What a Typical Rabies Vaccination Schedule Looks Like for Humans

If an animal is bitten by a rabid mammal, and they have never been vaccinated, there is little hope for survival. But what about humans? Humans on the other hand can be treated before or after being exposed to the Rabies virus. There are stringent vaccination schedules that must be properly implemented in order for the medicine to be effective.

Continue reading and review the general Rabies vaccination schedule for humans, pre and post-exposure.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

The Rabies Threat

Rabies is a well-known and widely-feared virus that is highly contagious and commonly carried by many species of mammal. Raccoon, bats, birds, dogs, cats, foxes, and are not only susceptible to the virus, but are common carriers of the disease. It is passed along and transmitted through the infected mammal’s saliva, either through bodily fluids, open wounds, scratches, or bites. If treatment is neglected, the Rhabdovirus is always fatal. Fortunately, modern advances in veterinary care allow us the opportunity to vaccinate our domesticated pets with a Rabies vaccine and protect them from contracting the fatal virus.

Pre-Exposure Rabies Vaccination Schedule for Adults

If a human is exposed to Rabies and goes untreated, respiratory failure, gastrointestinal complications, or central nervous system failure will cause death in the first 7 days. For those involved in vocations or organizations that require contact with sick, wild, or exotic animals, a pre-exposure Rabies vaccination is highly encouraged and effective preventative maintenance. People like zookeepers, animal handlers, Rabies laboratory workers, spelunkers, veterinarians, animal control contractors, animal rescue workers, and those in similar lines of work should be given a vaccination for preventative protection.

Here is the schedule for people who have never had a Rabies vaccination before, and have not yet been exposed to or infected by the virus:

A Total of 3 Doses on Three Separate Occasions:
↳ Day 1 = Dose One
↳ Day 7 = Dose Two
↳ Day 21-28 = Dose Three

Here is the vaccination schedule for people who have been exposed to the Rabies virus without ever having been vaccinated in the past:

A Total of 4 Doses Plus One Shot on Three Separate Occasions:
↳ Dose 1 = Administered Immediately After Exposure
↳ Dose 2 = Three Days After Initial Dose
↳ Dose 3 = Seven Days After Initial Dose
↳ Dose 4 = Fourteen Days After Initial Dose
↳ Rabies Immune Globulin Shot = Given at the Time of First Dose

Here is the vaccination schedule for people who have been exposed to the virus and have had a Rabies vaccination in the past:

A Total of 2 Doses on Two Separate Occasions:
↳ Dose 1 = Immediately After Exposure
↳ Dose 2 = Three Days After the Initial Dose

*To find a Rabies vaccination clinic in your city, view the Passport Health Travel Clinic.

Raccoon Control

If you spot raccoons or other wild animals on your property, be sure to keep your distance to avoid provocation and fear that could cause animals to attack. You never know what diseases an animal has, so it is best to avoid contact at all times. If you suspect you have a raccoon problem, call a local wildlife removal company for safe and humane raccoon control services. Better protect yourself, your family, and your property by preventing raccoons and other animals from visiting each night.

Louisville Raccoon Removal You Can Count On

Call 502-553-7622 for safe and humane Louisville raccoon removal services today. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Can I Pet a Wild Raccoon?

Sometimes, we see wild animals such as birds, raccoons, squirrels, skunks, rabbits, and more; but should we attempt to touch them or pet them if we get the urge? Although animals look cute and fluffy, they are not domesticated or accustomed to humans. This means they most likely view us a threat or danger; thus causing them to react and protect themselves by any means necessary if they feel intimidated. Wild animals are very unpredictable when it comes to self-defense behaviors; especially raccoons. So if you see a raccoon, it is best to not attempt to make any contact with it what-so-ever. There are various reasons for this, so continue reading and learn why raccoons should be left alone if you ever see one in the wild.

Raccoons are Known Carriers of the Rabies Virus

Not only are raccoons one of the leading carriers of rabies in the world, they can possibly transfer several other infections and diseases as well. Leptospirosis, roundworm, salmonella, ticks, fleas, and more are all potential contagions carried and contagious in wild raccoons. Upon contact, anyone can contract one of these ailments; especially from raccoon attacks.

Raccoons Will Attack if Intimidated

Raccoons are capable of scratching and biting a person or pet if they feel intimated or threatened. This is truer of mother raccoons defending their young. If they think their raccoon pups are in danger, they will certainly do what it takes to scare you away; even if this means lunging, biting, and scratching you in self-defense. Not only can this be painful, it can be an open door for disease and infection.

Raccoon Control in Louisville, Kentucky

If you are seeing wild raccoons regularly near your Louisville, Kentucky property, call 502-553-7622 today. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control specialists that specialize in raccoon removal services. Our teams of highly trained and experienced raccoon control technicians only use safe and humane methods to get rid of raccoons in Louisville. Visit our website at http://www.raccoonremovallouisvilleky.com/raccoon-control-louisville-ky.php for details about our services and company credentials. We offer free estimates, DIY advice, discounts, coupons, and more! Call us today at 502-553-7622 for reliable raccoon control services in Louisville, KY and its surrounding regions.

Common Raccoon Diseases That Threaten the Lives of our Dogs

There are many animals out in the wild that are common threats to us and our families. There are snakes, spiders, coyotes, mountain lions, and more, depending on what region you live near. One common threat that is hardly overlooked is the wild raccoon. Although we humans are aware to steer clear of these critters when spotted, our outdoor pets are not as keen. Our domesticated dogs, in particular, are at risk to raccoon illness and disease. Continue reading to learn the two most common diseases carried by raccoons and passed onto dogs; and how to care and prevent these scenarios in the future.

Canine Distemper

Canine distemper is a very familiar term heard often around veterinary offices. There are vaccinations available and recommended at the beginning of each new puppy’s life to protect them from this illness. The vaccination does not last forever, so it is always strangely suggested to return for a follow up visit. Canine distemper is a virus that can affect any wild animal; not just dogs. The virus is transferred and caught through bodily fluid exchanges, such as sneezing, urine, and saliva. It threatens the lives of our outdoor dogs because it can be easily contracted by a curious canine. An infected dog will appear have the same symptoms as a very severe flu or cold. Unfortunately, there is no real cure for Canine Distemper, which is why prevention is so crucial. The vet can only make the process more comfortable for the dog, once it is diagnosed.


Another common illness contracted by canines is rabies. As with canine distemper, there is no cure for rabies, and also, no way to diagnose it. The only way to determine that a dog has rabies is after death. A sample of the brain tissue can be examined to determine the cause of death. A professional vet can observe a dog’s symptoms and decide if they are exhibiting the symptoms of rabies. At that time, the dog will be quarantined and put to sleep. Be sure to have your pets vaccinated for canine distemper and rabies, especially if you live in a wooded area or have outdoor pets.

If you are experiencing high raccoon infestation near or on your Louisville, KY property, call our professional wildlife removal specialists to get rid of your raccoon threat. We are qualified and highly trained raccoon removal technicians with over 20 years of experience in the industry. We use safe and humane methods to get rid of raccoons. Visit our website at http://raccoonremovallouisvilleky.com/, or call us at 502-553-7622 and learn more about our raccoon removal services in Louisville, KY.