A Quick Review of Some Really Fun Raccoon Facts

Continue reading to catch up on some fun raccoon facts, and perhaps learn something about these interesting, intelligent critters you didn’t already know before! If you are having problems with raccoons on your property or inside your home, it is important to act fast by calling a wildlife rescue and control service to have them safely and humanely removed.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
The North American Raccoon (Procyon lotor)

Raccoons are cute, furry, striped-tailed mammals that roam the lands of the United States, from tip to top, and then some! There are numerous species of raccoon, but the most well-known species is the North American Raccoon, scientifically referred to as Procyon Lotor.

Raccoon Reproduction and Family Life

Unlike some other mammals, raccoons do not form long-term bonds, but rather, only pair up to breed. Breeding season is between December and June, and adult females have a gestation period of around 65 days. They generally give birth to two or three, but as many as 5 or 6 baby raccoons, called kits. Raccoons are wonderful and protective mothers and care for their young in every aspect until they reach sexual maturity.

This happens in the late fall time, at about 6 to 7 months of age when kits turn into adults and leave the colony to go out on their own and start the reproductive cycle all over again! Although raccoons that live in domestication have survived for up to 20 years, in the wild, raccoons generally have an average lifespan of 1 ½ to 3 years as a result of natural predators, hit and runs, inclement weather, hunting, and more.

Raccoon Habitats

Raccoons generally live in deciduous forested and wooded areas since they are rich with sources of food, water, shelter, and protection. But with modern urban expansion and over-development, raccoons are adjusting more and more to living in residential and city areas; using attics, sheds, garages, roofs, and more as shelter, and rummaging trash cans and dumpsters for food.

This behavior and circumstance is what makes raccoons a “nuisance” pest in our neighborhoods. In the wild, raccoons use dens as shelter from weather and predators, as well as, to raise their young. The most popular locations for raccoon dens are inside tree holes, but they also use anything else that resembles a den-like shelter. This include rock beds, holes in the ground, hollow logs, beneath bridges, and more.

Raccoon Intellect

Raccoons have been studied for years because they are so fascinating in terms of intelligence and memory. Scientific studies have proved that raccoons retain a high intelligence quotient and acute memory. This means they remember puzzles, obstacles, places, and dangers. One such study had several raccoons open complex locks and then test if they could remember how to unlock these complex puzzles. The result: 11 out of 13 locks were opened by raccoons, and they were even able to remember how to unlock the puzzle after the locks were rearranged or turned them upside down. This intellect, along with their highly dexterous and sensitive paws, gives raccoons an upper-hand in many areas of their life.

Nuisance Raccoons

If you have a raccoon in the attic, or raccoons on your property that may cause structural damage and disturbance, call a professional wildlife removal company for non-lethal assistance. Raccoons are pesky little critters in terms of our homes and properties, but they are innocent and should never be harmed, trapped, or killed ever. A professional wildlife control service will humanely catch the raccoons and relocate them to a far and safe habitat. If they find raccoon kits, they will transfer them to a faraway rehabilitation center to be raised by trained wildlife rescuers and returned back into the wild when they reach adulthood.

Who to Call for Prompt and Professional Louisville Raccoon Control

Call our licensed pros today at 502-553-7622 for professional Louisville raccoon control services today. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

What Does a Raccoon Look Like?

Raccoons are fascinating mammals that populate various regions of the United States and the entire world! There are various species of raccoon that live in a wide variety of climates and habitats. When it comes to describing what a general raccoon looks like, first, you must decide which species to describe! From Ring-Tailed Raccoons to the Tres Maria Raccoon, Coati, and more; raccoons come in many different shapes and sizes. Typically, the North American raccoon is the raccoon species most people are familiar with, and the one we will talk about today. Continue reading to learn the general appearance and characteristics of a North American raccoon.

Face and Paws

The two most distinguishable physical characteristics of a North American raccoon are its face and paws. A raccoon has a black stripe of fur directly across its visual center that closely resembles a mask. Some believe this black mask reduces light and glare; allowing them to see better at night. Surrounding this “mask” is a contrasting colored fur; usually a gradation of black, white, grey, and brown. Their ears are slightly upright and rounded, and bordered with white fur.

Raccoon paws are very dexterous and human-like; with long claws for grasping, climbing, and agility. In fact, their sense of touch is their most valued and important sense. Raccoons’ sense of touch is extremely receptive because they have hyper-sensitive front paws. They also have the ability to stand on their hind legs; which allows them a more supportive posture when grasping and holding things. This mannerism gives them more of an advantage when using their paws in nature. Above their sharp, non-retractable claws, raccoons have vibrissae; a type of hair that has a somatosensory response to the brain. They are also called whiskers on other mammals. It allows raccoons to recognize an object before even touching it. This helps them as they are nocturnal animals.

Body and Tail

One of the most recognizable features of any raccoon species is its striped tail. In fact, there are raccoon species in the world named specifically after their tails! A raccoon tail is general shorter than their body; reaching average adult lengths of 8 to 16 inches or so. It is striped with different colored fur; usually black, white, and grey. Their tails allow them control and balance when climbing trees, roaming, walking, and standing. They are strong and valuable assets to a wild raccoon.

The torso of a raccoon usually measures on average between sixteen and twenty eight centimeters in length. It is hard to tell an average weight of an adult raccoon because it largely depends on their habitat and food availability. However, an adult raccoon can weight anywhere between 20 to 70 pounds, depending on its environment and habitat. Also, males are generally heavier than females. Another interesting fact about raccoon weight is that they weigh more in the beginning of winter than in springtime because of the all the food they stored for the colder weather.

For more information about identifying raccoons in Louisville, Kentucky, call 502-553-7622 today. We are raccoon control specialists with more than three decades of experience working with wild raccoons. Our professional raccoon control technicians can answer any questions you have about raccoons, and how to get rid of them if they are in or around your property. Visit our webpage at http://www.raccoonremovallouisvilleky.com/raccoon-control-louisville-ky.php for details about our services and credentials. Not only do we get rid of and remove raccoons, we also provide restoration and clean up services, and more! We are licensed and qualified raccoon control specialists that can get rid of raccoons in Louisville, KY and its surrounding counties.

Questions and Answers about Wild Raccoons

There are so many facts to know about wild raccoons; some fascinating, while others, precautionary. Wild raccoons are animals that are meant to be admired from afar. It can be fun learning new things about raccoons because they are interesting creatures; however, it is also important to know the rules of safety concerning raccoons in or around your property. Continue reading to get answers to a variety of common wild raccoon questions.

Are Raccoons Dangerous?

The short answer is yes. Raccoons are wild animals, and their behavior and reaction to humans cannot be predicted. Although raccoons are not common aggressors, they can attack a person if they feel threatened. Raccoons also have large canine teeth that can pierce the skin if they bite; and their bite could transmit any infectious diseases they may be carrying. Raccoons have a Rabies stigma attached to them, but the truth is that they can carry a multitude of other harmful diseases, just like any other wild animal can. It is best to keep your distance from a raccoon if you ever see one in the wild. If it is daytime and you spot a raccoon, this is a bad sign. Raccoons are nocturnal, so if one is seen during the daytime, it could mean they are sick or disoriented. There are several ways to get rid of raccoons if you fear they may harm your outdoor pets or property. Simply call a local raccoon removal company for advice and assistance.

Can I Shoot a Raccoon in My Yard?

There is really not a yes answer to this question, simply because it differs legally state to state. Also, it is never recommended to shoot and kill a wild animal unless it is the appropriate hunting season and the carcass will be used for food and other beneficial commodities. If you are experiencing a raccoon problem, notify a raccoon control specialist in your area. They can set up safe and humane trap to get rid of raccoons around your property, as well as, implement raccoon prevention strategies to thwart their return. If you are concerned about spending money on raccoon control services, and prefer to do it on your own, it is highly recommended to still consult a professional for free advice and assistance.

Miscellaneous Answers to Raccoon Questions

Raccoons are nocturnal, as mentioned before. This means they are active at night and sleep during the day. Their diet consists of small invertebrates, insects, vertebrates, and plants; so they are called omnivores. They have exceptional climbing skills and hyper-sensitive feeling in their paws. Raccoons are considered highly intelligent animals with high survival skills.

For more information about wild raccoons, contact our raccoon control specialists at 502-553-7622 in Louisville, Kentucky. We are a fully insured raccoon removal and control company that has more than 20 years of experience in the industry. We provide a wide range of services, such as raccoon removal, prevention, cleanup, advice, general information about raccoons, free estimates, and more! You may also visit our website at http://www.raccoonremovallouisvilleky.com or call us to learn more about raccoons in Louisville, KY.

Types of Animals that Can Damage your Home

Homeowners are well aware on how to maintain and care for their asset, but one threat that is commonly overlooked is animal destruction. There are various animals that can harm the structural well-being, as well as, the value of a persons’ home. Continue reading to catch warning of these particular animals, and learn how to prevent them from endangering your property and harming your assets.


Bats are often times found colonizing in peoples’ attics and crawl spaces; or any other area of the home that allows for moderate temperature and darkness. They can create quite a mess with their droppings and feeding hours. Bats search for warmth and shelter in residential neighborhoods during the colder seasons. They find weak or vulnerable spots on the exterior of the home for access to the dark and cozier areas. Bats can also find their way into a home if a garage door or sun room is left open overnight. As soon as you are aware you have a bat infestation, whether it’s one bat or twenty, call a professional animal control service to remove them safely without causing your home further damage. Some companies offer cleanup and structural repair services as well.


Raccoons are similar to bats in your home, in that they both head toward the dark and cozy areas, such as attics and under porches. Raccoons cause quite a mess as well. Their food debris and droppings accumulate creating mess and odor. It can also saturate the drywall and sheet rock in your home, causing spots on the ceiling and odor throughout the house. They have great dexterity with their paws and can pull out electrical wiring and rip down attic insulation. They can scratch up walls and chew through wall panels as well. They are highly destructive creatures to have in your home, and their presence can create a costly situation if left unattended for a long period of time.


Typically, when talking about destructive animals, pigeons would not come to mind. The truth is, they are quite destructive as well. Their droppings can cause corrosion and deterioration of our rooftops over time. These droppings can also cause airborne illness and disease. Cleaning the exterior of your home regularly can refute this process.

If you are experiencing any type of these animal issues, call a professional right away! An animal control company or raccoon removal company retains all the latest technologies and equipment to safely and humanely remove wild animals from your property, inside and out. Be sure to go with a reputable company that is licensed and extensively experienced. This is most important.

For more information about raccoon removal, or any other type of animal removal, call our licensed and bonded professionals today! Our highly trained animal removal technicians have over 20 years of experience in the animal control industry. We have seen it all; and learned how to handle any wild animal situation in residential and commercial areas. We also offer cleanup services, structural damage repair, and animal prevention. Visit our website at http://raccoonremovallouisvilleky.com/, or call us at 502-553-7622 for a free estimate or information on raccoon or animal removal today!

Raccoon Information and Facts

Raccoons are an intelligent species of mammal that generally live near wooded areas and forests in North America.  They are also commonly seen in residential and commercial areas of our cities due to housing developments and new construction.  Raccoons, in these areas, have acquired a bad reputation for trouble-making because they thieve our garbage and hide-out in our attics and roofs.  Read on to learn more about raccoons, and perhaps, take in a better understanding of these misrepresented animals of nature.

General Description

A raccoon is a medium-sized animal.  They can weigh anywhere from ten to twenty pounds.  Raccoons are covered in a dense fur with multiple layers.  This fur keeps them warm in the colder seasons and cool in the warmer ones.  The fur coat is grayish brown and black; but they are most identifiable by their black and gray striped tail. Another known trait all raccoons have is the black mask-like stripe across their eyes.   This is one reason they got the nickname little-bandits.  They have very dexterous paws that look almost human-like, with long claws for grasping and climbing.  They have a slight snout and whiskers as well.


As far as reproduction goes, female raccoons give birth to litters called kits.  A mother raccoon can birth as many as 5 kits per litter.  Their gestation period is much shorter than humans, only lasting around 65 days.  Once the kits are about 16 weeks, they are completely weaned from their mother and can experience life on their own.  They eat almost everything because raccoons are omnivores.  This means they eat fruits, vegetables, frogs, fish, insects, and more.  The diet must be good to them because raccoons can live up to twenty years!  Although they can live a longtime, raccoons are commonly hit by cars and even preyed upon in the wild.

Associated Dangers

The stereotype is that raccoons have rabies and will attack humans and pass it on.  The truth is, ANY mammal can have rabies and pass it on to humans.  Raccoons are no more susceptible to rabies and diseases as your pet dog and all other animals.  Also, raccoons are more scared of us than we are of them, making it less likely for them to attack.  The best advice is to stay away from all wild animals no matter what.

For more information on raccoons in Louisville, KY, contact a professional.  We have been removing raccoons from residential and commercial properties for over ten years.  We offer a wide variety of related services as well.  We are available 24 hours to discuss raccoons, raccoon control, and more.  Call us at 502-553-7622 or visit our Louisville KY Raccoon Control website anytime!