Can I Keep a Raccoon as a Pet in Kentucky?

Whether you have found an exotic raccoon breeder or picked up an abandoned pup, you may be thinking about adding a new pet to the family. But before you do, it is important to review the local and federal laws that govern exotic pet possession and ownership. Continue reading to learn whether or not Kentucky has laws against or surrounding raccoons as pets.

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Kentucky Exotic Pets

All states have laws regarding exotic pet ownership and breeding, all of which differ greatly. Some allow exotic pets, such as bears, large cats, wolf hybrids, venomous reptiles, marine animals, rodents, and more; while others strictly prohibit any type of non-domestic animal possession. The short answer to whether or not you can have a pet raccoon in Kentucky is no. In Kentucky, owning a pet raccoon is against the law. More specifically, “No person may possess an inherently dangerous animal, including primates, dangerous reptiles, bears, large cats and more.”

So if you have found someone selling pet raccoons that they have bred themselves, steer clear. And if you found a stray baby raccoon, do not attempt to interact with it at all. Even if it were legal to domesticate a raccoon as a pet, you wouldn’t want to. See our article, “Raccoons Do Not Make Good Pets” to learn why.

What to Do If You Find a Baby Raccoon

If you discover a baby raccoon, whether on your property or in a public area, your first response should be to keep your distance. Never attempt to touch, trap, harm, or kill a wild animal under any circumstances, especially raccoons. Not only are raccoons capable of scratching you with their long, sharp claws, or biting you with their sharp teeth, they are also known carriers of several infectious diseases, such as Rabies, Roundworm, Distemper, and more. These diseases are transmissible to both people and pets, making a stray a dangerous presence to have around.

Upon finding a raccoon pup, be sure to keep your pets away by placing them inside the house or keeping them on a leash. Once you have your pets protected and secured, contact a licensed Louisville raccoon removal and control company for safe animal rescue and relocation services. They have the proper permits, training, and resources to humanely transport and relocate raccoons to a safe and far away habitat.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

If you are experiencing raccoon problems, let us help. We offer 24 hour raccoon removal, as well as, raccoon proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. We are DNR licensed and insured, and provide both residential and commercial raccoon control services in Louisville, Kentucky and throughout its surrounding areas. Call us directly at 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or advice, today.

The Pros and Cons of Breeding Raccoons

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

When discussing the boundaries, expectations, and compromises of raccoon breeding, it is important to also consider raccoon domestication and pet raccoons as well. This is because breeding raccoons involves raising them and living with them like pets; and furthermore, it is illegal for the general public to domesticate raccoons in most states. Raccoon breeding is a huge commitment. In fact, most veteran breeders would refer to it as a “lifestyle.”

Pet raccoons are funny, intelligent, and fascinating creatures; but they are also trouble-makers, and can cause a lot of destruction, mess, and mischief for a homeowner. This is why breeding raccoons requires a thorough understanding of all the hardships and hard work that’s involved in the process.

Raccoon Breeding and Domestication

As far as nature has it, wild raccoons typically use the months of February and March to breed. Even though these are the natural months for wild raccoons to mate, mating can take place anywhere from December, all the way to June. Of course, this largely depends on the local climate and latitude. Gestation periods last around 8 weeks, and new raccoon pups are typically born in the months of April or May. Female coons that breed later in the season can give birth to newborn pups as late as summertime. Raccoons only raise one litter per year in the wild. With this simple understanding of how raccoons breed and mate in nature, you can use this knowledge to compare the circumstances of domesticated raccoon breeding.

Pros of Raccoon Breeding

Raccoons are intelligent, playful, fun-loving, trainable, and adorable. They can be trained like a canine or cat with treats, rewards, and repetition. Because they are smart, owners enjoy learning and bonding with their pet raccoon’s personality. They each have their own temperament and character. It is rewarding watching them play and interact with other family pets; like cats and dogs. Pet raccoons that are successfully domesticated can get along very well with dogs, cats, and other household pets. They can live for many years, sometimes outliving their owners. This gives owners ample time to bond and admire their pet raccoon. Newborn pup raccoons are profitable as well. You can breed and sell them on the market for at least $500 per pup, and sometime more depending on the species of raccoon. Of course, not just anyone can own a pet raccoon; it is usually wildlife rehabilitators, researchers, zoologists, and similar vocations that would permit the holding of a wild animal like a raccoon.

Cons to Raccoon Breeding

Unfortunately, you will see there are several more controversial facts surrounding raccoon domestication and breeding than there are advantages. This is because raccoons are wild animals that are simply not meant to be domesticated. It takes millions of years to properly domesticate a wild animal. Cats and dogs have been domesticated by man as far back as the Paleolithic Era. In order to tame raccoons in the same way, it would take lifetime after lifetime to achieve the same level of domestication. Raccoons are instinctively wild no matter how well a person thinks they have tamed their pet. They will always have the potential to attack or become aggressive, which could lead to serious injuries and disfigurement. In essence, pet raccoons are a danger risk and a person is inviting this risk into their lives once they adopt or breed raccoons.

Raccoons are also very messy, destructive, and relentless. They have dexterous paws that allow them to clasp and grab just as a human would. This means they can open doors, locks, latches, and more. They can take items in a home and hide them or destroy them. They defect and urinate everywhere, even though owners attempt to litter box train them. Their urine is high in ammonia, just like a cat’s urine. This means it has a highly distinctive and pungent odor that is difficult to eliminate. Pet raccoons require an ample amount of living space and amenities to keep them entertained. Because raccoons are so intelligent, they are relentlessly curious. If a pet raccoon owner does not provide generous amounts of toys and play equipment, they can expect a lot more home destruction. If a pet raccoon becomes bored, they will roam through a home and find something to do. This usually leads to a large and costly mess.

Be Sure You Know the Law

The most important to fact to consider when it comes to raccoon breeding and domestication is the law. It is illegal to own, let alone breed, raccoons in various states, including Kentucky. Take a look at this excerpt from the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources about exotic animal holding:

“(…)The Department does not issue permits for the holding (i.e. possession within Kentucky) of exotic wildlife; however, importation or transportation of exotic wildlife from out-of-state, requires a wildlife transportation permit. (…) Local ordinances may be stricter than state regulation, and some counties and cities prohibit additional species or restrict wildlife possession beyond the level of the state. It is a person’s individual responsibility to ensure compliance with all local ordinances. Always ensure a species you plan to possess is legal through all levels of government.”

It is crucial to review your local ordinances before adopting an exotic pet like a raccoon. Breaking animal domestication laws can result in hefty fines and penalties.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 if you have nuisance raccoons on or around your property in Kentucky. It is never recommended to keep stranded, injured, or baby raccoons as a pet in your home or property. Instead, call our DNR licensed Louisville raccoon removal and control specialists for safe and humane raccoon removal services. We offer free estimates, inspections, raccoon cleanup, attic restoration and repair, DIY advice, and much more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate, today.

Problems with Pet Raccoons

Raccoons should never be domesticated, especially if they are found as pups in the wild. Although baby raccoons, or kits, are adorable, they are tough to control and care for. Animal rescue experts retain the proper experience, knowledge, and training to care for raccoons outside of the wild; but as for anyone else, owning a pet raccoon can be risky. Continue reading to learn why it is not a good idea to adopt or own a pet raccoon.

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Behavior and Instinct

Raccoons have always been wild animals, and this “wild” gene is instilled in them from thousands of years ago. They will never lose the desire to roam free, hunt, breed, and nest. A pet raccoon will never want to be caged, which would pose as a huge problem for anyone that wants to own a raccoon. Raccoons are cute and cuddly when they are just kits, and will allow pet owners to cage them, feed them, and love them.

They are easy to care for when they are small, dependent, and young; but when they grow up, they have a whole different agenda. When they reach adolescence and adulthood, they get more aggressive, solitary, and destructive. These critters are known to tear through upholstery, couches, mattresses and anything else that sparks their interest. This behavior probably stems from boredom, because at this age, they want to roam free, hunt, and be on their own. Domesticating a wild raccoon or any animal is nothing like owning a cat or dog; it is a lifestyle.

Health Risks and Raccoon Domestication

Raccoons, just as any other wild animal, can carry diseases that are harmful to humans, especially children and the elderly. Viral diseases such as rabies, distemper, canine hepatitis, and more are all common in wild animals and raccoons. These, and more, can be passed on to people and other animals. They also can carry lice, ticks, scabies, and roundworm.

Animal Ownership Laws

Another risk to owning a pet raccoon is breaking the law. Depending on which state you reside in, the law defines the rights of people when it comes to exotic animal ownership. For example, in Indiana, a pet raccoon is considered a Class 2 exotic animal, which requires a license and permit to own. If you did not have a license or permit, the state can remove the pet and order the owners to pay fees and fines.

Other states have a complete ban on raccoon domestication. For example, Maryland prohibits anyone from owning a pet raccoon and does not offer licenses or permit to allow raccoon domestication at all. If you are serious about adopting a pet raccoon, always check your local ordinances first, to ensure you are remaining within the guidelines of the law.

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 for Louisville raccoon removal you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured raccoon control experts with over 20 years of experience in the raccoon industry. We have all the latest technologies and equipment to carry out safe and humane raccoon control and cleanup jobs. Call 502-553-7622 to speak with a live raccoon control specialist today! Request a free estimate for raccoon removal in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding areas.

Do Not Make a Wild Raccoon Pup Your Pet

There are so many reasons why wild raccoons do not make good pets for adults and children alike. A wild animal is a wild animal cannot be domesticated easily. Only trained wildlife professionals and rescue enthusiasts like zookeepers, are the only people that should ever domesticate wild raccoon or any other animal. There are some reasons why raccoons are not good pets even though many people have turned raccoon pets into a trend. This is unfair for wild raccoons because they are meant to be free and in the wild. If you happen to run across the wild raccoon pup, a baby raccoon, you should never touch it or come close to it. There are several reasons for this as well.

Raccoons, or any other wild, can be carriers of dangerous contagious diseases. Rabies is always the first disease that people think about when it comes to wild animal diseases. This is accurate because rabies is a very common disease found in raccoons and other wild animals. On top of rabies, there are other infectious diseases, such as:

• Canine Distemper
• Leptospirosis
• Parvo
• Canine Hepatitis
• And Other Viral in Bacterial Diseases

It doesn’t stop here. There are other reasons why you should never touch or take in a stranded baby raccoon. First of all, the baby raccoon may seem like it is stranded; however, the mother raccoon may be in search of it. Also, there may be a reason my baby raccoon is all by itself. This means it may have been left behind purposely because it’s sick or dying.

Another reason why pet raccoons are problematic is the lack of domestication over the past 20 centuries. Dogs and cats have been domesticated for thousands of years which is why they make great pets. It is ingrained in their natural instincts to be trained to obey and assist their masters. While raccoons on the other hand, will never cease their natural instincts to do what wild animals do. This means they are likely to tear apart pillows and couch cushions to nest and, as well as, use your property as toilet. All of this behavior is likely to be out of your control as well. Raccoon domestication is not recommended by wildlife rescue professionals, as well as, wildlife control specialist. If you ever find a stranded raccoon, the baby or not, contact a professional raccoon removal service immediately. They retain the proper equipment, training, knowledge, and tools to safely inhumanely remove the raccoon and relocated to a safer habitat.

Call Raccoon Removal Louisville at 502-553-7622 for more information about raccoon control services in Kentucky. We are highly trained and DNR licensed to facilitate several raccoon control services; such as raccoon removal, prevention, animal proofing, raccoon cleanup, property inspections, and much more. Contact Raccoon Removal Louisville 502-553-7622 today if you have raccoons in the attic or on your property in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding counties.

Can I Pet a Wild Raccoon?

Sometimes, we see wild animals such as birds, raccoons, squirrels, skunks, rabbits, and more; but should we attempt to touch them or pet them if we get the urge? Although animals look cute and fluffy, they are not domesticated or accustomed to humans. This means they most likely view us a threat or danger; thus causing them to react and protect themselves by any means necessary if they feel intimidated. Wild animals are very unpredictable when it comes to self-defense behaviors; especially raccoons. So if you see a raccoon, it is best to not attempt to make any contact with it what-so-ever. There are various reasons for this, so continue reading and learn why raccoons should be left alone if you ever see one in the wild.

Raccoons are Known Carriers of the Rabies Virus

Not only are raccoons one of the leading carriers of rabies in the world, they can possibly transfer several other infections and diseases as well. Leptospirosis, roundworm, salmonella, ticks, fleas, and more are all potential contagions carried and contagious in wild raccoons. Upon contact, anyone can contract one of these ailments; especially from raccoon attacks.

Raccoons Will Attack if Intimidated

Raccoons are capable of scratching and biting a person or pet if they feel intimated or threatened. This is truer of mother raccoons defending their young. If they think their raccoon pups are in danger, they will certainly do what it takes to scare you away; even if this means lunging, biting, and scratching you in self-defense. Not only can this be painful, it can be an open door for disease and infection.

Raccoon Control in Louisville, Kentucky

If you are seeing wild raccoons regularly near your Louisville, Kentucky property, call 502-553-7622 today. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control specialists that specialize in raccoon removal services. Our teams of highly trained and experienced raccoon control technicians only use safe and humane methods to get rid of raccoons in Louisville. Visit our website at for details about our services and company credentials. We offer free estimates, DIY advice, discounts, coupons, and more! Call us today at 502-553-7622 for reliable raccoon control services in Louisville, KY and its surrounding regions.

Can I Domesticate a Wild Raccoon?

It is highly advised to never attempt the domestication of a wild raccoon, or any other animal, even if it is only a pup. Raccoons, just like any wild animal, are not programmed to be tamed and trained. The only people who are qualified to train, adopt, and care for wild raccoons are professional animal rescue associations, such as Zoos and other wildlife sanctuaries. For everyone else, owning a pet raccoon can very risky. Continue reading to learn why.

Instinctual Raccoon Behavior

Raccoons are very cute and highly intelligent, making them desirable to exotic pet owners. Unfortunately, raccoons natural instincts and behavior are not domestic-friendly. For example, raccoons are very independent; it can be almost impossible to litter box train them, as many raccoon pet owners admit to trying. Cleaning up after a pet raccoon is a constant, never-ending chore. It is not just droppings, food, and urine that needs cleaning; it is also all the destruction they are capable of as well. They are excellent climbers, and would not hesitate to climb up banisters, rooftops, walls, and more. Their claws are long and sharp; creating holes, rips, and scratches everywhere. This is the lighter side to domesticated pet raccoons. It gets much uglier.

Raccoons can simply not be told what to do, unless they are trained by an expert animal tamer from the time they are born. Other than this rare circumstance, raccoon domestication is not typically successful or safe. They have thousands of years of urges to hunt, feed, nest, breed, and roam freely instilled in their species. This is not something that can be easily overcome. If raised from a pup, a raccoon will eventually turn on its owners once it reaches adolescents, due to these instilled urges and instincts.

Animal Ownership Legalities

Another very important reason to not domesticate a wild raccoons regards the law. In most cities, exotic animal ownership is not tolerated or it has very strict limitations. If it is a tolerated practice, most likely licensed and permits will be mandatory. Owning a pet raccoon is not like having a cat or dog, it is a lifestyle and huge commitment. In states like Indiana, a raccoon is classified as a Class 2 exotic animal, and requires a license and a permit to own one. These can be hard to come by, involving background checks, investigations, inspections, paperwork, and more. If a person does not abide by the local exotic animal ownership laws, they can be subjected to huge fines, evictions, and potential jail time.

For more information about wild raccoons, call Louisville Raccoon Removal in Kentucky. We are highly trained and qualified raccoon control specialists with over 20 years of service in Louisville. We are BBB members and a fully insured company. We are happy to answer any questions about why wild raccoons are dangerous. Call us at 502-553-7622 for details about our raccoon control services in Louisville, KY, or visit our website at any time.