Can a Dog Survive a Bite From a Rabid Raccoon?

Rabies is a very dangerous, and most often lethal, to mammals who contract the virus. The animals that are common carriers of the disease are raccoons, bats, foxes, and skunks. When it comes to domesticated dogs, the most vulnerable to contracting the virus are the ones that have not been properly vaccinated for it. Rabies vaccines are vital and mandatory by law. All dogs should be vaccinated for the virus after three months of age. Non-vaccinated pets, especially those that are permitted to roam free through the yard, are the most at-risk for contracting the virus.

Continue reading to learn some information about what to do if your dog is bitten by a rabid animal, and how likely they are to survive the attack.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Vaccinated Dogs

If a dog has been properly vaccinated, meaning on a routine basis recommended by a licensed veterinarian, there is a better chance of survival if they are bit by a rabid raccoon. As soon as a pet owner is aware that their dog has been scratched or bitten by a rabid animal, they must immediately take it into an emergency pet hospital so that it can be administered a Rabies booster shot. From there, they must be isolated and kept under observation for any signs of the virus for 45 days.

Unfortunately, a Rabies vaccine is not a 100% full-proof against the virus. It is still possible for the dog to contract Rabies and show signs and symptoms 2 to 8 weeks after the attack, even if they are up-to-date with all their shots; but keep in mind this is very unlikely. The chances of a properly-vaccinated dog contracting Rabies is much less than for a pet without any previous vaccinations. For dogs with expired vaccinations, procedures are determined on a case-by-case basis.

Non-Vaccinated Dogs

It is a much sadder story for dogs that have not received routine Rabies vaccinations. If bitten or scratched by a rabid animal, an non-vaccinated dog must be euthanized. If the owner of the dog refuses to have their pet euthanized, the state law requires the dog to be quarantined and observed for 6 months, receiving a vaccination one month prior to being released.

However, if symptoms develop, there is no chance for survival and the pet must be put down. It general takes anywhere from one to eight weeks for symptoms to show. If the animal that bit the dog can be caught, and it ends up testing negative for Rabies, the bitten dog can be put in observation and then given a vaccine.

Who to Call for Louisville Raccoon Control

Call our expert wildlife rescue operators today at 502-553-7622 for professional Louisville raccoon control services today. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Why are Raccoons Dangerous?

Although it can be easy getting caught up in the excitement when you spot a raccoon on your porch or property, it is important to remember that raccoons are extremely dangerous animals. It is a cruel joke Mother Nature has played on us for hundreds of years, creating cute and adorable animals that we can never have contact with due to the dangers they pose. And raccoons are one of those animals! They are fascinating to watch, but the truth is, having raccoons on your property is a huge hazard. Continue reading to find out why raccoons are dangerous and how to keep them away.

People and Pets are at Risk of Harm

Raccoons are known carriers of the Rabies virus. This is reason enough to not want them around your children and pets. One bite or scratch can transmit the disease, which is almost always fatal for dogs and cats. People, on the other hand, can be treated for Rabies, but the treatment is intensive and painful. The best method to avoiding being attacked or bitten by an infected raccoon is to avoid them at all costs and to keep them off your property.

Rabies is not the only health threat raccoons have to offer. Other illnesses like Leptospirosis, distemper, roundworm, mange, and more are also possible threats to us and our pets. Raccoons can also carry and pass long a variety of parasites, fleas, and ticks. These can spread into the home and cause a long-term battle to get rid of them. Keeping your pets indoors as much as possible, and supervising them while outdoors, it an effective way to keep them safe from hazards like these.

Raccoon Control

If you want to keep raccoons away from your property, you need to remove any sources of food, water, and possible shelter. This will thwart their interest since there is nothing on your property that they want. This includes removing pet food, water dishes, bird baths, squirrel feeders, and bird feeders. It also requires a home inspection to ensure there are no vulnerable areas that raccoons can access for shelter, such as soffits, roof shingles, and attic vents. When your home is properly sealed, it is important to use good judgement to prevent raccoon activity on your property, like taking the garbage out the morning of trash day instead of the night before. You may want to also consider installing motion-sensored lighting or sound machines to scare raccoons away.

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Call 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional raccoon removal in Louisville, Kentucky. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control specialists with more than 30 years of experience in the industry. We provide a wide range of non-lethal, humane raccoon removal and control for residential and commercial properties all throughout Kentucky. Ask us for free estimates and advice anytime! Call 502-553-7622 for Louisville raccoon removal you can trust.

What are Oral Rabies Vaccines?

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, as well as, their Wildlife Services department have been working together or many years to overcome the rabies epidemics plaguing our pets and animals in our nature’s wildlife. For this reason, over the past few decades many states have utilized oral rabies vaccines (ORV’s) in an attempt to control the spread of the rabies virus among their local wildlife. These oral vaccines come in a few different forms, which we will discuss further in this blog. Continue reading to answer your question about oral rabies vaccines, their effectiveness, and how they work.

Oral Rabies Vaccinations

The intention of oral rabies vaccinations is to provide a vaccine for local wildlife that is at risk of contracting or spreading the rabies virus. Many states have participated in this approach to vaccinating wild animals, and have seen positive results. These oral vaccinations come in a variety of forms and are generally distributed in bulk by dropping them from airplanes or manually placing them all about. They are left on the ground for wildlife to consume, like skunks, raccoons, foxes, coyotes, and more.

One of the most common forms or ORV’s are made into flavored pellets. These pellets are generally the size of a small ring box and brown in color. They are manufactured with many different scents or flavors, like fish or lard, to attract wild animals to eat them. On the pellets is a stamp from the local health department and a phone number for questions and concerns. Other ORV’s come in the form of a packet that looks similar to a white ketchup packet. These packets are covered in fishmeal that help attract raccoons and other animals to eat them.

Many states have adopted this form of vaccination because it has shown positive results. Places like San Antonio, Texas have used the “ketchup packet” ORV approach, while many other states like Main, New York, Virginia, New Hampshire, Tennessee, have used alternative ORV methods that work equally as well. All of these oral rabies vaccines have been tested several times over the decades on hundreds of animals, and has proven to be non-toxic to dogs, cats, and more. If a dog or cat consumes an ORV, they will be just fine. If they consume many, they may have an upset stomach and need a trip to a veterinarian.

Raccoon Removal Louisville Indiana

Call 502-553-7622 for fast and friendly raccoon removal services in Louisville, Kentucky. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control technicians with decades of experience removing raccoons from commercial and residential properties. We only use safe and humane means to extract raccoons and prevent their return. Call 502-553-7622 for free estimates, advice, and more information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Raccoon Diseases and Parasites

Just like all other mammals all across the globe, raccoons are susceptible to disease, illness, and parasites. In fact, raccoons can be subjected to almost any disease a human can be subjected to, and vice versa. This is why we humans must steer clear of wild animals at all costs (no matter how cute and cuddly they appear), and to also prevent wild animal encounters involving our beloved pets. Any wild animal can be infected or be a carrier of disease or illness. Even if you are sure an animal will not attack (which you can NEVER be sure of, by the way), a bite is not the only way a diseased animal can pass along their sickness.

So always keep your distance from a wild animal; even if it’s injured, trapped, or just a baby. Instead, contact a local wildlife rescue and control service for professional and safe assistance. They retain the proper licensing, equipment, tools, and training to safely and humanely remove or help a wild animal. Wild animals such as mice, rats, bats, raccoons, opossum, birds, snakes, rabbits, deer, and more are all common carriers of diseases and parasites. Health consequences can range from death or congestive heart failure, to a simple common cold. Continue reading to learn more about raccoons and the illness they can carry and pass on to humans and pets.


Rabies is one of the most familiar diseases associated with wild raccoons. It is also one of the most serious illnesses that can be passed on to humans, cats, dogs, and other mammals. Raccoons can carriers of the disease and never once show a sign or symptom; while many others become infected and soon die from the disease. This is because Rabies incubates within an animal for quite some time before taking over, if at all. Signs of rabies in a raccoon include erratic behavior, walking around during the daytime hours, shaking or convulsing, foaming at the mouth or drooling, wobble-like walking, heightened aggression, and any other form of strange or questionable behavior. If you, your pet, or a loved one has come into contact with a raccoon that may have rabies, seek medical attention immediately. It is strongly encouraged to have your pets vaccinated annually, as well.


The second leading cause of death for raccoons is distemper. Canine distemper and feline distemper can both infect and kill wild raccoons, but are both caused by different viruses. The canine distemper illness is extremely contagious and mostly affects larger raccoon colonies. Once infected, the illness starts off slow and begins to affect the respiratory system. Watery eyes and running noses are common signs of this illnesses. Other signs include pneumonia-like symptoms, diarrhea, thin body, aimless wandering, disorientation, and paralysis. It is spread through contact of bodily fluids, as well as, inhalation or digestion of airborne droplets. Unfortunately, there is no treatment for Distemper. This is why preventative maintenance is vital in order to protect yourself and your pets.


Raccoon roundworm is a common parasitic disease that is highly contagious and easily transmitted. It is transmitted through the eggs in feces. Coming into contact with anything that has had contact with infected raccoon feces faces infection as well. These roundworms are found in the large intestine of raccoons. It can be passed from animal to animal, or animal to human. This is another reason to steer clear of wild raccoons!

Louisville Raccoon Removal Services

Call 502-553-7622 for professional and punctual Louisville raccoon removal services for all Kentucky counties. We are highly trained and DNR licensed raccoon control specialists with decades of experience in the wildlife removal industry. We use safe and humane methods to extract raccoons, and never harm or kill them. We offer free estimates, free advice, raccoon information, and 24 hour emergency services! Call 502-553-7622 for licensed raccoon removal and control in Louisville, KY and its surrounding counties.