Important Reasons Why You Should Hire a Pro to Get Rid of Raccoons

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoons are sly, smart, and resourceful, which is why they don’t have much trouble finding their way into homes and buildings where they do not belong. Once inside, they can breed colonies of raccoons right underneath your nose. For this reason, animal-proofing and prevention are key responsibilities for any property owner. Raccoons can cause an extensive amount of damage to homes, commercial buildings, landscapes, and even personal assets like cars and playgrounds.

Not only should you be concerned about raccoon-proofing your property, it is equally important to get rid of a raccoon problem as soon as you are aware there is one. That is because the sooner raccoons can be abated, the less damage is likely to take place. This can save you time, money, and stress. Just keep in mind that raccoon removal is not a job for you. It is vital to hire a state-licensed and certified company.

Continue reading to learn why.

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

This Raccoon Says “Hello!”

State Authority

Raccoons are known to carry diseases and may even attack people or pets if threatened, ill, or provoked. They are also exotic wildlife that can only be handled and transported by state certified authorities. These factors, and many more, are just some of the reasons why raccoons can only be dealt with by certified professionals. A licensed and skilled raccoon abatement specialist retains the proper licensing to work with exotic wildlife, and furthermore, retains the knowledge and resources to operate within established industry standards and best practices, as well as, in accordance with local, state, and federal laws that govern wildlife.


Professionals are highly trained and experienced in the animal and raccoon control industry. They typically have years of service within the trade. Experience allows them to be prepared for anything because they have most likely seen it all within the time they’ve been in the business. Preparation and training are vital prerequisites for safe and successful raccoon removal.

Equipment and Resources

A professional raccoon control company will also retain the necessary equipment, tools, and resources to manage raccoons. Their equipment and gear is specialized for the industry, and specially designed to not harm raccoons, other wildlife, the surrounding environment, and humans. Examples include live traps, artificial hormones, state of the art luminosities, atomizing mist machines, heavy gauge galvanized steel mesh screening, industrial caulking, high-density polyurethane foam, and automated static noise devices. Furthermore, professionals know how to properly use this industry equipment to abate raccoons.

Cleanup and Restoration

One other important reason to hire a professional for raccoon removal is the mess. Raccoons are highly destructive and typically leave behind massive damages and unsanitary conditions. Professionals retain the state-of-the-art technologies to implement proper cleaning and restoration work for any type of property, regardless of size or scope. Cleaning and repairs generally involve animal waste removal, disinfection, sanitization, deodorization, louse fumigation, drywall and insulation replacement, and more. The remediation process may include a final treatment applied with an innovative atomizing mist machine, which produces a fog of enzyme-based hazardous waste cleanser to ensure a property is 100% decontaminated.

Who to Trust in Louisville

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 for DNR licensed Louisville raccoon removal and control services that are both safe and humane. We never harm or kill raccoons, and neither should you! Instead, enlist the services of our licensed wildlife rescue contractors for non-lethal raccoon exclusion and control. Request a free estimate, today.

What Can I Do To Stop Raccoons From Eating My Plants?

Raccoons are not only intelligent, they are also resourceful. These attributes largely contribute to the reason why they are common nuisances in residential areas. When they discover a good food source, they will return night after night to indulge themselves; and they won’t stop until the food is gone. For homeowners who love their gardens and crops, this can be a real problem. It is important, and quite necessary, to protect your plants from nuisance raccoons. This is especially important for those who live near wooded areas and/or bodies of water.

Continue reading to learn what you can do to keep raccoons away from your plants and off your property.

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

You have several safe and non-lethal options to manage a nuisance raccoon problem. But first, in order to thwart raccoon activity, you have to know what attracts them to your property. Food is obvious, but if you protect your plants and gardens, it might not be enough. You could possibly have other food sources that will still bring raccoons back every night. Examples include pet food, bird feeders, squirrel feeders, and accessible garbage cans. These items must be removed or locked up in order to eliminate all outdoor food sources on your property. Once you do this, you can feel more confident that you are warding off nuisance wildlife, safely and humanely.

Here are some ways to protect your plants from raccoons:

Install a Fence

A fence is a great way to protect gardens, but when it comes to raccoons, it must be a special kind. Raccoons are excellent climbers and diggers, so the fence should be something they do not want to climb or pas through. Chicken wire works well for this job, and it is cheap to buy. As a last resort, you can protect your gardens by growing a living fence that basically works as a food distraction. Cucumber plants are perfect for this because raccoons like cucumbers, but they do not like the prickly cucumber stalks, nor the large cucumber leaves. The prickly stalks bother their paws, while the large leaves obstruct their view around them, making them feel more vulnerable to threats. Cucumber plants will grow like a vine around your garden plants, just around the perimeter, hiding everything that matters behind them. Raccoons will eat the cucumbers, but stop there; they will not pass any further into your garden of fruits and vegetables.

Set Up Scare Devices

Just like scarecrows are intended to keep the birds away, there are devices you can install that will scare off raccoons. Once example that works well is motion-sense lighting. When these lights detect motion, they instantly turn on with bright intensity, scaring off timid raccoons. Another device that works well is a sound machine. These sound machines have all sorts of options, such as predator noises, human chatter, and more. Since raccoons prefer to stay away from dogs and people, the sound machine can keep them away from your house. Even a radio that plays a station can work.


Toxic chemical repellents should never be used for any species of wildlife. However, you can make non-toxic, homemade raccoon repellents that are safe and humane for animals and the environment. Spices like ground pepper, cayenne, peppermint, menthol, cinnamon, and Eucalyptus are strongly disliked by raccoons, so you can sprinkle these around your garden to ward them off. See our blog Homemade Raccoon Repellent Recipe to learn how to make one yourself. It is cheap and easy to do! You can also use bowls of mothballs around your garden.

Professional Intervention

When you just can’t seem to get a nuisance raccoon problem under control, it is time for some professional help. Contact a licensed and insured Louisville raccoon removal and control company for help raccoon-proofing your property. They have the skills, experience, and resources to safely resolve a nuisance raccoon issue at a fair price.

Got Raccoon Problems?

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 if you are experiencing raccoon problems in Louisville, Kentucky. We offer residential and commercial raccoon removal and control, as well as, raccoon proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. We may even be able to perform home owners’ insurance claim work. Request a free estimate or advice, anytime. Request a free estimate, anytime.

How are Raccoons a Threat to Humans?

Raccoons are one of the world’s most unique and interesting mammals. They are highly intelligent and demonstrate individual personalities, curiosity, and long-term memory. However, as we continue to develop and construct new properties and neighborhoods, more and more of the raccoon’s natural habitat is lost. When this happens, they have no other choice but to wander into human territory.

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Many raccoons that have lost their homes have turned to finding food and shelter in residential and urban settings. Houses, attics, gutters, dumpsters, vacant buildings, crawl spaces, and porches are just a few favorites spots coons use for shelter and protection. They also like to rummage and search for food scraps, hoping to find an adequate meal for the night. As a result of these circumstances, raccoons have caught a bad reputation for being filthy nuisance animals that carry contagious diseases. Although technically this can be true, raccoons are much more than that, and should never be harmed or killed in any way.

The truth is, these mammals are significant parts of our surrounding eco-system, and play a large role in maintaining the balance in nature. However, there are dangers surrounding raccoons, and it is highly recommended for humans to keep their distance whenever possible. Contact a DNR licensed Louisville Raccoon Removal Company for safe and humane raccoon control if you spot one on your property on more than one occasion. If you believe you have raccoons in the attic or other interior area of your home, call a 24 hour emergency raccoon removal for immediate extraction and cleanup service.

Potential Raccoon Dangers

Raccoons have a gene that makes them perfect carriers of several contagious and infectious diseases. The most common disease is Rabies, of course, but there are several more. Additional diseases include Canine Distemper, Giardia, Leptospirosis, Parvo, Lice, coccidiosis, roundworm, mange, fleas, ticks, and more. Contact or exchanges between saliva, feces, urine, or blood can transfer any of these diseases and cause harmful and sometimes fatal effects. So if a person comes into contact with one of the above, and then somehow touch their mouth, eye, open wound, or something else, they can become infected. In rare cases, mother raccoons or diseased raccoons will attack.

Stay safe by always keeping your distance whenever you see a raccoon. Never attempt to touch, trap, scare, or harm a coon under any circumstances. If you do this, they will never have a reason to attack a human or pet. Furthermore, it is illegal to tamper, trap, harm, or kill a raccoon. Enlist the service of a professional to get rid of raccoons in Kentucky.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

If you are experiencing raccoon problems, let us help. We offer 24 hour raccoon removal, as well as, raccoon proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. We are DNR licensed and insured, and provide both residential and commercial raccoon control services in Louisville, Kentucky and throughout its surrounding areas. Call our office directly at 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate or advice, today.

Common Raccoon Entry Points on Roofs

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoons are highly-intelligent mammals with an exceptional ability to climb, grasp, and even solve problems. This makes them the perfect trespasser in urban and suburban localities. Due to land over-development, raccoons are being forced out of their natural habitat, and into our city and housing areas. There, they do whatever it takes to feed themselves and raise their young. And in most cases, our properties are the main target. Raccoons use their nature-given abilities to gain entry into homes and buildings, where they nest, reproduce, feed, sleep, defecate, and more.

This type of raccoon activity has a negative impact on both the structural integrity and safety of a property. The damages caused by raccoons can be extensive and costly, ranging from torn or soiled attic insulation, to ripped floor boards, stained ceilings and walls, chewed electrical wiring, and more. One of the most common areas for raccoons to invade are attics, because they are easily accessible from the roof. Continue reading to learn three of the most common entry points on a roof, and better protect your property from raccoon damages.

Dormer Eaves

Dormer eaves are basically the area of the roof that hangs over the side of the house or building. The opening that is exposed on the side is covered with a soffit of some sort, to keep animals out and for aesthetic purposes. When a rooftop extends a little beyond the side of the property like this, it creates a perfect and highly-appealing cubby hole for raccoons. And since they are clever mammals with extremely dexterous paws, they can easily rip off the soffit and gain entry into this area. Once they are inside the dormer, they can simply tear through the insulation and get inside the attic.

Roof Line Transitions and Roof Vents

Not all properties have dormer eaves, so raccoons use another common roof area to access attics. When roofs are not entirely flat, they have different shapes and heights. In these places, the roof line changes and transitions into another part of the roof. Here at these gaps of roof are where raccoons enter a home or building. Roof vents are a favorite for raccoons because they are just basically holes in a roof. And for raccoons, that means doorways into an attic. They can easily rip off or pry through roof vents and get inside the attic. If you notice signs of damage to your roof vents, it is a sure sign of attempted or successful raccoon entry.


Not all properties have chimneys either; but the ones that do are easy targets for nuisance wildlife, especially raccoons. Chimneys can be a source of easy access for raccoons if the proper preventative measures are not taken. Raccoons can easily climb up and down the flue, so they will almost always try the chimney first for quick entry into a home or property. If you do not keep the flue closed, or invest in a steel chimney cap, you could allow raccoons inside too.

Louisville Raccoon Control You Can Trust

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 if you have raccoon problems, or wish to raccoon-proof your property in Louisville, Kentucky. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control contractors that offer a wide range of raccoon removal and control services for residential and commercial properties. We offer 24 hour emergency service, raccoon cleanup, and minor attic restoration as well. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate, today.

DIY Raccoon Removal Advice

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

If you are experiencing nuisance raccoon activity in your neighborhood, it is wise to start thinking about taking some preventative measures. Otherwise, your home and property, as well as your sanity, may be at risk! Although proper raccoon control and removal is quite complex and requires years of professional experience, there are some simple “do-it-yourself” projects that can be done without professional raccoon control service. If everyone adopts these tips and strategies, it can help thwart raccoon invasion in your neighborhood for good. Continue reading to learn more about getting rid of raccoons, safely and humanely.

Tips for Putting a Stop to Nuisance Raccoons

If you have a known raccoon colony in or around your home, then be sure to never leave your garbage cans outside on the night before trash day. Raccoons are nocturnal, which means they are active in the evenings and sleep during daylight hours. At night, they search for food, and your garbage cans are prime targets. As clever mammals with excellent memories, they will remember that trash cans are sources for food, and will continue to rummage through them night after night until they are no longer viable sources of snacking. If taking your garbage outside on the morning of trash day is not an option, there are alternative solutions you can use to deter raccoons from entering your property.

Send Them a Message They Can Smell

Ammonia is a chemical agent that gives the illusion of urine, for a raccoon. Although we might perceive raccoons to be filthy and unsanitary, in their world, they are the tidy ones. They like to keep their areas and nests very clean, so they wander far from their nests if they need to relieve themselves. If they smell ammonia, they will assume the area has been marked by a predator, and will find other grounds to mark as their territory. You can even purchase coyote urine and other types of urine from common raccoon predators, and use it in place of ammonia.

Spraying or squirting the ammonia around your garbage cans can prevent raccoons from trespassing onto your property. The ammonia solution is also good for indoor use, if you find a raccoon colony in your home. Raccoons also hate peppery spices, menthol, and peppermint. Using these extracts around the perimeter of your home can help keep them away too. Moth balls in a bowl are also effective.

Use Scare Tactics and Other Non-Lethal Strategies

If predator urine is not your thing, you can purchase sound machines that imitate common raccoon predators. This will scare them from coming too close. Similarly, you can install motion lighting that turns on when it senses motion. The sudden jolt of light scares raccoons and makes them very uncomfortable. One or two times of being caught in this bright light will remain in their memory and they will make sure to not come back.

Get Rid of Raccoons in the House

Finding raccoons inside your house is startling. They can be quite messy and the amount of damage can develop quickly. They use insulation as nesting material, chew through electrical wiring, claw at drywall, soil floorboards and drywall with their droppings, and make a huge mess with their food. Furthermore, this damage can generate foul stenches and odors that can carry into the living quarters of your home. Urine and droppings can leak through ceiling panels and down wall seams, resulting in yellow and brown stains.

These are all tedious projects in themselves, but removing the raccoons is the first priority. Calling a professional raccoon removal company is the only way to remove the raccoons safely, without causing more harm to your home or the animals. If you find a raccoon nest in your garage or outdoor shed, then use the ammonia to force them to move out. Using this solution in high traffic areas of a home is not recommended. This includes the attic, garages, driveways, sheds, outdoor storage units, and similar areas are all acceptable.

Louisville Raccoon Removal and Control

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 for professional raccoon removal service in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding areas. We offer a wide range of residential and commercial raccoon control services at the most affordable prices in town. Our DNR licensed and insured wildlife contractors are happy to answer your questions about raccoon removal and control, anytime. We offer emergency services, free estimates, and more.

Garbage Can Protection for Nuisance Wildlife

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Homeowners who live in highly urbanized areas, or communities near wooded or forested lands, are more prone to nuisance wildlife problems, especially raccoons. One of the most common complaint among these very homeowners is their garbage cans. Because raccoons have dexterous paws that are almost human-like, they can grip, grasp, and pry open many things. This includes garbage can lids, but also includes roof shingles, soffits, siding, doors, and more. Raccoons are extremely destructive as well, causing damage in all sorts of ways. They dig up lawns and gardens, rip off roof shingles and siding, pry open fencing, chew through electrical wiring, rip through screen windows, tear down attic insulation, and soil everything in their path with urine and droppings. These damages can quickly escalate into costly repairs and renovations.

For these reasons and more, it is important to stop a raccoon problem early on before they can cause an exponential amount of damage to your home and your property. You must learn how to protect your home from nuisance raccoons, starting with proper garbage management. Continue reading to learn how you can thwart raccoon activity on your property by managing your garbage cans better.

Garbage Can Tips

There are 4 primary methods that are effective for preventing raccoons from having access to your garbage cans. Each method can be used alone, or in combination with each other. It all depends on what works best for you. Here are the 4 methods we suggest:

Only take your trash out to the driveway on the morning of garbage pickup day. Never leave your trash cans outside overnight when you know there are raccoons present in the area. They will find your garbage, and they will make a huge mess of your driveway before the sun comes up.

Keep your trashcans inside the garage or shed at all times, unless it is garbage pickup day. Leaving your garbage cans outside all the time will let raccoons know they have easy access to your trash. Since raccoons have excellent memories, they will come back night after night for your trash cans.

Use a bungie cord or large cement block to keep the trash can lid secured. By tightly securing your trash can lids, you prevent raccoons from being able to pry them open with their little paw fingers. If they cannot get into your garbage, they will give up after a while and stop coming back to your property.

For those of you who have to keep trash receptacles outdoors, you can string brightly colored outdoor lights around them to scare raccoons off. The bright lights will make raccoons timid, and they will avoid areas that are well lit. You can also try electronic sound machines and motion-sensored lighting, or simply sprinkle some ammonia on the trash bags.

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

If you are experiencing raccoon problems, let us help. We offer 24 hour raccoon removal, as well as, raccoon proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. We are DNR licensed and insured, and provide both residential and commercial raccoon control services. Call our office directly at 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional Louisville raccoon removal you can trust.

Protecting Your Property During Raccoon Breeding Season

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Raccoon breeding season is upon us, and now is the perfect time to get your property protected from raccoon damage and infestation. Raccoons are highly intelligent mammals with nimble-fingered paws, skilled climbing abilities, and an endless curiosity. This combination makes them expert trouble-makers in residential and municipal communities. They can access our properties, digging up lawns and gardens, rummaging through trash cans, stealing pet food, soiling attic floorboards and wall insulation, and much more. These damages are not only unsightly and unsanitary, they are costly to repair. So prevention is your greatest weapon against nuisance raccoons.

Continue reading to learn how to get your home ready for raccoon breeding season!


Raccoons generally begin their mating season in late January, which can last through March. Females have a gestation period of 65 days or so, which means mother ‘coons are expected to birth their litters between the months of April and May. Mother raccoons are known to have anywhere from 2 to 5 baby raccoons, also called kits, per litter. Interestingly, larger litters generally occur in regions where raccoon mortality rates are higher. For instance, states like North Dakota have rendered the raccoon litter average higher than states like Florida or Louisiana, due to harsh winter climates and excessive hunting.

Kits are born both blind and deaf. Their ear canals open after 3 weeks or so, and then their eyes eventually open a few days after that. They remain with their mother during the nursing process, suckling her nutrient-dense milk; and after 16 weeks, they are weaned onto solid food. At this point, they are self-reliant, and males will live on their own, reaching sexual maturity around a year old.

Raccoon Protection

Louisville Raccoon Removal 502-553-7622

Cover Trash and Do Not Leave Cans Out Overnight!

As mentioned, raccoons are capable of causing a serious amount of damage to a property, both inside and out. For this reason, raccoon-proofing is important, especially for homes or business close to wooded or forested areas, and businesses that throw out food in a dumpster. To protect your property from raccoons, follow the simple tips below.
Use lids on exterior trash cans. Latch them down with rope, bungee, or cement blocks.

→ Take your trash out on the morning of garbage pick-up day.

→ Remove all food and water sources outside, including pet bowls, bags of pet food, bird baths, squirrel feeders, and bird houses. Use chicken wire to block off gardens.

→ Remove or block off all possible areas of shelter outside, including log piles, tree houses, pet houses, and sheds.

→ Cover compost piles with tarp and cement blocks.

→ Have your home inspected for open or vulnerable areas, and have these areas professionally sealed to prevent raccoon intrusion. This includes roofs, soffits, gutters, siding, porches, decks, and windows.

→ Install motion-sensored lighting or automatic sound machines.

If you follow all of these tips, you are doing a great job at protecting your home from raccoon damage!

Louisville Raccoon Control

Call 502-553-7622 if you have raccoon problems, or wish to raccoon-proof your property in Louisville, Kentucky. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control contractors that offer a wide range of raccoon removal and control services for residential and commercial properties. We offer 24 hour emergency service, raccoon cleanup, and minor attic restoration as well. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate for Louisville raccoon control, today.

Tips for Keeping Raccoons Away From Fruit Trees

Indiana provides agreeable climate and soil conditions for a variety of fruit trees. And because of their beautiful appeal and delicious yields, many homeowners are choosing to add them to their personal landscaping. But unfortunately, fruit trees are also very attractive sources of food for many wild animals, namely raccoons. Although many other pests enjoy the sweet succulent fruits of trees, raccoons have the most impact because of their extraordinary climbing abilities, dexterous paws, and higher level of intelligence. They can quickly deplete your fruit tree in no time at all.

Aside from tree problems, raccoons are not good to have around the property in general. So it is important to strategize a way to keep raccoons out of your fruit trees if that is the focal point that’s attracting them to your home every night. Continue reading for tips to do just that!

Start With Your Trees

Raccoons can access fruit trees in a few ways. They can use their amazing climbing abilities to scale a tree and access the fruit. Or they can use structures that are near a fruit tree to access the fruit. If you have structures near your fruit trees that wild animals can access, if possible you need to consider renovating these areas to avoid the potential for animal activity.

If you do not have structures that assist animals in accessing the fruits of your fruit trees, then all you need to do is inhibit raccoons from being able to climb those tree trunks. And if raccoons cannot gain traction on tree trunks, then they cannot easily climb them. For this reason, it is recommended to install a metal collar around your fruit trees.

Making a Metal Tree Collar

You can purchase aluminum or galvanized sheet metal at any local home improvement store for a reasonable price. Buy a strip of sheet metal that is between 18 to 24 inches wide. Be sure it is long enough to wrap around the tree trunk completely, plus overlap an extra 2-inches. From underneath the sheet metal, run a wire through both sides. Then bend the wire outward to keep the guard in place. Consult your local tree service company for advice and assistance making tree collars.

If you are experiencing raccoon problems, call your local Raccoon Control Company for help getting rid of raccoons for good. They use non-lethal and humane methods to extract raccoons and relocate them to a faraway habitat. They also retain the knowledge and resources to implement strategies that will prevent raccoons from coming back.

Raccoon Removal Louisville Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional raccoon removal in Louisville, Kentucky. We are DNR license and insured wildlife control contractors that only use safe and humane methods to remove raccoons and prevent their return. We can help you with your raccoon problems at a price you can afford. Call 502-553-7622 when you need raccoon removal and control in Louisville, KY and its surrounding areas.

A Raccoon on the Roof is Not a Good Sign

Raccoons are excellent climbers with nimble, dexterous paws, and they use these qualities to access rooftops in residential and urban areas. It is very common to spot raccoons on the roof at night, or just after sunset when it isn’t quite dark yet. This is the time of day when raccoons are either returning or leaving from wherever it is they are nesting. So this means if you see a raccoon on the roof, they are up to no good. Continue reading to learn why you might have raccoons on the roof, and how to safely and humanely get rid of them.

Raccoons and Roofs

If a raccoon is on a roof, it is most likely looking for a vulnerable area in the eaves or soffit to rip out and use as an access point to your attic. And if they are not looking for this, it is because they have already found it! Raccoons like to use these areas to create dens in order to breed and raise their young. Once their young is old enough to fend for themselves, they leave the nest to go look for one of their own. A raccoon on a roof is a blatant indication that you have raccoons in the attic or other area of your home that is accessible through the roof. And if you have raccoons on the roof and they haven’t access your home yet, they are looking to do so very soon. Raccoons don’t just climb for fun; they are either hunting, gathering, escaping danger, or looking for shelter. Don’t make the mistake of ignoring a raccoon on the roof!

In a little amount of time, raccoons can make a disastrous mess in your home. They tear down attic insulation to make nests and soil just about every surface area with droppings, birthing debris, and rotting food scraps. They also chew through electrical wiring, rip out floorboards and saturate ceilings with urine which causes stains and odors Needless to say, raccoons are capable of causing an extreme amount of structural damage and destruction if left alone.

Wildlife Rescue Services

Call a local wildlife rescue contractor for safe and humane raccoon removal services if you spot any on your roof or around your property. It is better to take precautionary measures rather than waiting for a disaster to fall into your lap. Never leave pet food outside, as raccoons love this and will return night after night for it; and always take your trash out the morning of garbage pickup day. These are just a few methods to keep raccoons off your property. Also consider having your siding, roof, windows, and doors inspected and properly sealed, as well as, installing motion sensor lighting outside to thwart raccoon activity.

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Call 502-553-7622 for professional raccoon removal and control in Louisville, Kentucky. We are highly trained and experienced, DNR licensed wildlife rescue and control contractors that can remove raccoons safely and humanely at a low cost to you. We also provide minor attic restorations and repairs for raccoon damages, as well as, raccoon prevention, and much more. Call 502-553-7622 if you see raccoons on the roof in Louisville, KY right away.

The Effects of Raccoon Grubbing

Raccoons are crepuscular foragers, meaning they primarily venture out at dusk to look for food. And as nocturnal animals, they remain active throughout the night and call it quits just before dawn. That is why they are hardly caught-in-action during their mischievous endeavors. Rummaged trash cans, missing garden vegetables, fallen roof shingles, and empty pet dishes are just a few common signs of raccoon activity, but there is another that is far more frustrating for property owners. Raccoon grubbing is another distinguishable habit performed by wild raccoons. It leaves behind a mess that is only fixable with plenty of grass seed and time.

Backyard Grubs

Grubs are nuisance larvae that live in the ground and feed off of grass roots. Not only do grub populations cause grass to wilt and brown, they attract nuisance raccoons. Raccoons love these juicy, protein-rich worms and will go to great lengths to acquire them. This means they will relentlessly pull back chunks of sod and dig through the soil and clay for one delicious bite. And since raccoons have dexterous human-like paws, their nimble fingers can easily rip through lawns and sift through dirt to find a tasty meal. It only takes one or two raccoons to tear up an entire lawn in just one night.


There are a few ways to fix this problem. To repair your lawn, you will need good-quality grass seed, fertilizer, and patience. After routine watering and fertilizing, your lawn will eventually get back to normal. As for the raccoons, you should first try to eliminate all of the things on your property that attract them there in the first place, starting with the grubs.

There are several types of grub control products available at any local garden or hardware store. Choose based on your preference, but be sure it is compatible with your landscape. They are relatively inexpensive, ranging in price from $4 to $20, depending on the size and brand. Apply the product to your lawn and hope for the best. If you cannot get the grubs under control, it may be wise to contact a lawn care company for professional grub removal.

Other attractions to eliminate may include bird baths, pet food, bird seed, squirrel feeders, open gardens, garbage, sitting pools of water, and small places to hide. By getting rid of these common raccoon attractions, you can also get rid of raccoons. If you have a raccoon in the attic or other area of your home, you need to call a local wildlife control company for safe and humane raccoon removal. These companies call also offer prevention services and cleanup.

Raccoon Removal Louisville

Call Raccoon Removal Louisville at 502-553-7622 for DNR licensed raccoon control services that are both safe and humane. We never harm or kill raccoons, and neither should you! Instead, enlist the services of our licensed wildlife rescue contractors for non-lethal raccoon exclusion and control. We don’t just get rid of raccoons, we also provide cleanup services and minor attic restorations from raccoon damages. Call 502-553-7622 for raccoon removal and control in Louisville, KY and its surrounding counties.