet consists of frogs, acorns, berries, crayfish, and other small invertebrates.

White-Nosed Coati Raccoon

The White-Nosed Coati species typically reside in moist, dense forests and wooded areas. Due to this preference of habitat, White-Nosed Coatis are primarily found in Arizona and New Mexico when in the Americas.  They have relative species in Costa Rica, Columbia, Mexico, and Cozumel as well. They are smaller in size to the common raccoon by as much as 10 pounds. Their faces are marked with white fur on their nose at the tip of a very long snout. Their fur is less dense and shorter than a common North American raccoon, but share the same diet habits as they are also omnivores. They eat eggs, small vertebrates, insects, fruit, and more.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
The Crab-Eating Raccoon (Procyon Cancrivorus)

The Crab Eating Raccoon

There is a raccoon known in the central and south Americas called the Crab Eating Raccoon. It is called the Procyon Cancrivorus and it lives in marshes and jungles all throughout the region. They are recognized by their salt and pepper looking coats, a brown and grayish mix. They usually eat aquatic insects, crabs, crawfish, and small fish, hence the name Crab Eating Raccoon.

Ring-Tailed Raccoon

The Ring-Tailed Raccoon is more often called the Ring-Tailed Cat, even though it is not part of the feline family at all. This species of raccoon slightly resembles the common raccoon, but much smaller, weighing on average between 1 to 4 pounds. Ring Tails have long bushy tails that are longer than their own bodies and have black and white stripes. Their fur is short just like a cat. Also called ringtail cats, marv cats, and miners cats, Ring-Tailed Raccoons are commonly found living in Colorado, California, Kansas, Nevada, Oregon, and even New Mexico with their cousin the Coati. They are omnivores just like the other raccoon species we’ve mentioned, however they are also one of the most carnivorous species of raccoon in the world. They eat small birds, frogs, snakes, rats, mice, and even rabbits!

Louisville Raccoon Control Services

Call 502-553-7622 if you are experiencing raccoon problems in Louisville, Kentucky. We offer residential and commercial raccoon removal and control, as well as, raccoon-proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. We may even be able to perform homeowners’ insurance claim work. Request a free estimate or advice, anytime. Request a free estimate, anytime.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Are Raccoons Related to Cats or Dogs?

When you look at a raccoon, its features, characteristics, and behaviors might remind you of your beloved pet cat or dog. But which species of animal are raccoons more closely related to? The answer will certainly surprise you. Continue reading to learn some interesting facts about the Common raccoon, including which species they are most related to.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Felines and Canines

Raccoons behave very similarly to dogs in that they sniff around, walk on all fours, and, although carnivorous, will eat almost anything you hand them. Also, raccoons are highly intelligent like dogs, which exhibit higher thinking and learning compared to cats. They even have snouts that look just like a dog’s muzzle. So, it seems like raccoons are a lot like dogs; right?

On the other hand, if you observe a raccoon, they appear very similar to a cat with their long flexible tails, skinny legs, small paws, sharp claws, and pointed ears. Furthermore, they are agile and nimble, and have sharp their teeth that resemble that of a cat’s. But regardless of what you see or assume, raccoons are not related to neither feline nor canine species.

Raccoons and Bears

Raccoons are actually related to bears! Not what you expected? Well, the truth is, bears are raccoons closest relative. Of course, the evolutionary tree split more than 40 million years ago, sending bears off on one side and raccoons off to the other, making them at best, distance cousins. But if you have ever heard of nuisance raccoons being referred to as “Trash Pandas”, although a bit derogatory and unfair, you can now understand just how accurate that moniker is. So, when it comes to dogs, cats, and raccoons, the only real scientific similarity is that they are all three part of the Carnivora order.

Pet Raccoons

Now that you know raccoons are not related to neither dogs nor cats, you can imagine that they are not recommended to take as pets. In fact, unless you are a licensed wildlife rehabilitation professional or organization, it is considered inhumane to keep a raccoon as a pet. Raccoons are wild animals who are literally tens of thousands of years from being a partially domesticated animal like cats and dogs. If you find a baby raccoon, it is important to leave it where it is and let nature takes its course. If the location of a baby or injured raccoon is obstructing the safety or function of your property, contact a local raccoon control company for 24 hour emergency raccoon removal service.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Call 502-553-7622 for safe and humane Louisville raccoon removal services you can trust. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Frequently Asked Questions About Raccoons

If you have trees, water, or woods near your home, you most definitely have a nearby raccoon population. Here in Kentucky, raccoons are wide-spread among rural and urban regions and can be found living in all sorts of different habitats and locations. They are an incredibly intelligent and ambitious, giving them have excellent survival skills. If you believe raccoons could be a possible threat to your property, it may help to educate yourself on their species and how to control their nuisance activity.

Continue reading to review some of the most frequently asked questions about raccoons and raccoon control.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

What Does a Raccoon Eat?

Raccoons are omnivores, which means they eat both meat and produce. They also enjoy a diet of berries, acorns, mushrooms, and plant life. They generally dine on fish, small invertebrates, fruits, grubs, insects, vegetables, nuts, grains, and many other foods found in nature. If living nearby water, raccoons will almost always use this as their main source of food. Anything they can grab from the water is a treat, such as salmon, carp, bluegill, frogs, crabs, crayfish, mollusks, worms, and even snakes. They are also known to steal eggs from chicken coups, bird nests, and other hatching grounds.  They can pick their own fruit and vegetables, skim through chicken houses and raid farm crops.  Raccoons will even eat road-kill!

Do Raccoons Hibernate?

During winter in colder regions of the country, some raccoon species will partake in behaviors similar to hibernation, but not hibernation at all. They may take up and stay in their dens for several weeks at a time; sleeping or remaining stagnant, lowering their body temperatures and heart rates too. They may only venture out a few times a week to hunt for food and find water. This behavior is quite similar to an innate habit called torpor, and is what bears essentially do.

Do Raccoons Carry Diseases?

Raccoons are known carriers of several infectious diseases, viruses, and even parasites like lice, fleas, and mites. Not only can these diseases infect people if exposed, they can also threaten the well-being of our pets.  Dogs, cats, and other small animals are at risk of contracted various illnesses and infections from wild raccoons. For this reason, pet vaccinations are vital. Rabies is a common disease contracted and spread by raccoons. Others include canine distemper, roundworm, and leptospirosis.

Will Raccoons Damage My Property?

Raccoons will damage your property, both inside and out depending on how much access they get. An indoor raccoons infestation can breed all sorts of bacteria and unhygienic conditions from leftover urine, droppings, and rotted food. It can also leave behind torn insulation, soiled floorboards, stained ceilings, lingering odors, and much more. Outside is not much different in terms of potential raccoon damage. They like to rip up lawns and garden beds in search of grubs and other invertebrates. They also like to nest under patios and porches, causing the same sort of interior structural damages mentioned before.

Can I Remove Raccoons Myself?

No; and in most states, it is illegal to do so without the proper licenses, permits, and equipment. For this reason, you must never attempt to provoke, touch, catch, trap, harm, or kill a raccoon under any circumstances. It is equally vital to never make a stray baby raccoon your pet. See our blog, “Can I Hunt Wild Raccoons in Kentucky?” to learn about the state laws surrounding raccoon trapping.

How Do I Get Rid of Raccoons in Louisville?

Call 502-553-7622 for safe and humane Louisville raccoon control in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding counties. Our DNR licensed and insured raccoon rescue contractors offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

The Urgency of Emergency Raccoon Removal

If you are experiencing raccoon activity around your house, it is important to take action fast before the issue can get out of hand. Continue reading to learn why it is so vital to remedy a nuisance raccoon problem as soon as possible, and how to get started.

Louisville Raccoon Removal
Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Raccoons Remember Everything and Stop at Nothing

As a naturally spirited and determined species, raccoons will stop at nothing to get something they want, including admittance into homes and buildings. Residential and commercial real estate are the most common targets, so if you have already noticed raccoon activity in or around your neighborhood, it is certainly something to be concerned about. You see, raccoons have excellent memory capabilities. This means it is very likely that they will continue to revisit your house night after night, if you have already spotted raccoons sniffing around your property. Until you intervene, nuisance raccoon activity only worsens as time goes on.

Raccoons are highly destruction to all interior and exterior areas of a property, including roofs, siding, decks, porches, garages, sheds, playsets, attics, gardens, lawns, and more. If they get inside, like in the attic, they will soil everything with their droppings, and create huge messes consisting of decaying food, nesting debris, and more. They will damage insulation, floorboards, electrical wiring, and anything else they can get their human-like paws on. Their amazing dexterity allows them to open windows, unlock doors, pry off shingles, and much more. To protect your property from raccoon damage, you must intervene as soon as you notice signs of tampering.

Common Signs of Raccoon Activity:

↬ Raccoon Droppings
↬ Raccoon Prints
↬ Strange Noises (Chatter, Scratching, Purring, Thumping, Etc.)
↬ Structural Damage
↬ Torn Insulation
↬ Stained Ceilings
↬ Rummaged Garbage Cans
↬ Pried Roof Shingles
↬ Disconnected Gutters
↬ Holes around the Exterior of The House
↬ Holes in Roof
↬ Lingering Indoor Odors
↬ Trash and Debris in Unoccupied Areas
↬ Nesting Evidence
↬ Missing or Rifled Pet Food
↬ Tampered Bird and Squirrel Feeder

Health and Safety Concerns

Raccoons are among the most destructive nuisance species around, as they are known to cause an extensive amount of interior and exterior damage. Not only are they unbelievably destructive, they are also known carriers of several infectious diseases, some of which can be fatal to pets, young children, and individuals with suppressed immunity. These diseases can range in severity, from lice and fleas, to Distemper, Roundworm, Leptospirosis, Rabies, and more.

Their potential for disruption, disease, and damage makes raccoons a triple threat to urban and suburban neighborhoods. Be sure to contact a licensed Kentucky raccoon removal and control expert for safe and non-lethal raccoon abatement you can trust. They can implement all sorts of proven strategies to animal-proof your home and surrounding property.

Non-Lethal, Humane Raccoon Control in Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 for safe, non-lethal Louisville raccoon removal in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding counties. Our DNR licensed and insured raccoon rescue contractors offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

How to Stop Raccoons From Harming Your Property

Wild raccoons can pose a threat to humans and pets if paths are crossed at the wrong times. This is because raccoons, along with other wild animals, can carry infectious diseases. These diseases and infections can be quickly passed along through a possible bite, scratch, or attack. A raccoon will attack out of self-defense or to protect it’s young. Even if raccoon bites and confrontation are avoided, there are other ways raccoons can be dangerous for us and our pets.

You see, raccoon urine and droppings can also carry infections and bacteria that are harmful if accidentally or unknowingly ingested. Dogs and cats are known to track traces of raccoon droppings into the house where it can come in contact with everyone and spread quickly among the family. Illnesses such as roundworm, Rabies, Leptospirosis, and more are commonly spread by raccoons. So how can you protect your home from wild raccoons and avoid potential dangers? 

Continue reading and learn some simple and full-proof methods to protecting your home from raccoons and other wild animals.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Prevention 101

There are several quick tips on how to stop raccoons from entering your property.  Things like everyday chores, pet care routines, and simple handy work can all be a good place to start making changes.  For example, one way to keep raccoons away from your property is to thwart their desire to come in the first place. This means stop doing things that make raccoons interesting in visiting your house.  Don’t leave garbage cans outside and easily accessible to raccoons.  They are scavengers at heart and can smell food scraps from miles away. 

If you are in the habit of taking your garbage out the night before trash day, it is good idea to stop. Raccoons will come and they will remember your home as a dependable source of food; so they will return night after night seeking more opportunities you are giving away.  Leaving pet food dishes outdoors is like feeding raccoons directly, night after night.  Raccoons love the taste of pet food and will come back every night for it.  It is always recommended to leave pet food inside in a secure place.

Another factor that attracts raccoons to residential areas is shelter availability.  Loose shingles in the roof, cracks in the attic window seals, and unlocked sheds or garages become a raccoon colonies dream come true in poor weather.  They will seek out warm shelter anywhere around their food sources.  This means your house.  To prevent raccoons from squeezing their way inside your home, take out the old tool belt and implement a little home maintenance.  Secure locks, seal windows, fix any loose roof shingles, and more.  This can help protect your home and keep raccoons away for good.

The best way to prevent raccoons from entering your property is to make sure they do not already have access inside.  Call a professional raccoon control company to inspect your property for signs of raccoon infestations and damages. The sooner you find raccoon problems, the less expensive and extensive the damages and repairs will be.  A professional can also facilitate proper raccoon-proofing strategies that will eliminate raccoon invasions altogether.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Call 502-553-7622 for safe and humane Louisville raccoon removal and control services you can trust. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Wild Raccoons Aren’t Really Wild Anymore

When you hear the term, “wild raccoons”, you imagine a raccoon in nature, going about their business within their colony. But the truth is, raccoons are not really that wild anymore. In fact, it is less likely to spot a raccoon in the great wide open than in your local community. Nowadays, raccoons are more urban than wild, and there are many reasons why.

Continue reading to learn what has caused the transition of raccoons from wild to urban, and how to protect yourself and your property from nuisance raccoon interference.

Non-Lethal Raccoon Control
Non-Lethal Raccoon Control 502-553-7622

A Fair Warning

Just because raccoons are found more in our local cities and neighborhoods, they are still technically wild animals, and behave as such. For this reason, always avoid raccoon encounters at all costs, and never, under any circumstances, attempt to touch, trap, harm, or kill a raccoon. See our blog, “Can I Hunt Wild Raccoons in Kentucky?” to learn state laws surrounding raccoon tampering.

Raccoon Habitats

Raccoons are generally known to make their homes in hollowed trees, large rock crevices, and similar hidden locations. However, raccoons are more commonly making their homes inside our homes. Common nesting areas in residential and commercial settings include attics, crawl spaces, beneath porches and decks, sheds, barns, tree houses, and much more.

Raccoons are found more in urban settings than in natural settings because they are a very wise species. They are intelligent and have excellent memory capabilities, but they are also incredibly motivated to find food and shelter. With these attributes combined, raccoons know where the best sources for their priorities can be found; and they can all be found in our communities. Raccoons raid dumpsters, trashcans, gardens, garages, bird baths, koi ponds, and more, for anything to eat. They also use their human-like paws to pry open doors and windows, rip off siding and roof shingles, and more, all to access the areas they want.

Another umbrella reason why raccoons are found more in our areas than in nature is due to land over-development. The more we develop land into residential and commercial complexes, the less space and natural habitats raccoons and other nuisance wildlife have to establish and maintain homes for themselves. As a result, wildlife moves in with us.

Non-Lethal, Humane Raccoon Control in Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 for safe, non-lethal Louisville raccoon control in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding counties. Our DNR licensed and insured raccoon rescue contractors offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Check Out These Adorable Baby Raccoon Pictures!

Although raccoons can be quite the nuisance on residential and commercial properties, they happen to be one of the cutest baby animals! Furthermore, there are plenty of truly interesting facts about raccoons that could possibly cause you to develop some appreciation for them. For instance, did you know that raccoons are incredibly intelligent? It’s true! They can remember directions and locations, solve complex puzzles, and perform complicated cognitive tasks. See our blog, “How Smart is a Raccoon?” to learn more about raccoon intelligence studies.

In the meantime, if you are still not convinced that raccoons are special animals, continue below to enjoy some precious snaps of baby raccoons from across the world!

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control
Baby raccoons are called kits (or cubs).

Baby raccoons are called kits, or cubs, and they are born blind and deaf. Their ear canals and eyes finally open up within 18 to 23 days after they are born.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control Services
Baby raccoons drink milk.

Raccoons are mammals, so they drink mother’s milk until they are fully weaned off around 16 week of age. After 6 to 9 weeks, they begin to eat solid food.

Raccoon Control Louisville 2
A raccoon learns to climb around 16 weeks.

Raccoons are excellent climbers, and begin learning around 16 weeks. They have human-like paws with long claws, allowing them to grip, pull, and pry just like us.

How to Stop Nuisance Raccoon Activity

Although cute, we still don’t want raccoons invading our properties and causing damage with their instinctual behaviors. So in order to prevent raccoon activity around your property, you will need to follow some important guidelines:

❧ Keep garbage cans locked up, or keep the lids sealed shut, and only take your cans out to the driveway on the morning of trash pickup day, and never the night before.

❧ Never leave pet food or water bowls outside. If you store pet food a garage or shed, be sure it is in an air-tight container and your garage or shed is non-accessible by animals.

❧ Install motion lighting on patios, porches, and garages. Or consider installing a sound machine to scare raccoons away. Install a fence around gardens.

❧ Sprinkle your yard with ground red pepper, and then soak cotton balls with ammonia and place them around your property. Be care if you have outdoor pets.

❧ Remove bird and squirrel feeders, as well as, bird baths. Pass up on the Koi pond. They will eat your expensive fish!

If Your Raccoon Problem Persists…

Call 502-553-7622 for Louisville raccoon removal and control you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured raccoon abatement experts with over 25 years of experience in the raccoon industry. We have all the latest technologies and equipment to carry out safe and humane raccoon control and cleanup jobs. Request a free estimate, today.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

How Smart is a Raccoon?

There are several species within the animal kingdom that retain notable traits of intelligence, such as primates, dolphins, killer whales, horses, pigs, and of course, canines. But did you know that a common pest is also on the list of animals that are pretty smart? That’s right; those little masked bandits we call raccoons are quite intelligent, and there is plenty of research and evidence to back it up.

Continue reading to learn more about the average intelligence of the Common raccoon, and what you can do if raccoons are becoming a nuisance around your property.

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

History of Raccoon Intelligence Research

Between the years of 1905 and 1915, the measurable of intelligence of a common raccoon was quite the heated dispute among the authorities in the field of comparative psychology. A psychologist by the name of Lawrence W. Cole created a colony of raccoons at the University of Oklahoma. In 1907, he and a doctoral student at Clark University named Herbert Burnham Davis, published the results of the experiment, detailing the raccoon’s processes of learning, association, and memory.

Their research relied heavily on puzzles, specifically E.L. Thorndike’s puzzle-box methodology, which involved putting the raccoons inside wood crates to see if they could escape by opening the latch, or even a sequence of latches. The raccoons’ comprehension and speed increased as they were given the test over and over again. From the results of their research, they were able to develop a “tolerable basis” for raccoon intelligence. They use this basis on a scale known as the phylogenetic scale of evolutionary development.

So how smart are raccoons? Based on old and new scientific studies, you can basically compare the level of intelligence and mental attributes of a common raccoon to that of a monkey, as they slightly surpass the intelligence of felines and canines.

What Does This Mean for the Average Person?

Raccoons are smart, and they are also a common pest. Combined, raccoons can be quite the threat to your property in many ways. Not only are raccoons intelligent and have good memory capacity, they have human-like paws that allow them to grip, grasp, pry, and open things, including window screens and door knobs!

Raccoons can cause a lot structural damage and lawn damage in search of food and shelter, but they are also known carriers of several infectious diseases, from lice to rabies. For this reason, it is best to keep them off of your property. Read our blog, “How to Keep Raccoons Away From Your House” to learn how to do your part.

How to Get Rid of Raccoons in Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 if you are experiencing raccoon problems in Louisville, Kentucky. We offer residential and commercial raccoon removal and control, as well as, raccoon proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. We may even be able to perform home owners’ insurance claim work. Request a free estimate or advice, anytime. Request a free estimate, anytime.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Is a Raccoon a Rodent?

Uh oh! You found a colony of raccoons living in or around your property! But before you pick up the phone to contact a local pest control company, you should know that raccoons are not rodents. You see, a rodent can be loosely defined as an animal with a pair of solid, growing incisors in both the upper and lower jaw, such as a mouse, rat, or hamster. A raccoon, on the other hand, is a meat-eating animal that lacks this characteristic set of incisors; so they are not in fact, rodents.

For this reason, if you were to contact the pest control company after discovering raccoons in the attic, they will quickly refer you to the proper authorities, which is generally a local wildlife rescue and control service that retains the proper state permits to extract and transport wild animals, like raccoons, legally.

Continue reading to learn why a raccoon is not considered a rodent, but rather, a nuisance animal, and what you can do to safely eliminate the threat of raccoon activity on your property.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

The Common Raccoon (Procyon Lotor)

The Common Raccoon, also known as the North American Raccoon, is a medium-sized mammal. They are of course, part of the animal kingdom, as well as, the Chordata phylum, Mammalian class, Carnivora order, Procyonidae family, and Procyon genus, all giving them their species name, Procyon Lotor.

As for food, theirs tends to vary from season to season, but typically they will eat anything from insects, fruits and nuts to small reptiles, amphibians, birds and other vertebrates. One of the reasons we usually find raccoons going through our trash after dark is because they are nocturnal and sleep during the day. Raccoons are very intelligent, and like humans, have paws with 5 digits. These paws are capable of grasping and prying, just like ours!

Risks and Threats

Although raccoons are not rodents, they are still considered nuisance wildlife because they are known carriers of infectious diseases that can be dangerous for humans and pets. They also cause structural and landscaping damage that can be costly and tedious to repair. So if you have a raccoon problem on your property, contact a local wildlife removal and control company to have them safely and humanely removed. If you suspect you might have raccoons in the attic, call a professional service immediately to avoid further damages and costly repairs.

24 Hour Raccoon Removal and Control

Call 502-553-7622 if you are experiencing raccoon problems in Louisville, Kentucky. We offer residential and commercial raccoon removal and control, as well as, raccoon proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. Request a free estimate, anytime.