Raccoon Behaviors that Lead to Expensive Property Repairs

If you own residential or commercial property near wooded or forested areas, then you may eventually experience some issues with nuisance wildlife. Out of all the problems a property owner can experience when it comes to nuisance wildlife, raccoons are the most capable of destroying homes. Because raccoons are nocturnal, meaning they are active at night and sleep in the day, people are not as likely to spot them in action. So instead, learn the signs that point toward common raccoon behavior to let you know whether or not you have a raccoon problem on your hands.

Continue reading to do just that!

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Raccoon urine and feces can soak through attic floorboards and appear on ceilings and walls!

Raccoon Habits That Can Cause You Trouble

Raccoons are among the most destructive local wildlife around mostly because they are intelligent and highly-motivated . Raccoons have dexterous paws that allow them to grip and grasp just as a human could. This ability gives them the power to open doors, pry off roof shingles, dig through garbage, and much more. In addition to their pest-like behavior, they can also carry a plethora of diseases and illnesses.

Trash Can Thieves

Do you have a mysterious trash can culprit rummaging through your garbage at night, then leaving a huge and unsightly mess to clean up the next morning? This may be a sign that you have raccoons coming to your property. Raccoons are notorious for stealing food scraps from residential trash cans and commercial receptacles. They are attracted to easy food sources, and leftover food scraps in an open trash can is hitting the jackpot for them.

Avoid taking your garbage cans out the night before trash day. Instead, take out the trash the day of trash pickup. Although this isn’t a very costly “repair”, it is still a huge indicator that raccoons are trespassing onto your property. If you can stop the problem there, then you can dodge the really costly property owner repairs that could happen.

Roof Damage

Re-roofing a home or building is not a cheap service. On top of paying for labor and product, you have to take time out of your own schedule to supervise the entire replacement process. This situation can all start with just one raccoon. Raccoons are also known for ripping off and prying open roof shingles to find entry points into a warm, dark, cozy, shelter. Raccoons want inside our properties to gain relief from the cold and breed their young. If you do not notice the initial roof damage, rot and mold can cause further harm, leading to a more costly repair. Once they gain entry, there is more potential for structural damages.

Interior Damages

Once inside, raccoons use attics, crawl spaces, and in-wall corridors to eat, sleep, and breed. This is all a messy process. Raccoon waste can saturate dry wall, ceilings, and other interior structures. This weakens them, leaving potential for collapsing or caving in, however, it also creates a terrible odor that will eventually drift into the living quarters of the home or building. Raccoons can also chew through electrical wiring, tear down insulation, and much more.

How to Deal With Nuisance Raccoons Around Your Yard

If you are spotting raccoons on your property, or may think you have a raccoon problem, then be sure to act fast. This way, you can avoid all the potential damages caused by raccoons. The best strategy is to call a professional raccoon control specialist that can give you advice on raccoon prevention, removal, and damage restoration.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control Services at an Affordable Price

Call 502-553-7622 for humane Louisville Kentucky raccoon removal and control you can afford. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

What a Typical Rabies Vaccination Schedule Looks Like for Humans

If an animal is bitten by a rabid mammal, and they have never been vaccinated, there is little hope for survival. But what about humans? Humans on the other hand can be treated before or after being exposed to the Rabies virus. There are stringent vaccination schedules that must be properly implemented in order for the medicine to be effective.

Continue reading and review the general Rabies vaccination schedule for humans, pre and post-exposure.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

The Rabies Threat

Rabies is a well-known and widely-feared virus that is highly contagious and commonly carried by many species of mammal. Raccoon, bats, birds, dogs, cats, foxes, and are not only susceptible to the virus, but are common carriers of the disease. It is passed along and transmitted through the infected mammal’s saliva, either through bodily fluids, open wounds, scratches, or bites. If treatment is neglected, the Rhabdovirus is always fatal. Fortunately, modern advances in veterinary care allow us the opportunity to vaccinate our domesticated pets with a Rabies vaccine and protect them from contracting the fatal virus.

Pre-Exposure Rabies Vaccination Schedule for Adults

If a human is exposed to Rabies and goes untreated, respiratory failure, gastrointestinal complications, or central nervous system failure will cause death in the first 7 days. For those involved in vocations or organizations that require contact with sick, wild, or exotic animals, a pre-exposure Rabies vaccination is highly encouraged and effective preventative maintenance. People like zookeepers, animal handlers, Rabies laboratory workers, spelunkers, veterinarians, animal control contractors, animal rescue workers, and those in similar lines of work should be given a vaccination for preventative protection.

Here is the schedule for people who have never had a Rabies vaccination before, and have not yet been exposed to or infected by the virus:

A Total of 3 Doses on Three Separate Occasions:
↳ Day 1 = Dose One
↳ Day 7 = Dose Two
↳ Day 21-28 = Dose Three

Here is the vaccination schedule for people who have been exposed to the Rabies virus without ever having been vaccinated in the past:

A Total of 4 Doses Plus One Shot on Three Separate Occasions:
↳ Dose 1 = Administered Immediately After Exposure
↳ Dose 2 = Three Days After Initial Dose
↳ Dose 3 = Seven Days After Initial Dose
↳ Dose 4 = Fourteen Days After Initial Dose
↳ Rabies Immune Globulin Shot = Given at the Time of First Dose

Here is the vaccination schedule for people who have been exposed to the virus and have had a Rabies vaccination in the past:

A Total of 2 Doses on Two Separate Occasions:
↳ Dose 1 = Immediately After Exposure
↳ Dose 2 = Three Days After the Initial Dose

*To find a Rabies vaccination clinic in your city, view the Passport Health Travel Clinic.

Raccoon Control

If you spot raccoons or other wild animals on your property, be sure to keep your distance to avoid provocation and fear that could cause animals to attack. You never know what diseases an animal has, so it is best to avoid contact at all times. If you suspect you have a raccoon problem, call a local wildlife removal company for safe and humane raccoon control services. Better protect yourself, your family, and your property by preventing raccoons and other animals from visiting each night.

Louisville Raccoon Removal You Can Count On

Call 502-553-7622 for safe and humane Louisville raccoon removal services today. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

A Quick Review of Some Really Fun Raccoon Facts

Continue reading to catch up on some fun raccoon facts, and perhaps learn something about these interesting, intelligent critters you didn’t already know before! If you are having problems with raccoons on your property or inside your home, it is important to act fast by calling a wildlife rescue and control service to have them safely and humanely removed.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
The North American Raccoon (Procyon lotor)

Raccoons are cute, furry, striped-tailed mammals that roam the lands of the United States, from tip to top, and then some! There are numerous species of raccoon, but the most well-known species is the North American Raccoon, scientifically referred to as Procyon Lotor.

Raccoon Reproduction and Family Life

Unlike some other mammals, raccoons do not form long-term bonds, but rather, only pair up to breed. Breeding season is between December and June, and adult females have a gestation period of around 65 days. They generally give birth to two or three, but as many as 5 or 6 baby raccoons, called kits. Raccoons are wonderful and protective mothers and care for their young in every aspect until they reach sexual maturity.

This happens in the late fall time, at about 6 to 7 months of age when kits turn into adults and leave the colony to go out on their own and start the reproductive cycle all over again! Although raccoons that live in domestication have survived for up to 20 years, in the wild, raccoons generally have an average lifespan of 1 ½ to 3 years as a result of natural predators, hit and runs, inclement weather, hunting, and more.

Raccoon Habitats

Raccoons generally live in deciduous forested and wooded areas since they are rich with sources of food, water, shelter, and protection. But with modern urban expansion and over-development, raccoons are adjusting more and more to living in residential and city areas; using attics, sheds, garages, roofs, and more as shelter, and rummaging trash cans and dumpsters for food.

This behavior and circumstance is what makes raccoons a “nuisance” pest in our neighborhoods. In the wild, raccoons use dens as shelter from weather and predators, as well as, to raise their young. The most popular locations for raccoon dens are inside tree holes, but they also use anything else that resembles a den-like shelter. This include rock beds, holes in the ground, hollow logs, beneath bridges, and more.

Raccoon Intellect

Raccoons have been studied for years because they are so fascinating in terms of intelligence and memory. Scientific studies have proved that raccoons retain a high intelligence quotient and acute memory. This means they remember puzzles, obstacles, places, and dangers. One such study had several raccoons open complex locks and then test if they could remember how to unlock these complex puzzles. The result: 11 out of 13 locks were opened by raccoons, and they were even able to remember how to unlock the puzzle after the locks were rearranged or turned them upside down. This intellect, along with their highly dexterous and sensitive paws, gives raccoons an upper-hand in many areas of their life.

Nuisance Raccoons

If you have a raccoon in the attic, or raccoons on your property that may cause structural damage and disturbance, call a professional wildlife removal company for non-lethal assistance. Raccoons are pesky little critters in terms of our homes and properties, but they are innocent and should never be harmed, trapped, or killed ever. A professional wildlife control service will humanely catch the raccoons and relocate them to a far and safe habitat. If they find raccoon kits, they will transfer them to a faraway rehabilitation center to be raised by trained wildlife rescuers and returned back into the wild when they reach adulthood.

Who to Call for Prompt and Professional Louisville Raccoon Control

Call our licensed pros today at 502-553-7622 for professional Louisville raccoon control services today. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Can a Dog Survive a Bite From a Rabid Raccoon?

Rabies is a very dangerous, and most often lethal, to mammals who contract the virus. The animals that are common carriers of the disease are raccoons, bats, foxes, and skunks. When it comes to domesticated dogs, the most vulnerable to contracting the virus are the ones that have not been properly vaccinated for it. Rabies vaccines are vital and mandatory by law. All dogs should be vaccinated for the virus after three months of age. Non-vaccinated pets, especially those that are permitted to roam free through the yard, are the most at-risk for contracting the virus.

Continue reading to learn some information about what to do if your dog is bitten by a rabid animal, and how likely they are to survive the attack.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Vaccinated Dogs

If a dog has been properly vaccinated, meaning on a routine basis recommended by a licensed veterinarian, there is a better chance of survival if they are bit by a rabid raccoon. As soon as a pet owner is aware that their dog has been scratched or bitten by a rabid animal, they must immediately take it into an emergency pet hospital so that it can be administered a Rabies booster shot. From there, they must be isolated and kept under observation for any signs of the virus for 45 days.

Unfortunately, a Rabies vaccine is not a 100% full-proof against the virus. It is still possible for the dog to contract Rabies and show signs and symptoms 2 to 8 weeks after the attack, even if they are up-to-date with all their shots; but keep in mind this is very unlikely. The chances of a properly-vaccinated dog contracting Rabies is much less than for a pet without any previous vaccinations. For dogs with expired vaccinations, procedures are determined on a case-by-case basis.

Non-Vaccinated Dogs

It is a much sadder story for dogs that have not received routine Rabies vaccinations. If bitten or scratched by a rabid animal, an non-vaccinated dog must be euthanized. If the owner of the dog refuses to have their pet euthanized, the state law requires the dog to be quarantined and observed for 6 months, receiving a vaccination one month prior to being released.

However, if symptoms develop, there is no chance for survival and the pet must be put down. It general takes anywhere from one to eight weeks for symptoms to show. If the animal that bit the dog can be caught, and it ends up testing negative for Rabies, the bitten dog can be put in observation and then given a vaccine.

Who to Call for Louisville Raccoon Control

Call our expert wildlife rescue operators today at 502-553-7622 for professional Louisville raccoon control services today. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Raccoons Can Spread These 3 Zoonotic Diseases

Any disease that can be transferred from animal to human is a zoonotic disease, or zoonosis. The most common animals that are known to carry and spread zoonosis include skunks, bats, opossum, fox, coyote, and the most popular, raccoons. Raccoons are common carriers of the Rabies Virus, Leptospirosis, roundworm, and more. They can transmit these diseases to both humans and other animals, including pets.

Continue reading to learn more about these three common zoonotic raccoon diseases, and what to do if you have a raccoon problem on your property.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

How to Protect Yourself

Vaccinations are a great method of protection against accidental contamination of zoonoses, especially if you live near a wooded area or an area that is highly populated with wildlife, frequently participate in outdoor activities, or work with animals. Also, be sure to ever attempt touching catching, trapping, harming, or provoking wildlife. You cannot predict what a wild animal will do, and what they are infected with.

❶ Rabies

The Rabies virus is a well-known infectious disease that can be transmitted to humans. Raccoons are common carrier of rabies, which is a virus that affects the central nervous system. There is no cure or treatment for this viral disease if an animal is infected. As for humans, treatments are available, and effective so long as medical attention is received early on. Very few humans have died from rabies. It is transmitted through an infected raccoon’s saliva entering the bloodstream. Usually a raccoon bites a mammal, and the saliva enters their bloodstream, thus leading to infection.

❷ Leptospirosis

Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that is commonly transmitted via infected urine. Raccoons are common carriers, as well as, dogs, pigs, cattle, and rodents. It is common for humans to not show any symptoms at all, but still pass it on to others, while others will become seriously ill. Infection occurs when a mammal comes into contact with soil, water, or food that has been contaminated with infected urine.

❸ Roundworm

Scientifically referred to as Baylisascaris Procyonis, Raccoon roundworm is a common parasitic disease that can be passed from raccoon to human or pet. It travels through the intestinal tract, and can settle someone underneath the surface of the skin. There are treatments and vaccinations used for raccoon roundworm infections.

If You Have Raccoon Problems…

If you have raccoons in the attic, or somewhere else inside your home, it is extremely dangerous to use poison to get rid of them. The safest and quickest course of action for removing raccoons is using a licensed raccoon removal service in your area. Contact them for emergency raccoon removal, and they will extract the raccoons and relocate them to a faraway, safe habitat. From there, they can offer cleanup and restoration services for any residual raccoon damages and mess.

Who to Trust for Safe Raccoon Removal in Louisville

Call 502-553-7622 if you are experiencing raccoon problems in Louisville, Kentucky. We offer residential and commercial raccoon removal and control, as well as, raccoon proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. We may even be able to perform homeowners’ insurance claim work. Request a free estimate or advice, anytime. Request a free estimate, anytime.

Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Exotic Raccoon Species Found Around the World

There are various types of raccoons in the world.  Each species is similar to each other, but different in their special ways, as their surrounding environment, climate, and diet influence their unique and identifying qualities. Continue reading to learn about the interesting types of raccoon species found all around the world.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
The Common Raccoon – Procyon Lotor

 The Common Raccoon (Procyon Lotor)

The most common North American raccoon is called the Common Raccoon, or scientifically, Procyon Lotor. North American raccoon colonies are found all throughout Canada and the United States. Their appearance is what most people would consider the typical raccoon stereotype. They have a black mask-like stripe across their eyes and a striped bushy tail. Their coat can vary in color, from fur tones of gray and tan, to dark browns and blacks.

Adults weight an average of 25 to 30 pounds, and grow to a height of 30 to 36 inches. They have black beady eyes, long claws, and dexterous paws. They are excellent climbers that partake in a diet of fruits, berries, small invertebrates, and insects. These raccoons are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and stay active at night. For shelter, raccoons use hollow trees, dens, attics, and any other small available spaces they can find. This is why they can be considered a nuisance in residential and commercial neighborhoods.

The Guadeloupe Raccoon

Another interesting species of raccoon is the Guadeloupe Raccoon. These raccoon colonies are found in small numbers throughout the island of Guadeloupe in the Lesser Antilles. They are smaller than the average raccoon, with dark grey fur. They are an endangered species, and only found on this island.  They live in the rain forests and often hunted by humans as food. Their diet consists of frogs, acorns, berries, crayfish, and other small invertebrates.

White-Nosed Coati Raccoon

The White-Nosed Coati species typically reside in moist, dense forests and wooded areas. Due to this preference of habitat, White-Nosed Coatis are primarily found in Arizona and New Mexico when in the Americas.  They have relative species in Costa Rica, Columbia, Mexico, and Cozumel as well. They are smaller in size to the common raccoon by as much as 10 pounds. Their faces are marked with white fur on their nose at the tip of a very long snout. Their fur is less dense and shorter than a common North American raccoon, but share the same diet habits as they are also omnivores. They eat eggs, small vertebrates, insects, fruit, and more.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
The Crab-Eating Raccoon (Procyon Cancrivorus)

The Crab Eating Raccoon

There is a raccoon known in the central and south Americas called the Crab Eating Raccoon. It is called the Procyon Cancrivorus and it lives in marshes and jungles all throughout the region. They are recognized by their salt and pepper looking coats, a brown and grayish mix. They usually eat aquatic insects, crabs, crawfish, and small fish, hence the name Crab Eating Raccoon.

Ring-Tailed Raccoon

The Ring-Tailed Raccoon is more often called the Ring-Tailed Cat, even though it is not part of the feline family at all. This species of raccoon slightly resembles the common raccoon, but much smaller, weighing on average between 1 to 4 pounds. Ring Tails have long bushy tails that are longer than their own bodies and have black and white stripes. Their fur is short just like a cat. Also called ringtail cats, marv cats, and miners cats, Ring-Tailed Raccoons are commonly found living in Colorado, California, Kansas, Nevada, Oregon, and even New Mexico with their cousin the Coati. They are omnivores just like the other raccoon species we’ve mentioned, however they are also one of the most carnivorous species of raccoon in the world. They eat small birds, frogs, snakes, rats, mice, and even rabbits!

Louisville Raccoon Control Services

Call 502-553-7622 if you are experiencing raccoon problems in Louisville, Kentucky. We offer residential and commercial raccoon removal and control, as well as, raccoon-proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. We may even be able to perform homeowners’ insurance claim work. Request a free estimate or advice, anytime. Request a free estimate, anytime.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

How to Stop Raccoon Raids on Your Property

Now that spring is here, animals of all species are coming out of their winter dens in search of food, water, and summer homes. Raccoons are smart and their curiosity is relentless, making them one of the first animals to look out for this season.

Raccoons and their young are highly destructive to many areas of a property, such as yards, gardens, ponds, roofs, garbage cans, wood piles, and more. It is important to ensure your home is protected from springtime raccoon raids that can destroy your property.

Continue reading to learn how to keep raccoons off of your property for good.

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622


Gardens are like pantries and cupboards for raccoons. They will eat anything you plant in a garden, from fruits and vegetables, to legumes, flowers, and more; and they will love it all. Grapes and corn seem to be their favorite across the board, but this can be argued. To keep raccoons from doing this to your garden, you are going to have to take some preventative cautions.

You can install in chicken wire to protect the perimeter of your garden, or you can place a battery-operated radio next to it for a few nights and put it on a talk station to scare raccoons away. They will think its people speaking and steer clear of the area for the rest of the season.


Raccoons are known to dig up lawns in search of worms, grubs, and other soil-based insects. Lawns that have been recently sodded are the most susceptible to this type of wildlife damage. In these cases, when the watering levels come down, this activity decreases, but it can still remain an ongoing problem without the proper intervention.

To stop raccoons from digging up lawns and tearing out sod, you can use a plethora of safe and humane remedies. For small areas, you can mix hot sauce or cayenne pepper with water spray it all over the lawn. For larger areas, you may want to consider installing motion lighting, automated static noise devices, predator hormones, and certain environmental modifications. This include removing all food and water sources on your property, like pet food, bird baths, squirrel feeders, and garbage. Garbage will be a primary target for raccoons.

Garbage Cans

To keep raccoons out of garbage cans, you can invest in garbage can lid locks. These can be purchased online or at home improvement stores. You can also place a large cement block on top of them to prevent raccoons from opening them up. Some people have had success with bungie cords, rope tie downs, and weights too. It is important to take your trash out to the curb on the morning of garbage pickup day since raccoons are nocturnal. Keep them out of site until then.

Raccoon Control in Louisville

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 if you are experiencing raccoon problems in Louisville Kentucky. We offer residential and commercial raccoon removal and control, as well as, raccoon proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. Request a free estimate or advice, anytime.

Raccoon Removal Louisville Offers Attic Inspections and Animal Proofing Services for Fall

Fall is the perfect time of year to have your home and property inspected for animal invasion, as well as, vulnerable spots that could let animals in for the winter. At this time, many nuisance animals, including raccoons and bats, are looking for warm and safe shelters to hibernate and breed their young through the winter. If your home is located near wooded lots or forested areas, or you frequently spot raccoons and other wild animals around your neighborhood, then animal proofing is an important service to consider. This is because once animals use your property for a home for the winter, you can expect a huge mess to clean up, costly structural damages, and possible health hazards.

Fortunately, Raccoon Removal Louisville offers affordable attic and property inspects, animal-proofing services, and much more for the fall season. You can protect your home and your family from raccoon dangers with one simple phone call to us! You can reach our friendly and knowledgeable company representatives at 502-553-7622 to ask about our raccoon removal and control services we offer in Louisville, Kentucky.

Get Affordable Fall Raccoon Control Deals!

When you call our office, you can expect a warm hello and an abundance of helpful information. Our wildlife technicians are licensed by the Department of Natural Resources, so they are professionally certified and trained. They show up on-time, neatly dressed, and fully-equipped to work. We only use safe and humane, non-lethal methods to extract raccoons and prevent their return. We will also educate you on how to keep raccoons away by changing certain home habits. For example, you should not leave pet food or garbage cans outside, overnight. And consider installing motion sensor lighting to thwart nighttime animal activity around your house.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Stop a raccoon infestation before it can get out of control over the winter. Call Raccoon Removal Louisville at 502-553-7622 for attic inspections and raccoon-proofing services right away. We offer free estimates, as well as, minor attic restorations, minor repairs caused by raccoons, and more. Call 52-553-7622 and talk to a DNR licensed Louisville raccoon removal and control contractor about getting rid of raccoons in the attic this fall.

When is a Rabies Vaccination Necessary for Humans?

Rabies vaccines are common occurrences for domesticated pets like dogs and cats. But rabies vaccines are also important for humans as well. As for humans, rabies vaccines are meant to protect anyone who is at risk to contracting the virus. Even after exposure, a rabies vaccination can be given to a human for added assurance and protection. Continue reading and learn who in particular should be getting rabies vaccinations and why.

Rabies Vaccines

One interesting fact about rabies vaccines is that they are actually made from exterminated rabies virus. But, not to worry, they cannot cause a person or animal to contract rabies. Rabies vaccinations for children and adults are inexpensive and can be outsourced at any local clinic or medical office. Families can also contact passport health clinics and speak with health travel medical specialists about receiving vaccinations for the rabies virus. Here is a list of people and circumstances that would require a rabies vaccination:

Vocational Circumstances:

• Spelunkers and Cave Explorers
• Veterinarians
• Animal Handlers
• Animal Control Personnel
• Rabies Laboratory Staff
• Rabies Biologic Production Personnel
• Zoo Keepers
• Exotic Pet Breeders

Situational Circumstances

• Frequent International Traveling
• Traveling to 3rd World Country
• Bitten By Potentially Rabid Animal
• Potential Exposure

Pre-Exposure Rabies Vaccination Schedule

• Three Doses Total
• 2nd Dose Administered 7 Days Following First Dose
• 3rd Dose Administered 21-28 Days Following First Dose

Post-Exposure Rabies Vaccination Schedule

• Four Doses Total Plus One Additional Shot
• 2nd Dose Administered 3 Days Following First Dose
• 3rd Dose Administered 7 Days Following First Dose
• 4th Dose Administered 14 Days Following First Dose
• Additional Shot of Rabies Immune Globulin with First Dose

Post-Exposure Rabies Vaccination Schedule for Someone Previously Vaccinated

• Two Doses Total
• 2nd Dose Administered 3 Days Following First Dose
• Rabies Immune Globulin Dose Not Necessary

To best avoid potential exposure to the rabies virus, it is important to avoid contact with wild animals. This includes injured or orphaned ones. If you have raccoons on your property, contact a local animal control service to have them safely and humanely removed.

Raccoon Removal Louisville Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 for professional raccoon removal in Louisville, Kentucky. Our DNR licensed raccoon control contractors are highly trained and retain all the latest technologies and resources to safely and humanely extract raccoons from your property and relocate them to a faraway habitat. We offer free estimates, information, and advice, as well as, residential raccoon control and commercial raccoon control services. Call 502-553-7622 for raccoon removal and control services in Louisville, KY and its surrounding areas.

Signs of a Raccoon Infestations Indoors

When raccoons invade our personal spaces, they can quickly become a costly nuisance. If you believe you have a raccoon infestation in your home, it is strongly encouraged to immediately contact licensed animal removal authorities for safe and humane extraction services. They retain the proper equipment, knowledge, and industry training to safely remove raccoons from your home without jeopardizing the rest of your property. Continue reading to learn how to identify a raccoon infestation, and who to call for reliable and effective raccoon control services.

Raccoon Control

There are several indications that point to raccoon invasions. Attics, crawl spaces, garages, rooftops, sheds, and beneath porches are all favorite hiding places for wild raccoons. These areas are the ones you want to pay attention to first. Look for signs of property damages, missing household items, strange odors, and anything else out of the ordinary. Here is a more complete list of signs that suggest you may have a raccoon in your home or office:

• Strong Foul Odors
• Torn Drywall
• Animal Droppings
• Food Scraps
• Scattered Garbage
• Strange Noise at Night
• Missing Items
• Ripped or Soiled Insulation
• Missing Pet Food
• And More

If you have a raccoon in the attic, or anywhere else on your property, you need professional raccoon removal promptly. The longer a raccoon colony, or even just one raccoon, is in your home, to more damages will accrue and the repair and restoration costs will increase. Be sure to choose a licensed Louisville Raccoon Control service that has an accomplished and respected reputation in your home town. They should be able to offer free estimates without tacking on hidden fees or surprise costs. Ask about current specials, applicable discounts, and complimentary services so you know you are getting the best deal around.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Call 502-553-7622 right away for superior and affordable raccoon control services and solutions in Louisville, Kentucky and its nearby counties. We are DNR licensed and insured animal removal specialists that have specialized in raccoon control for more than 25 years! We offer a wide variety of services; such as raccoon cleanup, minor attic and crawl space restorations, residential and commercial services, raccoon-proofing and prevention, home inspections, and much more. We also offer free estimates, coupons, discounts, and emergency raccoon removal. Call 502-553-7622 and speak with a live raccoon removal and control technician in Louisville, KY about getting rid of raccoons, today.