Common Parasitic Diseases Found in Raccoons

Raccoons, like most wild animals, are susceptible to a long list of illnesses. And most of them are contagious and even fatal. But not all raccoon diseases are caused by a bacteria or a virus; some illnesses are caused by tiny little organisms called parasites. And these illnesses are called Helminth diseases. Continue reading to learn which parasitic diseases are commonly found in raccoons, and how to safely manage a raccoon problem on your property.


Roundworm is one of the most well-known parasitic raccoon diseases. Scientifically referred to as Baylisascaris Procyonis, raccoon roundworm are visceral (ingested and migrate through inner organs) and cutaneous (skin-deep, limited migration) larval migrans that can infect mammals via skin penetration or oral egg ingestion. Although it causes few problems for infected raccoons, roundworm is very harmful to dogs, cats, and even humans. Treatment is required immediately to reduce implications and begin healing right away. And since it is easily transferable, it is important to keep your pets vaccinated against roundworm and other parasitic diseases, and to take proper precautions to control wildlife intrusion on your property.


Toxoplasmosis is a common protozoal disease that can quickly infect and kill raccoons. It comes from one of the world’s most common one-celled parasites called the Toxoplasma Gondii parasite, or Toxoplasmagondii (T. Gondii). This parasite reproduces exclusively in the cat family, so Felids are definitive hosts. They are also the only species that pass infected eggs in their feces. Infected cat feces contains infectious microbial oocysts, which can be transmitted to other mammals. In humans, symptoms are flu-like (fever, muscle aches, sore throat, swollen nodes, etc.) and generally dissipate after a few weeks without any needed treatment. Raccoons and other animals can become infected of the parasitic disease, but they cannot excrete infectious agents in their feces. Raccoons generally become infected by ingesting the infectious agent, whether in undercooked meat or in cat feces. But it is also frequently associated with immunosuppression from canine distemper, which is a common raccoon viral infection.

The best method for preventing illness caused by raccoons it to get rid of raccoons, altogether! Talk to a licensed and experienced wildlife control company about raccoon removal services in your town.

Louisville Raccoon Removal Services

Call 502-553-7622 for safe and humane 24 hour raccoon removal and control in Louisville, Kentucky. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife rescue contractors that provide a wide range of services for residential and commercial properties. Whether you have a raccoon in the attic or require raccoon-proofing, we are the professional raccoon removal contractors to trust for outstanding service at an affordable price. Call 502-553-7622 to request free estimate for Louisville raccoon removal services, today.

Although We Remove Raccoons, We Love and Support Them!

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622

It is common for people to misunderstand the stance of those who work for raccoon removal companies. Many believe that wildlife removal contractors are the bad guys, and only wish to get rid of raccoons in a lethal or inhumane way. But this is far from the truth! Wildlife removal contractors want nothing more than the preservation and protection of wild animals, especially raccoons! That is why they are commonly referred to as wildlife “rescue” and control companies. Their intentions are nothing but good, and their stance on wildlife is not what many assume.

We Believe They are Innocent

Raccoons, and other wild animals, are becoming more and more of a nuisance in urban and suburban areas, but this is not their fault! And wildlife control contractors know this and believe this. Over-development, and other environmental factors, have pushed animals out of their natural habits, thus forcing them to find food, water, and shelter where they can. And they can usually find it right in our very own communities. So in essence, it’s actually our own fault that raccoons are becoming an increasing nuisance.

We Use Safe, Humane, and Non-Lethal Methods

Since raccoons can cause a tremendous amount of mess and damage, and even carry infectious diseases, you don’t want them inside your home or commercial building. And that is one of the main purposes of a wildlife control specialist. We make sure raccoons are removed safely and humanely by using safe and non-lethal methods of raccoon extraction. Then we comfortably relocate them to a far-away habitat that’s safer for them to live. We never harm or kill raccoons under any circumstances. The safety and comfort of our clients is the other reason we do what we do. We want to make sure both raccoons and humans are protected from each other.

We Support Preservation and Protection

Raccoons do not deserve to be mistreated in any way. We promote the preservation and safety of the raccoon population, and remain committed to spreading that message as often as possible. We strongly advocate that no one should ever trap, harm, or kill raccoons. And if anyone wants to hunt raccoons for food and pelt, we encourage them to respect all hunting laws and regulations. Raccoons are highly-intelligent creatures with exceptional memories and unique personalities. In fact, you can think of a raccoon just like a dog, but wild. They are smart, curious, and of course, very cute! So we aim to protect raccoons with safe and humane raccoon removal services. But we also aim to protect property owners from the dangers that raccoons pose to our health and homes.

Louisville Raccoon Removal

If you are experiencing raccoon problems, let us help. We offer 24 hour emergency raccoon removal, as well as, raccoon proofing and prevention, minor restorations for raccoon damages, raccoon cleanup, and much more. We are DNR licensed and insured, and provide both residential and commercial raccoon control services. Call our office directly at 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional Louisville raccoon removal you can trust.

Tips for Keeping Raccoons Away From Fruit Trees

Indiana provides agreeable climate and soil conditions for a variety of fruit trees. And because of their beautiful appeal and delicious yields, many homeowners are choosing to add them to their personal landscaping. But unfortunately, fruit trees are also very attractive sources of food for many wild animals, namely raccoons. Although many other pests enjoy the sweet succulent fruits of trees, raccoons have the most impact because of their extraordinary climbing abilities, dexterous paws, and higher level of intelligence. They can quickly deplete your fruit tree in no time at all.

Aside from tree problems, raccoons are not good to have around the property in general. So it is important to strategize a way to keep raccoons out of your fruit trees if that is the focal point that’s attracting them to your home every night. Continue reading for tips to do just that!

Start With Your Trees

Raccoons can access fruit trees in a few ways. They can use their amazing climbing abilities to scale a tree and access the fruit. Or they can use structures that are near a fruit tree to access the fruit. If you have structures near your fruit trees that wild animals can access, if possible you need to consider renovating these areas to avoid the potential for animal activity.

If you do not have structures that assist animals in accessing the fruits of your fruit trees, then all you need to do is inhibit raccoons from being able to climb those tree trunks. And if raccoons cannot gain traction on tree trunks, then they cannot easily climb them. For this reason, it is recommended to install a metal collar around your fruit trees.

Making a Metal Tree Collar

You can purchase aluminum or galvanized sheet metal at any local home improvement store for a reasonable price. Buy a strip of sheet metal that is between 18 to 24 inches wide. Be sure it is long enough to wrap around the tree trunk completely, plus overlap an extra 2-inches. From underneath the sheet metal, run a wire through both sides. Then bend the wire outward to keep the guard in place. Consult your local tree service company for advice and assistance making tree collars.

If you are experiencing raccoon problems, call your local Raccoon Control Company for help getting rid of raccoons for good. They use non-lethal and humane methods to extract raccoons and relocate them to a faraway habitat. They also retain the knowledge and resources to implement strategies that will prevent raccoons from coming back.

Raccoon Removal Louisville Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional raccoon removal in Louisville, Kentucky. We are DNR license and insured wildlife control contractors that only use safe and humane methods to remove raccoons and prevent their return. We can help you with your raccoon problems at a price you can afford. Call 502-553-7622 when you need raccoon removal and control in Louisville, KY and its surrounding areas.

Can You Cook and Eat Wild Raccoons?

While catching wildlife in your backyard and eating it for dinner may seem like an extreme means of obtaining food for your family, many people across the country have been practicing this custom for as long as mankind has hunted and gathered in North America. In fact, wild raccoon is a common dish in many parts of the world too. But even though raccoon is technically edible, does this mean that you should trap a raccoon on your property and eat it for supper? The answer is no. Continue reading to learn more about raccoons as food, and the safest way to try it.

Raccoon for Dinner

Raccoons in the wild are known carriers of the Rabies virus, as well as, several other infectious diseases. They are also hosts for fleas, ticks, lice, and more. For these reasons, it is not safe to trap a wild coon in your yard, prepare it, and eat it for a meal. It is also illegal in Indiana to hunt or trap wildlife without a valid Indiana hunting license. If you are serious about eating raccoon, it is best to go about it in a safer and more legal way.

Indiana Raccoon Hunting Season

If you like the idea if hunting and catching your own raccoon, you can obtain an Indiana hunting permit and begin as soon as the season is upon us. Raccoon hunting season in Indiana starts in November and ends in January. You can explore the regulations for raccoon hunting, and make bonds with fellow experienced coon hunters that can show you the ropes and teach you about cooking raccoons.

Finding Raccoon Meat

If you are not interested in hunting raccoons, you can try a restaurant that serves wild game like raccoon, squirrel, rabbit, opossum, and more. If there are no restaurants like this around your area, you can look for a butcher shop that can order wild or specialty game for you. This way, you know the meat is FDA approved and safe to consume. You can always track down a raccoon eating festival too. Minnesota has a famous annual raccoon cook out called Delafield Coon Feed.

Raccoon Removal and Control in Louisville

If you have raccoon problems on your property, we can help! Call 502-553-7622 for safe and humane raccoon removal and control in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding areas. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife contractors that provide a wide range of non-lethal raccoon control services, including raccoon removal and raccoon cleanup. We also provide effective solutions for raccoon prevention. Call 502-553-7622 when you need prompt and professional Louisville raccoon removal you can afford.

General Overview of the Common Raccoon

There are many different kinds of raccoon species in North America, and even the world! These animals are fascinating creatures to learn about because they are so clever and interesting. Raccoons are often given a bad name due to nuisance raccoons in residential and commercial areas; however, this is due to housing developments and new construction that pushes raccoons out of their natural habitats. There are certainly nuisance raccoons and other animals in our neighborhoods, but in the wild, raccoons are intriguing animals that are worth reading about!

Distinctive Features of a Raccoon

Raccoons are most noticeable by their striped bushy tails and black furry face masks that lays across their eyes. This is where they nailed the nickname, “bandits”, in regards to their mischievous ways. Raccoons also have incredibly dexterous paws that lets them grip and clasp onto things. This is an advantage over other forest animals. They are also mammals that typically weight between 8 to 20 pounds, depending on species and age. Raccoons can be brown and black, or gray and black, and any combination in between. This also depends on which species and part of the world they are from. They have dense fur that dries quickly. It keeps them cool in the hot seasons and warm in the colder ones. They have slightly pointy snouts and whiskers, giving them a cat-like look.

Raccoon Food Chain

Raccoons are omnivores. This means they eat almost anything, from small vertebrae to fruits, nuts, and fish. The diet is a beneficial one because they can live up to twenty years, so long as they steer clear from dangerous roads and predators. Raccoons can be preyed on by mountain lions, bob cats, cougars, and other large forest animals. The most vulnerable to predators are raccoon babies, called kits. Raccoons give birth to usually 1-5 kits. Their gestation period is short, lasting for only about 65 days. Raccoons are good mothers, but let their young run free once they have learned to fend for themselves.

Raccoons and Disease

They stereotype is that all raccoons have rabies, or some other disease that can be harmful to humans and domesticated animals; but the truth is, any animal can carry rabies and pass it along to another. Raccoons may very well have rabies, but it is just as likely that every other animal has it too. The crux of the matter is that not all raccoons have rabies, but should still be avoided at all times because it is difficult to tell if they are ill or not. Most likely, raccoons are more scared of us then we are of them, making raccoon attacks very unlikely.

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Call Louisville Raccoon Removal at 502-553-7622 for prompt and humane raccoon control service in Kentucky. We are DNR licensed raccoon control contractors with decades of experience working with wild raccoons. We have the safe and affordable solutions to get rid of raccoons and prevent them from retuning in the future. Our friendly wildlife removal contractors are happy to answer questions, give advice, and manage your raccoon problems, anytime. Give us a call at 502-553-7622 to learn more about raccoon control in Louisville, KY today.

Why are Raccoons Dangerous?

Although it can be easy getting caught up in the excitement when you spot a raccoon on your porch or property, it is important to remember that raccoons are extremely dangerous animals. It is a cruel joke Mother Nature has played on us for hundreds of years, creating cute and adorable animals that we can never have contact with due to the dangers they pose. And raccoons are one of those animals! They are fascinating to watch, but the truth is, having raccoons on your property is a huge hazard. Continue reading to find out why raccoons are dangerous and how to keep them away.

People and Pets are at Risk of Harm

Raccoons are known carriers of the Rabies virus. This is reason enough to not want them around your children and pets. One bite or scratch can transmit the disease, which is almost always fatal for dogs and cats. People, on the other hand, can be treated for Rabies, but the treatment is intensive and painful. The best method to avoiding being attacked or bitten by an infected raccoon is to avoid them at all costs and to keep them off your property.

Rabies is not the only health threat raccoons have to offer. Other illnesses like Leptospirosis, distemper, roundworm, mange, and more are also possible threats to us and our pets. Raccoons can also carry and pass long a variety of parasites, fleas, and ticks. These can spread into the home and cause a long-term battle to get rid of them. Keeping your pets indoors as much as possible, and supervising them while outdoors, it an effective way to keep them safe from hazards like these.

Raccoon Control

If you want to keep raccoons away from your property, you need to remove any sources of food, water, and possible shelter. This will thwart their interest since there is nothing on your property that they want. This includes removing pet food, water dishes, bird baths, squirrel feeders, and bird feeders. It also requires a home inspection to ensure there are no vulnerable areas that raccoons can access for shelter, such as soffits, roof shingles, and attic vents. When your home is properly sealed, it is important to use good judgement to prevent raccoon activity on your property, like taking the garbage out the morning of trash day instead of the night before. You may want to also consider installing motion-sensored lighting or sound machines to scare raccoons away.

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Call 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional raccoon removal in Louisville, Kentucky. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control specialists with more than 30 years of experience in the industry. We provide a wide range of non-lethal, humane raccoon removal and control for residential and commercial properties all throughout Kentucky. Ask us for free estimates and advice anytime! Call 502-553-7622 for Louisville raccoon removal you can trust.

Interesting Raccoon Facts and Fun Trivia!

There are so many interesting and fun facts about wild raccoons and their young. As a nature lover, it is only expected to be an admirer of such evolved, intelligent, and thrifty critters. Their capabilities truly set them apart from the other species of animal that share their natural habitats. To learn more interesting and exciting information about the common raccoon, continue reading and indulge yourself in useful raccoon trivia, truths, and facts!

Let’s Get Started!

What is the Scientific Name for a Wild Raccoon?

Raccoons are scientifically referred to as Procyon Lotor. This is a Latin term that loosely translates into “washer dog”. This could be because raccoons use their hands to “wash or rinse” their food in water before consuming it. Although it is not proven that this is the reason why raccoons douse their food before eating it, it has been a source for naming the species over the ages. It dates back to old Native American slang that describes raccoons as “ones who rubs and scratches with its hands”.

What Do Raccoons Eat?

The diets for wild raccoons in nature differ from the diets of raccoons living in urban and metropolitan areas. Raccoons in nature tend to feed mostly on fish, amphibians, insects, worms, invertebrates, bird eggs, and plant material. They are excellent at fishing but will eat anything that is easily attainable and tasty. In comparison, wild raccoons in suburban territories have become accustomed to a different palette of food. Raccoons have become experts at surviving in residential and urban areas following commercial development and construction. They like to rummage through trash cans and dumpsters for scraps of food; as well as, steal outdoor pet food, garage inventories, and more. They have become very good at these tasks that have proven well for survival.

How Long to Raccoons Live?

Raccoons are meant to live full lives up to twenty or more years; however, this mostly depends on their environment, territory, and plain luck. Because raccoons are known as pests in residential and commercial neighborhoods, they can be the target of inhumane animal trapping and hunting. This can certainly take off a few years of their life. Also, environmental conditions can influence the life expectancy of a wild raccoon. Available food sources, weather, and more can all determine how long a raccoon can survive in the wild.

Some people are raccoon pet owners who have successfully domesticated raccoons. These “pet” raccoons can live up to 20 or 30 years in captivity. When considering all the environmental and influential elements that raccoons can face, on average they live to be about two or three years old; however, in the wild, this number can more than double depending on nearby predators and other threats.

Raccoon Removal Louisville

Call 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional raccoon removal in Louisville, Kentucky. With more than 20 years of experience, our technicians can provide a wide range of raccoon control services for all situations and properties. We are DNR licensed and insured, and committed to safe and humane raccoon removal and control. If you need Louisville raccoon control services for your residential or commercial property, call our office today at 502-553-7622 and get a free estimate in a matter of minutes!

A Raccoon on the Roof is Not a Good Sign

Raccoons are excellent climbers with nimble, dexterous paws, and they use these qualities to access rooftops in residential and urban areas. It is very common to spot raccoons on the roof at night, or just after sunset when it isn’t quite dark yet. This is the time of day when raccoons are either returning or leaving from wherever it is they are nesting. So this means if you see a raccoon on the roof, they are up to no good. Continue reading to learn why you might have raccoons on the roof, and how to safely and humanely get rid of them.

Raccoons and Roofs

If a raccoon is on a roof, it is most likely looking for a vulnerable area in the eaves or soffit to rip out and use as an access point to your attic. And if they are not looking for this, it is because they have already found it! Raccoons like to use these areas to create dens in order to breed and raise their young. Once their young is old enough to fend for themselves, they leave the nest to go look for one of their own. A raccoon on a roof is a blatant indication that you have raccoons in the attic or other area of your home that is accessible through the roof. And if you have raccoons on the roof and they haven’t access your home yet, they are looking to do so very soon. Raccoons don’t just climb for fun; they are either hunting, gathering, escaping danger, or looking for shelter. Don’t make the mistake of ignoring a raccoon on the roof!

In a little amount of time, raccoons can make a disastrous mess in your home. They tear down attic insulation to make nests and soil just about every surface area with droppings, birthing debris, and rotting food scraps. They also chew through electrical wiring, rip out floorboards and saturate ceilings with urine which causes stains and odors Needless to say, raccoons are capable of causing an extreme amount of structural damage and destruction if left alone.

Wildlife Rescue Services

Call a local wildlife rescue contractor for safe and humane raccoon removal services if you spot any on your roof or around your property. It is better to take precautionary measures rather than waiting for a disaster to fall into your lap. Never leave pet food outside, as raccoons love this and will return night after night for it; and always take your trash out the morning of garbage pickup day. These are just a few methods to keep raccoons off your property. Also consider having your siding, roof, windows, and doors inspected and properly sealed, as well as, installing motion sensor lighting outside to thwart raccoon activity.

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Call 502-553-7622 for professional raccoon removal and control in Louisville, Kentucky. We are highly trained and experienced, DNR licensed wildlife rescue and control contractors that can remove raccoons safely and humanely at a low cost to you. We also provide minor attic restorations and repairs for raccoon damages, as well as, raccoon prevention, and much more. Call 502-553-7622 if you see raccoons on the roof in Louisville, KY right away.

How to Keep Raccoons Out of the Chimney

Raccoons are known to use residential homes and commercial buildings to breed, nurse their young, and acquire shelter from inclement weather, predators, and more. One area that is a common target for raccoons is the chimney. Chimneys are often overlooked when implementing pest-proofing strategies for one’s home, especially if they are not used very often. But whether you are a regular fireplace user or not, it is wise to figure out an effective way to keep raccoons out of the chimney. Raccoons can cause costly structural damages to roofs and chimneys, as well as, carry parasites, spread infectious diseases, and pose several other types of danger to humans and pets. Continue reading for a guide to raccoon-proofing a chimney and who to call for expert advice or professional assistance.

Get Rid of Raccoons in the Chimney

Raccoons can block up the chimney flue with breeding debris, nesting materials, and more. If the flue is closed, animals cannot access the chimney; but, they may still reside on the roof causing shingle damages and perhaps gain entry into an attic space. This means simply closing the flue will not stop a raccoon problem entirely. For frequent raccoon sightings, it is important to outsource the services of a professional raccoon removal company for safe and humane assistance. Unblocking a chimney flue is just one service they will provide for raccoons in chimneys. After that comes raccoon education and preventative maintenance. Ask your local raccoon control technician for details about getting rid of raccoons in chimneys and other areas of a home or property.

As for chimneys, the best way to keep raccoons out of them while still being able to enjoy your fireplace from time to time, is to purchase a chimney cap. Chimney caps work great for preventing wild animal access into chimneys when the flue is open. They are designed to cover the openings of chimneys with a wire mesh, allowing smoke to escape but preventing raccoons from entering. Chimney caps come in two styles: inside mount or single flue. You must measure the perimeter of the inside and outside of the chimney so you can purchase a cap that fits. They are inexpensive, found at most hardware stores, and easy to install on your own. Keep in mind that they need to be replaced each season, as they will endure natural wear and tear, decreasing their effectiveness.

Raccoon Removal Louisville Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional raccoon removal and control in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding neighborhoods. We are DNR licensed and experienced raccoon removal technicians with more than 20 years of experience in the wildlife rescue and control industry. We remove raccoons from chimneys, attics, walls, crawl spaces, patios, decks, porches, garages, roofs, and much more! No matter where your raccoon problem is, our team is fully-equipped to solve it for you fast! Call 502-553-7622 for more information about our raccoon removal services in Louisville, KY today.

Kentucky Trapping Rules for Raccoons

Raccoons are smart, agile, and interesting mammals. Although generally woodland and forest dwellers in this region of the country, wild raccoons are becoming more and more comfortable living among humans in urban, city, and rural areas. They have come to learn overtime that these areas offer plentiful sources of food and shelter. For this reason, raccoons have become more of a nuisance wildlife problem for home and property owners.

Raccoons cause structural damages to lawns and properties, and pose health risks for humans and pets. They are not a welcome visitor and for good reason. Not only can raccoons carry deadly and infectious diseases that can be transmitted to other mammals, they can attack or leave behind massive and costly messes in attics, sheds, garages, porches, crawl spaces, and more.

Furbearers in Kentucky

In Kentucky, raccoons are classified as “furbearers.” Under state law, if wild raccoons are damaging or harming a property, landowners or their tenants have the legal right to trap or take them at any time. Outside of one’s property, Hoosiers can obtain a hunting or trapping license and take raccoons during the appropriate season. This goes for all furbearers, including foxes, coyotes, skunks, beavers, opossum, muskrats, mink, and weasels.

The law mandates that all trapped furbearers must be relocated within the same county, or euthanized. A person cannot relocate and release a trapped raccoon on another person’s property without the permission of the actual property owner. It also decrees that any tenant or property owner that traps and relocates or euthanizes a wild raccoon for these reasons is legally obligated to report this catch to the Kentucky Department of Natural Resources (KDNR) within 72 hours of trapping.

If you have nuisance raccoons on your property, or somewhere within, call a licensed Louisville raccoon control service for safe and humane assistance.

Louisville Raccoon Removal

Call Louisville Raccoon Removal at 502-553-7622 for prompt and humane service you can trust. We are DNR licensed raccoon control contractors with decades of experience in the wildlife rescue and control industry. We offer a wide range of services, for both residential and commercial properties, all at the most competitive prices in town. Call 502-553-7622 for safe and humane raccoon removal services in Louisville, KY and its surrounding counties.

Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Emergency Raccoon Removal and Control 502-553-7622