Our Wildlife Control Specialists Have the Workable Solutions for Your Nuisance Raccoon Problems

Raccoons commonly nest in homes and buildings in search of shelter and breeding grounds. Their colonies can accumulate quickly, and if not removed and abated right away, they will create massive messes and severe structural damage in whatever area they are occupying. On top of causing interior structural damages and unhygienic environments, raccoons can also damage lawns and gardens in search of grubs, and even pose several health and safety risks as common carriers of infectious diseases and parasites.

For these reasons and more, a raccoon problem must be managed in a timely manner. In fact, it must be handled immediately, before the consequences turn costly and tedious. Trust our DNR licensed and insured wildlife control specialists for safe and humane raccoon removal and control services at the most competitive prices around. Our services are comprehensive, as you will see below!

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

A Family Owned and Operated Business

We are a family owned company based out of Louisville, Kentucky. We are owned and operated by two brothers, Mark and Bruce, who have nearly 20 years of hands-on experience in the wildlife rescue and control industry. They are licensed and insured through the Department of Natural Resources, A+ Accredited BBB members (since 1993), and recognized by the National Wildlife Control Operators Association.

As a team, we are dedicated to separating themselves from their competitors by offering fair prices and higher standards for courteous customer service. You can trust that our work is efficient, reliable, and affordable, and we have the reputation to prove it!

What We Can Do For You

We offer high quality raccoon removal services in Louisville, and throughout the surrounding Kentucky towns and counties. Not only do we remove raccoons, we offer a wide variety of other raccoon abatement services, including full-property inspections, emergency raccoon removal, raccoon proofing, post service checkups, integrated pest management, environmental modification and monitoring, free estimates, free advice, and much more.

Also, raccoons can cause extensive amounts of damage and mess in the areas they use for shelter, but our DNR licensed and insured raccoon control contractors retain the latest technologies and decontamination materials to manage any raccoon cleaning and restoration job, regardless of size or scope.

Got Raccoons in the Attic?

Having a raccoon in the attic can be an unpleasant situation, and can turn into a costly and dangerous one very fast. Raccoons use attics and other dark, warm areas of residential and commercial buildings for shelter and breeding. This behavior of nesting within our properties can come with some costly consequences if not taken care of right away. Our professionals can repair and replace areas that have been soiled from urine and droppings, such as ceilings, sheetrock, insulation, and dry wall. We can also provide odor removal and prevention strategies to eliminate the possibility of their return.

We Will Solve Your Raccoon Problems, TODAY!

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call us today at 502-553-7622 for professional Louisville raccoon removal services today. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

4 Ways to Keep Raccoons Out of Trashcans

Raccoons love a free meal. And your garbage provides them this privilege every night. To make matters worse, raccoons are smart, and will remember where all the good food spots are at. This means they will continue to rummage your trashcans, spreading garbage all over the place, unless you finally take matters into your own hands.

Continue reading to learn 4 safe and humane tricks to keep raccoons out of trashcans.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Keep in mind that raccoons are nocturnal, so they are most active between the hours of dusk and dawn. While you sleep is when they make their massive mess all over your lawn and driveway. So in order to combat their destruction, you must do something that will prevent them from accessing your garbage behind your back. T

he best method for this is to simply keep your trashcans in an enclosed space, like a garage or shed, and only take them out on the morning on trash collection day. If there are no trashcans to rummage, raccoons will move on to the next easily-accessible food source.

If keep your trashcans enclosed in a garage or shed is not an option, there are still some other things you can try. Here are 4 effective methods for protecting your trashcans from raccoons:

Bungee Cords and Lid Locks

Raccoons have human-like paws that are highly dexterous. Opening doors and lids is not a challenge for them at all, which is why you need to lock them down tight. Use some standard 24 inch bungee cords with hooks at each end to keep your trashcan lids secured overnight. You can also purchase trashcan lid locks, which may be available at your local home improvement store.


If you want to keep raccoons and other nuisance animals (like dogs) away from your trash, sprinkle each bag with a few dashes of ammonia. Ammonia is the common chemical found in urine. Raccoons will avoid the smell of ammonia because it will tell them that the area is soiled. It will trick them into thinking the area is ruined. Just be careful handling ammonia, and keep it out of reach of children and pets.

Talk Radio

Have you ever tried to approach a wild animal? They usually run away before you can get too close. Raccoons are just like most other animals; they avoid threats and potential predators, which would be us. If you place a boom box set on a talk radio station next to the garbage cans, it will trick raccoons into thinking there are humans nearby; so they will not come close. After a few nights or so, they will remember that your garbage is near humans, and will stop coming around.

String Lights

Another element that scares away raccoons is lack of privacy. You can install motion-detection lighting outside to flash on when animals scurry by, but this can sometimes be costly. As a cheaper alternative, try streaming string lights (i.e. Christmas lights) around the basin of the trashcans. The added lighting will turn raccoons off from your property because they do not have a safe place to rummage in the dark.

Nothing Work for You? Contact a Pro

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

If you are experiencing raccoon problems, let us help. We offer 24 hour raccoon removal, as well as, raccoon proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. We are DNR licensed and insured, and provide both residential and commercial raccoon control services in Louisville, Kentucky and throughout its surrounding areas. Call our office directly at 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or advice, today.

Where to Get 24 Hour Emergency Raccoon Removal in Louisville, Kentucky

Our Louisville raccoon removal professionals are there in a moments’ notice when a raccoon decides to make your home a hotel! Safe and humane, emergency raccoon removal has never been more convenient!

Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Nuisance Raccoons are Clever and Quick!

It can happen at any given moment. You never know when a curious raccoon might find its way into your home. One could enter the kitchen through the doggy door, or pry open an unlocked window in the bathroom. With human-like paws that can grasp anything, amazing climbing abilities, and street smarts, these intelligent creatures can get inside if they really want to. And worst of all, they will enter your home as if they are an invited guest, with no concern for your food, furnishings, or hygienic standards!

Raccoon Removal and Control You Can Trust

Whether you come across a wild raccoon in the middle of the night or in the early morning hours, Louisville Raccoon Removal KY.com is there for you! We offer 24 hour emergency raccoon removal and control services, for both residential and commercial properties throughout Louisville, Kentucky. And as a family owned and operated business, we understand the value of a dollar.

For this reason, we offer the most competitive prices for raccoon control! Raccoon removal and control has never been more convenient and affordable! You can expect a prompt answer and a warm greeting. We are deeply devoted to the highest standards of excellence when it comes to quality and value. We are honest and dedicated, DNR licensed and insured professionals that have more than 25 years of experience.

Get Rid of Raccoons TODAY!

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 if you are experiencing raccoon problems in Louisville, Kentucky. We offer residential and commercial raccoon removal and control, as well as, raccoon proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. We may even be able to perform home owners’ insurance claim work. Request a free estimate or advice, anytime. Request a free estimate, anytime.

How are Raccoons a Threat to Humans?

Raccoons are one of the world’s most unique and interesting mammals. They are highly intelligent and demonstrate individual personalities, curiosity, and long-term memory. However, as we continue to develop and construct new properties and neighborhoods, more and more of the raccoon’s natural habitat is lost. When this happens, they have no other choice but to wander into human territory.

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Many raccoons that have lost their homes have turned to finding food and shelter in residential and urban settings. Houses, attics, gutters, dumpsters, vacant buildings, crawl spaces, and porches are just a few favorites spots coons use for shelter and protection. They also like to rummage and search for food scraps, hoping to find an adequate meal for the night. As a result of these circumstances, raccoons have caught a bad reputation for being filthy nuisance animals that carry contagious diseases. Although technically this can be true, raccoons are much more than that, and should never be harmed or killed in any way.

The truth is, these mammals are significant parts of our surrounding eco-system, and play a large role in maintaining the balance in nature. However, there are dangers surrounding raccoons, and it is highly recommended for humans to keep their distance whenever possible. Contact a DNR licensed Louisville Raccoon Removal Company for safe and humane raccoon control if you spot one on your property on more than one occasion. If you believe you have raccoons in the attic or other interior area of your home, call a 24 hour emergency raccoon removal for immediate extraction and cleanup service.

Potential Raccoon Dangers

Raccoons have a gene that makes them perfect carriers of several contagious and infectious diseases. The most common disease is Rabies, of course, but there are several more. Additional diseases include Canine Distemper, Giardia, Leptospirosis, Parvo, Lice, coccidiosis, roundworm, mange, fleas, ticks, and more. Contact or exchanges between saliva, feces, urine, or blood can transfer any of these diseases and cause harmful and sometimes fatal effects. So if a person comes into contact with one of the above, and then somehow touch their mouth, eye, open wound, or something else, they can become infected. In rare cases, mother raccoons or diseased raccoons will attack.

Stay safe by always keeping your distance whenever you see a raccoon. Never attempt to touch, trap, scare, or harm a coon under any circumstances. If you do this, they will never have a reason to attack a human or pet. Furthermore, it is illegal to tamper, trap, harm, or kill a raccoon. Enlist the service of a professional to get rid of raccoons in Kentucky.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

If you are experiencing raccoon problems, let us help. We offer 24 hour raccoon removal, as well as, raccoon proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. We are DNR licensed and insured, and provide both residential and commercial raccoon control services in Louisville, Kentucky and throughout its surrounding areas. Call our office directly at 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or advice, today.

Garbage Can Protection for Nuisance Wildlife

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Homeowners who live in highly urbanized areas, or communities near wooded or forested lands, are more prone to nuisance wildlife problems, especially raccoons. One of the most common complaint among these very homeowners is their garbage cans. Because raccoons have dexterous paws that are almost human-like, they can grip, grasp, and pry open many things. This includes garbage can lids, but also includes roof shingles, soffits, siding, doors, and more. Raccoons are extremely destructive as well, causing damage in all sorts of ways. They dig up lawns and gardens, rip off roof shingles and siding, pry open fencing, chew through electrical wiring, rip through screen windows, tear down attic insulation, and soil everything in their path with urine and droppings. These damages can quickly escalate into costly repairs and renovations.

For these reasons and more, it is important to stop a raccoon problem early on before they can cause an exponential amount of damage to your home and your property. You must learn how to protect your home from nuisance raccoons, starting with proper garbage management. Continue reading to learn how you can thwart raccoon activity on your property by managing your garbage cans better.

Garbage Can Tips

There are 4 primary methods that are effective for preventing raccoons from having access to your garbage cans. Each method can be used alone, or in combination with each other. It all depends on what works best for you. Here are the 4 methods we suggest:

Only take your trash out to the driveway on the morning of garbage pickup day. Never leave your trash cans outside overnight when you know there are raccoons present in the area. They will find your garbage, and they will make a huge mess of your driveway before the sun comes up.

Keep your trashcans inside the garage or shed at all times, unless it is garbage pickup day. Leaving your garbage cans outside all the time will let raccoons know they have easy access to your trash. Since raccoons have excellent memories, they will come back night after night for your trash cans.

Use a bungie cord or large cement block to keep the trash can lid secured. By tightly securing your trash can lids, you prevent raccoons from being able to pry them open with their little paw fingers. If they cannot get into your garbage, they will give up after a while and stop coming back to your property.

For those of you who have to keep trash receptacles outdoors, you can string brightly colored outdoor lights around them to scare raccoons off. The bright lights will make raccoons timid, and they will avoid areas that are well lit. You can also try electronic sound machines and motion-sensored lighting, or simply sprinkle some ammonia on the trash bags.

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

If you are experiencing raccoon problems, let us help. We offer 24 hour raccoon removal, as well as, raccoon proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. We are DNR licensed and insured, and provide both residential and commercial raccoon control services. Call our office directly at 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional Louisville raccoon removal you can trust.

Affordable Raccoon Removal and Control Services for Louisville Residents and Business Owners!

We can get rid of raccoons in a flash for Louisville property owners and proprietors!

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

When you need raccoon removal and control in Louisville, Kentucky, trust no one else but Raccoon Removal Louisville.com for all your nuisance animal needs! Our highly trained and DNR licensed wildlife rescue and control contractors have decades of experience in the raccoon control industry. We never harm or kill raccoons, and instead, we use safe and humane methods of raccoon exclusion and extraction. Once in our control, we relocate wild raccoons to a safe, faraway habitat.

We Provide 24 Hour Emergency Raccoon Removal

When you need emergency assistance for a raccoon in the house or other area of your property, we are standing by to help! We provide 24 hour emergency raccoon removal for residential and commercial properties in Kentucky. No matter what time of day or night, their raccoon control teams are standing by to deliver punctual and prompt assistance when you need them most!

Let Us Catch a Small Problem Early On

Raccoons can be a big nuisance in many ways. Stopping a raccoon infestation from getting bigger can save home and property owners loads of money in restoration and damage repairs. Once you are aware of a raccoon problem, take action right away. The longer you wait, the more time raccoons will have to create more damage and mess.

Keep these facts in mind too:

🐾 A diseased raccoon does not always look or behave sick, so it is important to never come close to one under any circumstances.

🐾 Always call a licensed Louisville raccoon removal professional who retains the proper equipment and training to safely carry out the task.

🐾 Another great way to stop raccoons from trespassing is to implement effective preventative maintenance. We have all the information you need to raccoon-proof your property!

Louisville Raccoon Removal Has the Workable Solutions You Need

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 for professional Louisville raccoon removal services today. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties, including raccoon removal, control, prevention, proofing, cleanup, attic restorations, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or information about Louisville raccoon control, today.

Although We Remove Raccoons, We Love and Support Them!

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

It is common for people to misunderstand the stance of those who work for raccoon removal companies. Many believe that wildlife removal contractors are the bad guys, and only wish to get rid of raccoons in a lethal or inhumane way. But this is far from the truth! Wildlife removal contractors want nothing more than the preservation and protection of wild animals, especially raccoons! That is why they are commonly referred to as wildlife “rescue” and control companies. Their intentions are nothing but good, and their stance on wildlife is not what many assume.

We Believe They are Innocent

Raccoons, and other wild animals, are becoming more and more of a nuisance in urban and suburban areas, but this is not their fault! And wildlife control contractors know this and believe this. Over-development, and other environmental factors, have pushed animals out of their natural habits, thus forcing them to find food, water, and shelter where they can. And they can usually find it right in our very own communities. So in essence, it’s actually our own fault that raccoons are becoming an increasing nuisance.

We Use Safe, Humane, and Non-Lethal Methods

Since raccoons can cause a tremendous amount of mess and damage, and even carry infectious diseases, you don’t want them inside your home or commercial building. And that is one of the main purposes of a wildlife control specialist. We make sure raccoons are removed safely and humanely by using safe and non-lethal methods of raccoon extraction. Then we comfortably relocate them to a far-away habitat that’s safer for them to live. We never harm or kill raccoons under any circumstances. The safety and comfort of our clients is the other reason we do what we do. We want to make sure both raccoons and humans are protected from each other.

We Support Preservation and Protection

Raccoons do not deserve to be mistreated in any way. We promote the preservation and safety of the raccoon population, and remain committed to spreading that message as often as possible. We strongly advocate that no one should ever trap, harm, or kill raccoons. And if anyone wants to hunt raccoons for food and pelt, we encourage them to respect all hunting laws and regulations. Raccoons are highly-intelligent creatures with exceptional memories and unique personalities. In fact, you can think of a raccoon just like a dog, but wild. They are smart, curious, and of course, very cute! So we aim to protect raccoons with safe and humane raccoon removal services. But we also aim to protect property owners from the dangers that raccoons pose to our health and homes.

Louisville Raccoon Removal

If you are experiencing raccoon problems, let us help. We offer 24 hour emergency raccoon removal, as well as, raccoon proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. We are DNR licensed and insured, and provide both residential and commercial raccoon control services. Call our office directly at 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional Louisville raccoon removal you can trust.