Subspecies of the Common Raccoon

Learn about the three different raccoon species and all their subspecies too! Raccoons are special and intelligent mammals that have a lot to offer when it comes to fun facts and nature.

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

The Common Raccoon, or Procyon Lotor, is also referred to as the Northern raccoon and is primarily found along the Southeastern borders of Canada, all the way through the Northern regions of the United States, and even down through the Gulf of Mexico. Northern raccoons are the most prevalent species found in North America, and retain the characteristic qualities that we all think about when we think about raccoons. They have the long, striped, bushy tails and the bandit-like mask that we all know so well, and the long claws and human-like paws too. They are highly intelligent mammals whose studies have shown they can remember solutions to tasks up to three years later! This is where the familiar phrase, “sly coon” comes from.

Raccoon Species

There are only three species of raccoon, which includes the common raccoon, as well as, the Cozumel Island raccoon and Crab-Eating raccoon. These other two species are only native to the tropics and are rare. Aside from the three main species of raccoon, there are several subspecies found all across the world, from Europe to Japan, in Central America, the Caribbean, and more. Continue reading to learn more about raccoon subspecies.

Raccoon Subspecies

Some species of raccoon were thought to be separate and distinct, but are now classified as subspecies to other species of raccoon. For example, the now-extinct Barbados raccoon, the Guadeloupe raccoon, and the Tres Marias raccoon were thought to be their own species, but several studies later on proved they were simply subspecies to the common raccoon.

Since 2005, twenty two subspecies of raccoon have been formally recognized.

• Eastern Raccoon (P.I lotor)
• Florida Raccoon (P.I elucus)
• California Raccoon (P.I psora)
• Texas Raccoon (P.I fuscipes)
• Snake River Valley Raccoon (P.I excelsus)
• Mexican Plateau Raccoon (P.I hernandezii)
• Baja California Raccoon (P.I grinnelli)
• Kay Vaca Raccoon (P.I auspicatus)
• Upper Mississippi Valley Raccoon (P.I hirtus)
• Mississippi Delta Raccoon (P.I megalodous)
• Torch Key Raccoon (P.I incautus)
• Maria Madre Island Raccoon (P.I insularis)
• Saint Simon Island Raccoon (P.I litoreus)
• Ten Thousand Islands Raccoon (P.I marinus)
• Bahaman Raccoon (P.I maynardi)
• Pacific Northwest Raccoon (P.I pacificus)
• Colorado Desert Raccoon (P.I pallidus)
• Isthmian Raccoon (P.I pumilus)
• Short-Faced Raccoon (P.I simus)
• Vancouver Island Raccoon (P.I vancouverensis)

If you are experiencing a nuisance coon problem, contact a local and licensed animal control service right away. These special mammals should never be harmed or killed. A trusted animal removal company will trap them and relocate them to a faraway and safer habitat.

Raccoon Removal Louisville

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 for DNR licensed raccoon control services that are both safe and humane. We never harm or kill raccoons, and neither should you! Instead, enlist the services of our licensed wildlife rescue contractors for non-lethal raccoon exclusion and control. We don’t just get rid of raccoons, we also provide cleanup services and minor attic restorations from raccoon damages. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate, today.

A Raccoon on the Roof is Not a Good Sign

Raccoons are excellent climbers with nimble, dexterous paws, and they use these qualities to access rooftops in residential and urban areas. It is very common to spot raccoons on the roof at night, or just after sunset when it isn’t quite dark yet. This is the time of day when raccoons are either returning or leaving from wherever it is they are nesting. So this means if you see a raccoon on the roof, they are up to no good. Continue reading to learn why you might have raccoons on the roof, and how to safely and humanely get rid of them.

Raccoons and Roofs

If a raccoon is on a roof, it is most likely looking for a vulnerable area in the eaves or soffit to rip out and use as an access point to your attic. And if they are not looking for this, it is because they have already found it! Raccoons like to use these areas to create dens in order to breed and raise their young. Once their young is old enough to fend for themselves, they leave the nest to go look for one of their own. A raccoon on a roof is a blatant indication that you have raccoons in the attic or other area of your home that is accessible through the roof. And if you have raccoons on the roof and they haven’t access your home yet, they are looking to do so very soon. Raccoons don’t just climb for fun; they are either hunting, gathering, escaping danger, or looking for shelter. Don’t make the mistake of ignoring a raccoon on the roof!

In a little amount of time, raccoons can make a disastrous mess in your home. They tear down attic insulation to make nests and soil just about every surface area with droppings, birthing debris, and rotting food scraps. They also chew through electrical wiring, rip out floorboards and saturate ceilings with urine which causes stains and odors Needless to say, raccoons are capable of causing an extreme amount of structural damage and destruction if left alone.

Wildlife Rescue Services

Call a local wildlife rescue contractor for safe and humane raccoon removal services if you spot any on your roof or around your property. It is better to take precautionary measures rather than waiting for a disaster to fall into your lap. Never leave pet food outside, as raccoons love this and will return night after night for it; and always take your trash out the morning of garbage pickup day. These are just a few methods to keep raccoons off your property. Also consider having your siding, roof, windows, and doors inspected and properly sealed, as well as, installing motion sensor lighting outside to thwart raccoon activity.

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Call 502-553-7622 for professional raccoon removal and control in Louisville, Kentucky. We are highly trained and experienced, DNR licensed wildlife rescue and control contractors that can remove raccoons safely and humanely at a low cost to you. We also provide minor attic restorations and repairs for raccoon damages, as well as, raccoon prevention, and much more. Call 502-553-7622 if you see raccoons on the roof in Louisville, KY right away.

Reasons Why Dead Raccoon Removal is an Emergency

It is important to get rid of raccoons if they are frequent visitors to your property, and it is even more important to remove the ones that make it inside your home. Raccoons, although cute and clever, are unfortunately filthy and destructive. They can tear up lawns, damage woodwork and siding, rip off roof shingles, rip apart garbage cans, and much more; not to mention they carry infectious diseases that are harmful and potentially deadly to humans and pets, like Rabies and Parvo.

Live and active raccoons are a problem, but having dead raccoons in or around your home is an even bigger one. Continue reading to learn why dead raccoon removal is more difficult and why it is considered an emergency situation that calls for immediate attention by a licensed professional in the industry.

Dead Raccoon Removal

The problem with dead raccoons has to do with decomposition and pest problems. Many homeowners will make the mistake of excluding a raccoon from an area of their home, like the chimney, but this is a common mistake since most raccoons found indoors are nursing or raising offspring. Blocking a mother raccoon from entering back into a home solves one part of the problem, but there are still baby raccoons somewhere inside that will soon wander around, fall into air ducts and in between walls, and then die; eventually rotting, decaying, smelling, and producing maggot infestations. This is an even bigger project than simply removing the entire colony to begin with. This is why it is important to hire a licensed raccoon removal company for safe, humane, and effective service. They retain the proper tools, training, and resources to exclude raccoons all at once, and prevent their return. Some companies even offer minor attic and crawl space restorations for raccoon damage and droppings.

It is critical to have dead raccoons removed from a property as soon as they are evident or discovered. A dead raccoon will rot and smell, and eventually house thousands of maggots. This cleanup and restoration job will cost much more, and create an uncomfortable living environment for weeks at a time. A rotting carcass also houses diseases and bacteria that can be detrimental to our health and the health of any domesticated pets on the property. For these reasons and more, it is very important to have dead animals, like raccoons, removed from your property as soon as possible.

Raccoon Removal Louisville Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 for DNR licensed raccoon removal in Louisville, Kentucky. We are highly trained and experienced raccoon control specialists that use only safe and humane methods to exclude or remove raccoons from residential and commercial properties. Our licensed contractors are happy to answer your questions about raccoon control and raccoon removal, anytime. Just call 502-553-7622 and speak with a Louisville raccoon removal and control technician about getting rid of raccoons in Kentucky, today.

Six Reasons Why a Baby Raccoon Might Be Orphaned

It is common, especially in the springtime, to come across an orphaned baby raccoon or raccoons. In the months of March, April, and May, mother raccoons are generally birthing their young pups since the weather is warming up and the likelihood of survival is higher. However, during this time, people who live near forests or wooded areas might find a baby raccoon that seems to be lost from its colony and its mother.

If you ever spot an orphaned or baby raccoon on or around your property, contact a local raccoon removal service right away. Never attempt to touch, capture, trap, or hold a baby raccoon. They could be infected with contagious diseases, or not orphaned from their mother at all. It requires the licensing, permits, training, and proper resources of a professional to safely and humanely remove raccoons, orphaned or not. Continue reading to learn why you might have seen a baby raccoon without its mother, and the most common reasons why raccoon pups become orphaned to begin with.

Raccoon Pups

Raccoon pups are very small in their first few weeks of life. In fact, they are born with their eyes still shut. Even when their eyes open for the first time, they are still not un-weaned from their mother’s milk. They are irresistibly adorable and cute-looking, which is why many raccoon pups are kidnapped from their natural habitat and made to be house pets for people who do not understand the importance of raccoons living in their own environment. Just because a baby raccoon is not with its mother does not always mean it is abandoned. Once baby ‘coons open their eyes, they begin to wander out with their mother while she hunts for food. If the mother takes a detour, or goes somewhere the baby cannot, it may look like the pup is alone or abandoned, but they are simply waiting for their mother to return from her duties. Keep this in mind next time you spot one and feel the urge to take it home. Don’t do it!

Here are the 6 most common scenarios of why raccoon pups are orphaned, abandoned, or alone:

1. Family Dog Finds it and Decides to Bring it Home

2. Mother is Missing, Dead, Trapped, or Gone

3. The Den Site Was Destroyed or Disrupted

4. Mother is on the Move (either for food or from predators) and Open-Eyed Baby is Waiting for Her Return

5. Den Site is Too Warm During the Day and Pups Need a Breather

6. Predators Found the Den Site and Baby Pup Managed to Escape or Left Behind

Contact a local Louisville Raccoon Removal company for safe and humane raccoon control services. They can remove baby raccoons and relocate them to a faraway and safer habitat. They retain the proper tools, licenses, and training to perform any raccoon removal and control service for residential and commercial properties.

Raccoon Removal Louisville Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 for prompt, safe, and humane raccoon removal in Louisville, Kentucky. We are highly trained and licensed wildlife removal contractors that specialize in raccoon control. We offer a wide range of services, from raccoon cleanup to minor attic renovations and repair, raccoon-proofing, and more. Call 502-553-7622 for a free estimate regarding raccoon removal and control in Louisville, KY today.

Do Raccoons Hibernate?

Before asking ourselves if raccoons hibernate or not, let’s discuss what hibernation actually means and what it entails. When a mammal hibernates, they go into a deep sleep for the duration of winter and cold months. During this time, their body temperature drops and physical activity comes to a stop; lowering their heart rates and preserving energy. When comparing this behavior with the habits of the raccoon species, you will see that they do not actually hibernate. Instead, raccoons show signs of lethargy or torpor during colder seasons.

Raccoon Hibernation

During winter in colder regions of the country, some raccoon species will partake in behaviors similar to hibernation, but not hibernation at all. They may take up and stay in their dens for several weeks at a time; sleeping or remaining stagnant, lowering their body temperatures and heart rates too. They may only venture out a few times a week to hunt for food and find water. This is similar to a habit called torpor, and is what bears essentially do.

In milder regions of the country that still experience snow and winter months, raccoons will also seek shelter for extended periods of time. Local or urban raccoons will seek out shelter in residential or commercial properties, while raccoons in nature will find dens or burrows to live in. They come out a few times a day or week to find food and water, because without food, they can lose up to half of their body weight in a winter’s time. This is why raccoons eat a larger amount of food in late summer and throughout fall. They do this to store body fat as protection against harsh elements and scarce food sources in the winter.

Raccoons in the winter are common nuisances to home and property owners located near wooded areas. This is because raccoons use vacant buildings, attics, sheds, crawl spaces, garages, porches, and more as shelter during harsh winter climates. If raccoons cannot find a hollow tree, log, or old animal burrow, they will search for warmth and protection in our homes! This is where a licensed Louisville raccoon removal specialists can help. They retain the proper tools, resources, and training to safely and humanely remove raccoons and prevent them from coming back.

Raccoon Removal Louisville Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 for prompt raccoon removal in Louisville, Kentucky today. We are highly trained and DNR licensed raccoon removal specialists with decades of experience in the wildlife rescue and control industry. We provide a wide range of raccoon control services for residential and commercial properties in Kentucky. We offer free estimate, 24 emergency services, and the most competitive prices in town! Call 502-553-7622 for licensed and insured raccoon removal services in Louisville, KY and its surrounding counties today.

Signs of a Raccoon Infestations Indoors

When raccoons invade our personal spaces, they can quickly become a costly nuisance. If you believe you have a raccoon infestation in your home, it is strongly encouraged to immediately contact licensed animal removal authorities for safe and humane extraction services. They retain the proper equipment, knowledge, and industry training to safely remove raccoons from your home without jeopardizing the rest of your property. Continue reading to learn how to identify a raccoon infestation, and who to call for reliable and effective raccoon control services.

Raccoon Control

There are several indications that point to raccoon invasions. Attics, crawl spaces, garages, rooftops, sheds, and beneath porches are all favorite hiding places for wild raccoons. These areas are the ones you want to pay attention to first. Look for signs of property damages, missing household items, strange odors, and anything else out of the ordinary. Here is a more complete list of signs that suggest you may have a raccoon in your home or office:

• Strong Foul Odors
• Torn Drywall
• Animal Droppings
• Food Scraps
• Scattered Garbage
• Strange Noise at Night
• Missing Items
• Ripped or Soiled Insulation
• Missing Pet Food
• And More

If you have a raccoon in the attic, or anywhere else on your property, you need professional raccoon removal promptly. The longer a raccoon colony, or even just one raccoon, is in your home, to more damages will accrue and the repair and restoration costs will increase. Be sure to choose a licensed Louisville Raccoon Control service that has an accomplished and respected reputation in your home town. They should be able to offer free estimates without tacking on hidden fees or surprise costs. Ask about current specials, applicable discounts, and complimentary services so you know you are getting the best deal around.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Call 502-553-7622 right away for superior and affordable raccoon control services and solutions in Louisville, Kentucky and its nearby counties. We are DNR licensed and insured animal removal specialists that have specialized in raccoon control for more than 25 years! We offer a wide variety of services; such as raccoon cleanup, minor attic and crawl space restorations, residential and commercial services, raccoon-proofing and prevention, home inspections, and much more. We also offer free estimates, coupons, discounts, and emergency raccoon removal. Call 502-553-7622 and speak with a live raccoon removal and control technician in Louisville, KY about getting rid of raccoons, today.

Do Not Make a Wild Raccoon Pup Your Pet

There are so many reasons why wild raccoons do not make good pets for adults and children alike. A wild animal is a wild animal cannot be domesticated easily. Only trained wildlife professionals and rescue enthusiasts like zookeepers, are the only people that should ever domesticate wild raccoon or any other animal. There are some reasons why raccoons are not good pets even though many people have turned raccoon pets into a trend. This is unfair for wild raccoons because they are meant to be free and in the wild. If you happen to run across the wild raccoon pup, a baby raccoon, you should never touch it or come close to it. There are several reasons for this as well.

Raccoons, or any other wild, can be carriers of dangerous contagious diseases. Rabies is always the first disease that people think about when it comes to wild animal diseases. This is accurate because rabies is a very common disease found in raccoons and other wild animals. On top of rabies, there are other infectious diseases, such as:

• Canine Distemper
• Leptospirosis
• Parvo
• Canine Hepatitis
• And Other Viral in Bacterial Diseases

It doesn’t stop here. There are other reasons why you should never touch or take in a stranded baby raccoon. First of all, the baby raccoon may seem like it is stranded; however, the mother raccoon may be in search of it. Also, there may be a reason my baby raccoon is all by itself. This means it may have been left behind purposely because it’s sick or dying.

Another reason why pet raccoons are problematic is the lack of domestication over the past 20 centuries. Dogs and cats have been domesticated for thousands of years which is why they make great pets. It is ingrained in their natural instincts to be trained to obey and assist their masters. While raccoons on the other hand, will never cease their natural instincts to do what wild animals do. This means they are likely to tear apart pillows and couch cushions to nest and, as well as, use your property as toilet. All of this behavior is likely to be out of your control as well. Raccoon domestication is not recommended by wildlife rescue professionals, as well as, wildlife control specialist. If you ever find a stranded raccoon, the baby or not, contact a professional raccoon removal service immediately. They retain the proper equipment, training, knowledge, and tools to safely inhumanely remove the raccoon and relocated to a safer habitat.

Call Raccoon Removal Louisville at 502-553-7622 for more information about raccoon control services in Kentucky. We are highly trained and DNR licensed to facilitate several raccoon control services; such as raccoon removal, prevention, animal proofing, raccoon cleanup, property inspections, and much more. Contact Raccoon Removal Louisville 502-553-7622 today if you have raccoons in the attic or on your property in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding counties.

How to Find a Reputable Pet Raccoon Breeder

Pets are a very important part of our lives. Dogs, cats, birds, bunnies, and more are common species of animal we domesticate for the sake of love and companionship. Although these standard household pets are loving and adorable, some families prefer something more exotic. For many, pet raccoons are a wonderful and delightful addition to their families. It is easy to domesticate a baby raccoon so long as you seek our proper guidance and veterinary services. Raccoons are smart, funny, and loving mammals capable of developing loving relationships with their owners. They can even be litter box trained and taught to obey commands.

If you have made the decision to adopt a baby raccoon, be sure to find a reputable and trustworthy breeder. It is important to look for several qualifications and credentials when researching different pet raccoon breeders. Continue reading for tips and advice on how to find a reputable pet raccoon breeding service in your city or state.

Local Raccoon Breeders

Before making the decision to adopt a baby pet raccoon, have you checked to make sure your state allows it? If it does, hooray! If it does not, then think twice about breaking this law. As a warning, there are typically harsh fines and penalties for people who domesticate illegal exotic animals. When it comes to finding a breeder to adopt a pet raccoon from, it is a good idea to look in the same state you live in, or an adjoining state that also allows the breeding, sales, and domestication of pet raccoons. If you find a breeder selling baby raccoons in a state where raccoon domestication is illegal, then the breeder is not a trustworthy source.

Look for true professionals with a sincere passion and extensive experience in the world of raccoons and wildlife. They will have the best advice, referrals, and selection of pups you can find. Once you find a breeder, be sure you are well-informed on how to care for a baby raccoon, as well as, well-prepared to care for an adult raccoon after it grows up. These are all things to consider and discuss with your local raccoon breeder. Here are some more things to look for in a reputable raccoon breeder once you’ve decided to adopt a pet raccoon:

• Experience
• Licensing
• Certifications
• Passion for Wildlife
• Well-Maintained Premises
• Healthy Raccoon Pups
• Good Reviews
• Proper Permits
• Proof of Documentation
• Knowledge of Raccoons
• Clean Bill of Health for Pups
• Additional Services for Raccoons

Be sure your local raccoon breeder is making the right moves as a legit breeder. They should be able to show proof of licensing, and should be practicing their services in an accommodating state or county. Feel free to interview several different breeders and compare your options. Don’t take raccoon adoption lightly; it is a delicate search process that deserves comprehensive research and requires patience and moral behavior. Take your time to find the perfect addition to your furry family.

Although pet raccoons are adorable and entertaining, wild raccoons are not. If you are experiencing a Louisville Kentucky raccoon problem on or within your property, be sure to act fast. Call Raccoon Removal Louisville at 502-553-7622 for free information or emergency raccoon control services and more. We are highly trained and DNR licensed raccoon control specialists with decades of experience removing raccoons safely and humanely. Visit our website at for details about our services and company background. We never harm or kill raccoons, and only use safe and effective procedures to extract them and prevent their return. On top of raccoon removal, we also provide a wide range of additional services; such as attic restorations, raccoon cleanup, inspections, raccoon prevention, consultations, commercial work, emergency services, free estimates, discounts, and more. Call 502-553-7622 and talk to a licensed raccoon control technician about getting rid of raccoons in Louisville, Kentucky once and for all.

If I See a Raccoon, What Should I Do?

Raccoons are interesting and intelligent mammals found in nature. Unfortunately, they are becoming more prevalent in residential and urban areas; making them quite the nuisance animal. This poses a problem for several reasons; such as property damages, garbage intrusions, invasion issues, raccoon scat and health problems, attacks, and much more. One of the main questions asked by residential property owners is, “what do I do if I see a wild raccoon?” The answer is different depending on the circumstance. Continue reading to learn what a person should do, or how they should react, if they see a wild raccoon up close.

Wild Raccoon Encounters

Raccoons are nocturnal animals, meaning they are active at night and typically rest during the day. If you see a raccoon during the daytime, it could be an indication that the raccoon is sick or infected. If you are out in the evening time, whether on a stroll through the park or hanging out on your patio at home, raccoons are a possible encounter. So what do you do if you are in a situation in which you are looking straight into the eyes of a wild raccoon? The answer is simple; nothing. Never take action against a wild animal, especially a raccoon, because they are intelligent and resilient mammals that will attack or fight back to protect themselves. Raccoons can carry diseases so if they bite or scratch someone, that person is vulnerable to rabies, leptospirosis, and various other infectious diseases.

If you see a wild raccoon, immediately avoid contact or engagement. Turn around and go the other way, or go inside your home. Never try to yell, scream, or scare raccoons. This will only make them feel threatened and force them into attack mode. Once you are in safe distance of a raccoon, call a licensed animal control company and report the encounter. This is especially important if you spotted a raccoon on public property or your own. They can provide various services that can protect the area or your home from raccoon invasion.

Louisville Raccoon Removal

For expert raccoon control services or advice, call Louisville Raccoon Removal in Kentucky today. You can reach a licensed and insured raccoon control specialists that has more than two decades of experience in the animal control and removal industry. We always use safe and humane methods to get rid of raccoons in residential and commercial areas. Visit our website at for details about our services and company background. Call 502-553-7622 and speak with a licensed Louisville Raccoon Removal specialist about wild raccoon encounters and more in Kentucky.