How Do Raccoons Get Inside Homes?

When raccoons invade a house, they go on to cause a long list of structural damages. Not only do they rip through insulation, floorboards, electrical wiring, and window screens, they also soil and saturate everything in sight with their droppings and rotted food. So once you discover a raccoon infestation, chances are, damage has most certainly been done.

Faced with the realization that you need emergency raccoon removal service, followed by an ambiguous degree of renovation, your first thought might be about your home’s exposure to wildlife intrusions. Just how do raccoons get into a house? How can they accomplish such a sophisticated feat? Continue reading to learn the answer.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Intrusions

Raccoons have human-like paws that are highly dexterous. Not only can they easily grasp, pull, twist, and lift, they also have long, sharp claws that provide them with a hefty advantage in terms of home intrusions. With these mighty paws and claws, raccoons can open doors, windows, and even unlock locks. Being an innately intelligent mammalian species, they can figure out puzzles, solve problems, and keep a good memory. All of these attributes plays into their ability to invade our homes.

If you leave a window or garage door open at night, that is an easy way in for any wild animal; but raccoons will find clever ways inside, even if all of your windows and doors are shut. Common target areas for raccoons to inspect for access include loose or missing roof shingles, crumbling mortar, rotted siding, chimneys, roof vents, and similar entry points. To learn how to protect your home from wildlife intrusions, read our article, “Animal-Proof Your Property Before Raccoons Begin Breeding this Spring” and get your house ready for nuisance raccoons.

What to Do if You Find Raccoons

As soon as you discover a raccoon, or a group of raccoons, inside of your home, your first priority is safety; so get all pets and people away from the area, and be sure it is secluded and secured. Next, immediately contact a wildlife control and rescue company for emergency raccoon removal services. They will show up promptly to extract the raccoons, safely and humanely.

Who to Call for Raccoon Removal and Control

Louisville Raccoon Removal
Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call us today at 502-553-7622 for professional Louisville raccoon removal services today. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Get Your Home Ready for Raccoon Mating and Breeding Season!

Raccoons generally mate between the months of January and mid-March. This means that a fresh generation of baby raccoons are likely to be welcomed this very month! For this reason, it is important to get your home prepared for seasonal wildlife activity. This vital home improvement step is the best method to protect your home from nuisance raccoons this spring.

Continue reading to learn more about raccoon breeding season, and how to get started protecting your property from wildlife intrusion.

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Raccoon Mating

History has shown that raccoons congregate in gender-specific groups; so they only pair up temporarily with partners during specific times of year for the purpose of mating. Females and males begin mating as early as January, and gestational periods last only 65 days on average. This means that new raccoon kits have already been born this year! Females raccoons generally birth anywhere from one to five babies, known as “kits.” Following birthing, females separate from the male raccoons to raise their young alone.

Baby Raccoons

Kits are born blind and deaf, but with their distinguishable black mask. Between 18 and 23 days, kits develop hearing and eye sight. They remain segregated in their den for 8 to 10 weeks, nursing on their mother’s milk for up to 16 weeks. They remain in their mother’s care for up to one year or more (usually around 13 or 14 months). After one year, females begin reproducing, and eventually start the process all over again on their own. All of these facts give raccoons the potential to expand quickly, and over a short amount of time.

Preventative Maintenance

Homes are at risk of wildlife intrusion all year long. Properties near large bodies of water or wooded areas are at an even higher risk of nuisance wildlife problems. It is important to take the right steps in order to protect your home from wildlife damage and infestation. Since raccoons are intelligent and capable of climbing and grasping, they are a very common nuisance for home owners. They can access attics, porches, garages, sheds, roofs, and more, and cause a long list of expensive damages. So what you can do to stop this from happening? You can contact a local and trusted Louisville raccoon removal and control company for expert advice personalized for your particular property-type.

If you are looking for a do-it-yourself route, consider making some environmental modifications to your home to stop raccoons. This includes keeping your garbage and trash cans locked up until the day of collection, installing automatic lighting or sound machines, sprinkling hot pepper and cinnamon around your property, and having the exterior components of your home inspected for gaps, openings, and weaknesses (i.e. roof, siding, porches, patios, etc.).

We Have the Workable Solutions You Need!

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 for professional Louisville raccoon removal services today. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Are Raccoons Afraid of Anything?

It isn’t difficult to find products that are designed to thwart raccoon activity on your property. Many things will repel wild animals from trespassing onto your premises. But sometimes in areas where raccoon populations are high, raccoons become comfortable with humans, and tend to not scare off as easy as they usually would in the wild.

For this reason, many homeowners wonder what actually scares raccoons since they seem to not care about wandering directly up to our patio doors, driveways, and garages. If they are so comfortable near our homes, then what type of situation would make them uncomfortable?

Continue reading to learn some interesting facts about raccoons and what it is that actually scares them.

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Potential Threats For Raccoons

Raccoons do not generally have many predators to steer clear of in the wild, however, there are a few animals in certain regions of the country that will eat or kill raccoons. These particular predators, like mountain lions, cougars, coyotes, and even hawks are animals raccoons will hide from. Also, large dogs can frighten raccoons, causing them to run off as fast as possible for safety.

Other things that frighten raccoons include loud noises and bright lights. Being nocturnal, raccoons prefer the dark and will only tolerate daytime hours if they are foraging for food before winter, sick, or lost from their mother. This means that bright lights of vehicles, porch lamps, flashlights, and more will generally scare them away.

In fact, one common tip for homeowners that experience heightened raccoon activity is to install motion-censored lighting outside. It is also recommended to install sound machines since raccoons are also not a fan of loud noises. Noises like thunder and lightning can scare raccoons, as well as, loud music and foot traffic.

Although they don’t scare raccoons necessarily, certain spices will make them turn their heads. It is said that paprika and cinnamon are two spices that raccoons loathe, so some homeowners sprinkle a generous portion of each around the perimeter of their property to help keep raccoons away. But if you are having raccoon problems on a frequent, or even consistent basis, it is strongly suggested to hire a reputable wildlife control technician for safe and humane raccoon removal.

Louisville Raccoon Removal You Can Trust!

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 for safe and humane raccoon removal and control in Louisville, Kentucky. Trust our DNR licensed technicians to remove and control raccoon populations on your property, as well as, cleanup raccoon mess and damages professionally. Not only do we offer both residential and commercial raccoon control services, we offer them at the most competitive rates in town! Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate, today!

Subspecies of the Common Raccoon

Learn about the three different raccoon species and all their subspecies too! Raccoons are special and intelligent mammals that have a lot to offer when it comes to fun facts and nature.

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

The Common Raccoon, or Procyon Lotor, is also referred to as the Northern raccoon and is primarily found along the Southeastern borders of Canada, all the way through the Northern regions of the United States, and even down through the Gulf of Mexico. Northern raccoons are the most prevalent species found in North America, and retain the characteristic qualities that we all think about when we think about raccoons. They have the long, striped, bushy tails and the bandit-like mask that we all know so well, and the long claws and human-like paws too. They are highly intelligent mammals whose studies have shown they can remember solutions to tasks up to three years later! This is where the familiar phrase, “sly coon” comes from.

Raccoon Species

There are only three species of raccoon, which includes the common raccoon, as well as, the Cozumel Island raccoon and Crab-Eating raccoon. These other two species are only native to the tropics and are rare. Aside from the three main species of raccoon, there are several subspecies found all across the world, from Europe to Japan, in Central America, the Caribbean, and more. Continue reading to learn more about raccoon subspecies.

Raccoon Subspecies

Some species of raccoon were thought to be separate and distinct, but are now classified as subspecies to other species of raccoon. For example, the now-extinct Barbados raccoon, the Guadeloupe raccoon, and the Tres Marias raccoon were thought to be their own species, but several studies later on proved they were simply subspecies to the common raccoon.

Since 2005, twenty two subspecies of raccoon have been formally recognized.

• Eastern Raccoon (P.I lotor)
• Florida Raccoon (P.I elucus)
• California Raccoon (P.I psora)
• Texas Raccoon (P.I fuscipes)
• Snake River Valley Raccoon (P.I excelsus)
• Mexican Plateau Raccoon (P.I hernandezii)
• Baja California Raccoon (P.I grinnelli)
• Kay Vaca Raccoon (P.I auspicatus)
• Upper Mississippi Valley Raccoon (P.I hirtus)
• Mississippi Delta Raccoon (P.I megalodous)
• Torch Key Raccoon (P.I incautus)
• Maria Madre Island Raccoon (P.I insularis)
• Saint Simon Island Raccoon (P.I litoreus)
• Ten Thousand Islands Raccoon (P.I marinus)
• Bahaman Raccoon (P.I maynardi)
• Pacific Northwest Raccoon (P.I pacificus)
• Colorado Desert Raccoon (P.I pallidus)
• Isthmian Raccoon (P.I pumilus)
• Short-Faced Raccoon (P.I simus)
• Vancouver Island Raccoon (P.I vancouverensis)

If you are experiencing a nuisance coon problem, contact a local and licensed animal control service right away. These special mammals should never be harmed or killed. A trusted animal removal company will trap them and relocate them to a faraway and safer habitat.

Raccoon Removal Louisville

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 for DNR licensed raccoon control services that are both safe and humane. We never harm or kill raccoons, and neither should you! Instead, enlist the services of our licensed wildlife rescue contractors for non-lethal raccoon exclusion and control. We don’t just get rid of raccoons, we also provide cleanup services and minor attic restorations from raccoon damages. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate, today.

Learn Some Common Knowledge About Raccoons and Raccoon Control

If you don’t know anything about raccoons, here is a great place to start! Continue reading to learn some common knowledge about raccoons, raccoon control, and more!

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Baby Raccoons are Called “Kits”

🐾 Raccoon Characteristics

Because of the dark mask over their eyes, and possibly because we usually find them going through our trash cans, raccoons are often called little bandits, and they are closely related to the bear family. The word “raccoon” comes from the Algonquin Indians and means, he scratches with his hands. Raccoons weight averages are around 20 pounds, and their average body sizes are around 38 inches long, but they can get much bigger. In fact, the largest raccoon on record weighed in at 62 pounds!

🐾 Raccoon Diet

The raccoon diet varies from season to season but typically they will eat anything from insects, fruits and nuts to small reptiles, amphibians, birds and other vertebrates. One of the reasons we usually find raccoons going through our trash after dark is because they are nocturnal and sleep during the day. Raccoons are very intelligent, and like humans, have paws with 5 digits. These paws are capable of grasping and prying, just like ours!

🐾 Raccoon Abilities

According to experts, raccoons score extremely high on the mammal IQ test. They are found to be more intelligent than cats, but like cats, Raccoons don’t follow direction well. Raccoons have extremely poor eyesight, however, they do have above average hearing and excellent climbing skills. Like cats they can fall from distances as great as 40 feet without sustaining serious injury. They are also great swimmers and can easily cross rivers, lakes and streams with ease.

Raccoons have a very short lifespan and typically only live two or three years. They do, however, live much longer in captivity and the record for a captive Raccoon is twenty one years. Many are hit by cars, are eaten by other predators or die from disease, which could be a result of all of their dumpster diving.

🐾 Pet Raccoons

Although some people like to keep raccoons as pets, experts advise against it as they can be aggressive and dangerous to humans. In some states, pet raccoons are illegal. At a young age raccoons can be playful and interact well with humans, but as they get older, they become more aggressive, especially during mating season, and attacks become more likely to occur upon provocation.

🐾 Nuisance Raccoons

Raccoons love city living. There could be up to 8000 raccoons lurking about in a big city. Raccoons are able to open many types of doors so if you have a raccoon in your neighborhood keep your doors locked unless you want them going through your pantry. Be careful putting them in a cage because they are excellent escape artists and can use their lightning quick speed to catch fish right out of the water. If you have a vegetable garden at home beware the raccoon. They will eat most everything in your garden, even knocking over cornstalks to get the corn.

🐾 Raccoon Control

Raccoons can cause a lot of problems and be a real annoyance. They do damage to roofs, attics, shingles, and fascia boards as well as fruit trees, gardens, trash containers and lawns. In rural areas they eat crops and raid poultry houses. Because raccoons eat many wild birds and animals, many of which carry a variety of diseases, Raccoons can carry a number of diseases and parasites. Raccoons are known carriers of Rabies, Canine Distemper, Mange, Tuberculosis, Roundworm and many others. They are commonly infested with Fleas, Ticks, Mites and Lice which are known to carry a number of diseases.

If you have raccoons in the area make sure your trash can lids are secure. Don’t leave pet food or water outside in the evening, and Make sure your vents are closed and secured. Put a screen over your chimney and if you have a pet door make sure it is locked at night or you may wind up with unexpected company in the morning. If the problems persist, rather than trying to trap or kill the raccoon yourself, it is best to call an expert who has experience dealing with them.

Louisville Raccoon Control

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-76622 for Louisville raccoon control you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured raccoon removal and control experts with over 20 years of experience in the industry. We have all the latest technologies and equipment to carry out safe and humane raccoon control and cleanup services in a convenient time frame. Call 502-553-7622 to speak with a raccoon control contractor today!

Affordable Raccoon Removal and Control Services for Louisville Residents and Business Owners!

We can get rid of raccoons in a flash for Louisville property owners and proprietors!

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

When you need raccoon removal and control in Louisville, Kentucky, trust no one else but Raccoon Removal for all your nuisance animal needs! Our highly trained and DNR licensed wildlife rescue and control contractors have decades of experience in the raccoon control industry. We never harm or kill raccoons, and instead, we use safe and humane methods of raccoon exclusion and extraction. Once in our control, we relocate wild raccoons to a safe, faraway habitat.

We Provide 24 Hour Emergency Raccoon Removal

When you need emergency assistance for a raccoon in the house or other area of your property, we are standing by to help! We provide 24 hour emergency raccoon removal for residential and commercial properties in Kentucky. No matter what time of day or night, their raccoon control teams are standing by to deliver punctual and prompt assistance when you need them most!

Let Us Catch a Small Problem Early On

Raccoons can be a big nuisance in many ways. Stopping a raccoon infestation from getting bigger can save home and property owners loads of money in restoration and damage repairs. Once you are aware of a raccoon problem, take action right away. The longer you wait, the more time raccoons will have to create more damage and mess.

Keep these facts in mind too:

🐾 A diseased raccoon does not always look or behave sick, so it is important to never come close to one under any circumstances.

🐾 Always call a licensed Louisville raccoon removal professional who retains the proper equipment and training to safely carry out the task.

🐾 Another great way to stop raccoons from trespassing is to implement effective preventative maintenance. We have all the information you need to raccoon-proof your property!

Louisville Raccoon Removal Has the Workable Solutions You Need

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 for professional Louisville raccoon removal services today. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Fundamental Raccoon Facts You Should Know

Out of all the mammals in the United States, raccoons are truly among the most fascinating. That is because there are so many traits that make raccoons interesting members of the animal kingdom. For instance, raccoons are incredibly intelligent, much like dogs, and just as curious and cute too! They can remember places they’ve been, figure out solutions to problems, learn tricks, and more! So if you don’t know much about raccoons, it will certainly please you to learn the fundamental facts surrounding this fascinating species. Continue reading to do just that!

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

The Common Raccoon

Species: Procyon lotor
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Procyonidae
Genus: Procyon

Physical Characteristics

Raccoons are well-known for their ringed tails, long whiskers, and black fur around their eyes. They range in size and weight, but the average adult male will be between 2 to 3 feet tall and between 15 and 20 pounds. They have dexterous paws that are similar to human hands, which gives them the ability to grasp, pry, pull, and more. They also have long sharp claws that make them excellent climbers.

Diet and Habitat

Raccoons are omnivores, which means they eat everything, including meat, vegetables, fruit, and nuts. Since they are opportunistic eaters, their specific diets depend on the region in which they live and the availability of food in their area. Raccoons commonly eat frogs, birds, rodents, snakes, insects, fruit, legumes, vegetables, and more. As for their homes, they make dens in hollowed trees, or find shelter in anything worthy, including residential structures like attics, porches, sheds, and more!


Male raccoons are called boars and females are called sows. Mating season is in late winter and early spring. Female gestation periods are around 65 days, and they generally give birth to 3 to 5 raccoon babies, called kits. Raccoon kits stay with their mother until they reach sexual maturity at around 6 months of age. Male raccoons do not have a role in raising their kits.

Nuisance Raccoons

Although raccoons are cute, innocent, and smart, they can be quite the nuisance when they end up near our homes and businesses. When this happens, raccoons can cause extensive damage, but they also pose health risks because they are known carriers of several infectious diseases. If you have raccoons on your property, contact a professional wildlife control company for safe and humane assistance. Raccoons should never be harmed or killed under any circumstances.

Louisville Raccoon Control

Call Louisville Raccoon Removal at 502-553-7622 for prompt and humane raccoon control service in Kentucky. Our friendly wildlife removal contractors are happy to answer questions, give advice, and manage your raccoon problems, anytime. Give us a call at 502-553-7622 to learn more about raccoon control in Louisville, KY today.

An Introduction to Raccoons Just for Kids!

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

As your kids grow, they are like a sponge absorbing knowledge. At a young age, it is fun to teach your children about all the wonderful wild animals they might spot in their backyard or in nature. One great place to start is raccoons. Not only are raccoons popular and lovable cartoon characters that kids enjoy, they are fascinating creatures to learn about! Continue reading along with your family for a brief introduction to raccoons made just for kids!

FUN Raccoon Facts

The scientific name for raccoons is Procyon Lotor. Can you say Procyon Lotor?

Raccoons are the size of a small or medium dog. They can weigh between 15 and 40 pounds! That’s almost as much as you!

Raccoons have a mixture of black, gray, brown, and white fur. They have black stripes across their eyes and black rings on their long fluffy tails.

Raccoons are nocturnal. Nocturnal animals sleep during the day, and stay awake at night.

Raccoons are omnivores. Can you say the word, omnivore? It means they eat almost everything, including clams, frogs, mice, insects, fruit, veggies, plants, nuts, and even human food. In fact, humans are omnivores too!

Raccoons are not dangerous unless they are sick or protecting their baby raccoons. But remember, never try to touch or catch a wild raccoon! Watch them from far away for your protection and their own.

Raccoons like to live in forested areas near water, or any place that is near food and water. They build dens or find hollow trees to live in, and mommy raccoons raise their pups there in the summer and fall.

Baby raccoons do not get their black eye mask and tail rings until they are bigger. Baby raccoons are called pups.

Mother raccoons have 3 to 5 pups, and takes care of them until the next spring when they are old enough to be on their own.

Sometimes raccoons visit our very own neighborhoods in search of food! But don’t worry, you are fast asleep and safe in bed when they are eating their dinner. Remember, raccoons are nocturnal!

Great Job!

You have learned quite a bit for your first time getting know Raccoons! Keep up the good work, and keep your eyes out for other fun animals in nature to learn about!

Raccoon Removal Louisville

If you are experiencing raccoon problems on your property, call Raccoon Removal Louisville at 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional service you can trust. We never harm or kill raccoons, and instead, use only safe and humane methods to extract them and prevent their return. We offer 24 raccoon removal and control services all throughout Kentucky, for both residential and commercial properties. Call 502-553-7622 for information about raccoon removal in Louisville, KY today.

Can You Cook and Eat Wild Raccoons?

While catching wildlife in your backyard and eating it for dinner may seem like an extreme means of obtaining food for your family, many people across the country have been practicing this custom for as long as mankind has hunted and gathered in North America. In fact, wild raccoon is a common dish in many parts of the world too. But even though raccoon is technically edible, does this mean that you should trap a raccoon on your property and eat it for supper? The answer is no. Continue reading to learn more about raccoons as food, and the safest way to try it.

Raccoon for Dinner

Raccoons in the wild are known carriers of the Rabies virus, as well as, several other infectious diseases. They are also hosts for fleas, ticks, lice, and more. For these reasons, it is not safe to trap a wild coon in your yard, prepare it, and eat it for a meal. It is also illegal in Indiana to hunt or trap wildlife without a valid Indiana hunting license. If you are serious about eating raccoon, it is best to go about it in a safer and more legal way.

Indiana Raccoon Hunting Season

If you like the idea if hunting and catching your own raccoon, you can obtain an Indiana hunting permit and begin as soon as the season is upon us. Raccoon hunting season in Indiana starts in November and ends in January. You can explore the regulations for raccoon hunting, and make bonds with fellow experienced coon hunters that can show you the ropes and teach you about cooking raccoons.

Finding Raccoon Meat

If you are not interested in hunting raccoons, you can try a restaurant that serves wild game like raccoon, squirrel, rabbit, opossum, and more. If there are no restaurants like this around your area, you can look for a butcher shop that can order wild or specialty game for you. This way, you know the meat is FDA approved and safe to consume. You can always track down a raccoon eating festival too. Minnesota has a famous annual raccoon cook out called Delafield Coon Feed.

Raccoon Removal and Control in Louisville

If you have raccoon problems on your property, we can help! Call 502-553-7622 for safe and humane raccoon removal and control in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding areas. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife contractors that provide a wide range of non-lethal raccoon control services, including raccoon removal and raccoon cleanup. We also provide effective solutions for raccoon prevention. Call 502-553-7622 when you need prompt and professional Louisville raccoon removal you can afford.

General Overview of the Common Raccoon

There are many different kinds of raccoon species in North America, and even the world! These animals are fascinating creatures to learn about because they are so clever and interesting. Raccoons are often given a bad name due to nuisance raccoons in residential and commercial areas; however, this is due to housing developments and new construction that pushes raccoons out of their natural habitats. There are certainly nuisance raccoons and other animals in our neighborhoods, but in the wild, raccoons are intriguing animals that are worth reading about!

Distinctive Features of a Raccoon

Raccoons are most noticeable by their striped bushy tails and black furry face masks that lays across their eyes. This is where they nailed the nickname, “bandits”, in regards to their mischievous ways. Raccoons also have incredibly dexterous paws that lets them grip and clasp onto things. This is an advantage over other forest animals. They are also mammals that typically weight between 8 to 20 pounds, depending on species and age. Raccoons can be brown and black, or gray and black, and any combination in between. This also depends on which species and part of the world they are from. They have dense fur that dries quickly. It keeps them cool in the hot seasons and warm in the colder ones. They have slightly pointy snouts and whiskers, giving them a cat-like look.

Raccoon Food Chain

Raccoons are omnivores. This means they eat almost anything, from small vertebrae to fruits, nuts, and fish. The diet is a beneficial one because they can live up to twenty years, so long as they steer clear from dangerous roads and predators. Raccoons can be preyed on by mountain lions, bob cats, cougars, and other large forest animals. The most vulnerable to predators are raccoon babies, called kits. Raccoons give birth to usually 1-5 kits. Their gestation period is short, lasting for only about 65 days. Raccoons are good mothers, but let their young run free once they have learned to fend for themselves.

Raccoons and Disease

They stereotype is that all raccoons have rabies, or some other disease that can be harmful to humans and domesticated animals; but the truth is, any animal can carry rabies and pass it along to another. Raccoons may very well have rabies, but it is just as likely that every other animal has it too. The crux of the matter is that not all raccoons have rabies, but should still be avoided at all times because it is difficult to tell if they are ill or not. Most likely, raccoons are more scared of us then we are of them, making raccoon attacks very unlikely.

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Call Louisville Raccoon Removal at 502-553-7622 for prompt and humane raccoon control service in Kentucky. We are DNR licensed raccoon control contractors with decades of experience working with wild raccoons. We have the safe and affordable solutions to get rid of raccoons and prevent them from retuning in the future. Our friendly wildlife removal contractors are happy to answer questions, give advice, and manage your raccoon problems, anytime. Give us a call at 502-553-7622 to learn more about raccoon control in Louisville, KY today.