How to Keep Raccoons Away From Your House

Due to the overwhelming increase of new housing developments and subdivisions, raccoons have been indirectly forced out of their natural habitat. This causes a higher population of raccoons in residential areas. To make matters more challenging for homeowners, raccoons are very clever and have excellent memory retention, which means they are fully-aware that suburban areas are easy sources for food and shelter.

If you have noticed some increased raccoon activity around your home, now is the time to take action before they can create a habit, or cause any costly damage. Continue reading to learn what you can do to keep raccoons away from your house without harming them in any way.

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

What They Want From You

Raccoons are interested in anything they can get their paws on, literally. They are naturally very curious and clever mammals. So if there is something around your property that will attract wild animals, then you will certainly attract raccoons.

First and foremost, raccoons are looking for food and water. Many homeowners have outdoor storage areas, such as sheds, garages, barns, and similar edifices. And if items like pet food, horse feed, non-perishables, or any other possible food sources, are left in these areas, raccoons will do whatever it takes to access it all.

To thwart raccoon activity altogether, you must remove all food and water sources, including pet bowls, bird baths, and certain plants. If you have a garden, then utilize fences, chicken wire, and even homemade raccoon repellent to prevent raccoons from stealing your crops. Raccoons are also known to dig up lawns in search of grubs, so if you have a grub problem, you might also get a raccoon problem.

Raccoons are also on the lookout for shelter. Things like log piles, playgrounds, dumpsters, hollow trees, voids beneath decks and porches, tree houses, pet houses, and sheds are common target areas for raccoons to shack up. Be sure to address these areas before winter arrives, to stop any infestations from occurring.

Mind Your Garbage

Another common habit that homeowners have is taking out their garbage cans the night before trash pickup day. Although this habit is likely more convenient, it is not worth walking outside to a front yard that has all of last week’s rubbish scattered everywhere.

Raccoons are nocturnal and they go searching for food at night. Unsuspecting garbage cans are often times their favorite targets. So be sure to take your garbage out the morning of your scheduled trash pickup day to prevent scavenging raccoons.

When Nothing Seems to Help

When you just can’t seem to get a nuisance raccoon problem under control, it is time for some professional help. Contact a licensed and insured Louisville raccoon removal and control company for help raccoon-proofing your property. They have the skills, experience, and resources to safely resolve a nuisance raccoon issue at a fair price.

Louisville Raccoon Control Solutions

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 for professional Louisville raccoon removal services today. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Why are Raccoons Dangerous?

Although it can be easy getting caught up in the excitement when you spot a raccoon on your porch or property, it is important to remember that raccoons are extremely dangerous animals. It is a cruel joke Mother Nature has played on us for hundreds of years, creating cute and adorable animals that we can never have contact with due to the dangers they pose. And raccoons are one of those animals! They are fascinating to watch, but the truth is, having raccoons on your property is a huge hazard. Continue reading to find out why raccoons are dangerous and how to keep them away.

People and Pets are at Risk of Harm

Raccoons are known carriers of the Rabies virus. This is reason enough to not want them around your children and pets. One bite or scratch can transmit the disease, which is almost always fatal for dogs and cats. People, on the other hand, can be treated for Rabies, but the treatment is intensive and painful. The best method to avoiding being attacked or bitten by an infected raccoon is to avoid them at all costs and to keep them off your property.

Rabies is not the only health threat raccoons have to offer. Other illnesses like Leptospirosis, distemper, roundworm, mange, and more are also possible threats to us and our pets. Raccoons can also carry and pass long a variety of parasites, fleas, and ticks. These can spread into the home and cause a long-term battle to get rid of them. Keeping your pets indoors as much as possible, and supervising them while outdoors, it an effective way to keep them safe from hazards like these.

Raccoon Control

If you want to keep raccoons away from your property, you need to remove any sources of food, water, and possible shelter. This will thwart their interest since there is nothing on your property that they want. This includes removing pet food, water dishes, bird baths, squirrel feeders, and bird feeders. It also requires a home inspection to ensure there are no vulnerable areas that raccoons can access for shelter, such as soffits, roof shingles, and attic vents. When your home is properly sealed, it is important to use good judgement to prevent raccoon activity on your property, like taking the garbage out the morning of trash day instead of the night before. You may want to also consider installing motion-sensored lighting or sound machines to scare raccoons away.

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Call 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional raccoon removal in Louisville, Kentucky. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control specialists with more than 30 years of experience in the industry. We provide a wide range of non-lethal, humane raccoon removal and control for residential and commercial properties all throughout Kentucky. Ask us for free estimates and advice anytime! Call 502-553-7622 for Louisville raccoon removal you can trust.